SCIV Ivy General Discussion & FAQ

I do tend to change theory based on character though. Raph for example I wont bother with WP ever since he has enough range to punish most of you stuff and CL annihilates him with his weakness to stepping...however he often out spaces SW so badly It's not worth it to ever sit in it. Each character gets a little different treatment with me depending on their own range and ability to cover distance on advantage as well how often the can TC and what not.

And knock it off sharpskill, im not doin that retarded flame war anymore. You're new here and are listening to very inexperienced people. You know not what you're talkin bout. No one's going to deny I know a bit about Ivy on these forums that is worth a damn.
I don't play Ivy, but I've vs'd quite a few, and the basic SW garbage(1B vs WR B and 3B) is still very effective. WP has great range pokes that DO WORK vs Raphael included.

The only thing I really noticed from playing Ivy's is CL is mostly good for stepping and 214B, outside of that I see little value in this stance. WP and SW however, are extremely useful.

CL ain't that bad. CL 6B is great for pushback + SG dmg and CL 1B, B+K is a great move with great pushback as well and leads to nice setups.
CL has 22A, 3A, 33A, A+B, 1BB+K, 6B, 214B, WR B, 6A+B. All very decent. I use CL on Raph because of the insane step that gets me a nice A+BA+K as well I can still poke you with 6B and 6A+B. 22A is good too for anti step at a distance. Raph tends to fight at mid range so SW is limited at tiems and I only like to go into it when Raph moves in or a combo brigns it to that. I never try to sit in SW against a raph. Wp has some things, but generlly where you can bypass unsafe moves with good spacing, Raph has such long range quick lunges he can ruin all that effort. My beloved 6B+K2_8 is rarely used on Raph since he's one of the few that can punish it at distance.
ok so new to the forum, and want to play some good ivy's. need to practice! Only have xbl. but would love to play a few matches with any of ya'll..
still up for some ivy mirror matches. if any one is game. XBL - Holycrap06. would really like to play some good ivy's, so i can eat ur brains and gain ur knowledge!
CAT_GIRL_x said:
lol remember me HolyCrap?? =D i've been doing more ivy latly.. maybe we can mirror match later on?? im trying to get better with her, but im still fairly decent on normal online fights =DD kk thx

I would love too! i'll send u a request and we can play, but if shes any thing like ur siegfried than i'm screwed.
One piece of advice: Watch Malek's evo videos. Learn it. Master it. Pwn in WP. Profit.

Seriously, WP was so underestimated before EVO. Now, it should be a must for Ivy players.
After evo (and watching my scrubby vids) I completely stopped sword whoring. It's a very bad habit since you can be out spaced very easily. CL and WP should be a big part of the game plan and focus on SG since Ivy's lows are rather depressing (despite what the internet makes you believe) and you're mostly mid reliant for anything safe. Learn your push backs moves. Moves like WP 44a+bA+B are vastly under appreciated but are amazing if you can force a block. Also learn to keep distance pressure. EX:

SW A+G grab, follow up with 3B+K~A+K. Now I'm in CL after they're forced to either get hit by SW 3B+K or block it and get pushed back farther with a good spike to SG.

I personally need to start using CL [A]1BB+K and keeping pressure in CL.

And yes...SE is useless. ONLY do it on guarantees. If it gets blocked either back step and bait a whiff or 66K. Online makes you think it's safe and amazing...offline you will get destroyed by any patient player.

*Yay fuckin Sora! I've gotten a LOOOOOOT better since you left. Very little iCS but a high rate of it landing now and I'm using much better spacing, stepping, and other tactics you've never seen me use. Basically I'm not trying to stab people with SW 6 repeatedly from mid range anymore.
I kno with CL [A] 1BB+K is the norm for staying in CL. But when I do it on my HRAP EX, it automatically goes into WP instead of staying in CL. The only time it works was if I do it on the 360 pad. Any thing am I missing? Does it work okay on ps3 stick?
No, if you want to stay in CL you need to hold [A+B], not [A]. If you hold A, it will switch you to WP everytime you press K/B+K/K+G/A+K (in other words, everything that has "K")
Ah ic. That should be it. That would be impossible to do on stick unless I macro one of the buttons.

I endup having to map A+B for my pinky. Finally all my fingers are used up.
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