SCV Character Creation Discussion

I think that if the CaS was only 50 but each character (CaS or Original) had their own 'profile' of outfits that took one space each allowing for an unlimited amount within each 'profile' it would be perfect.

What the heck does CaS have to do with Tourney/Hardcore players???
Nothing, just a nice way to take a break from training for when there isn't anything else to do.
But how would having more than 50 slots possibly detract from the Tournament/Hardcore scene, or harm players themselves?

It's not detrimental to anyone, but they just think that 50 is obviously enough when not even everyone is going to be using all those 50, much less even use CaS.
With the increase in the amount of stuff you can do in CaS, doubling the amount should have been a no brainer. I'm still content however.
Come one if you made that much characters.That just means they were not "differenciated" enough.I can understand what you mean because the number of accessories and the cross dressing increase the possibilities in Sc5 but in SC4 it was probably not the case.
woohoo! I'm gonna make Crono and Simon Belmont!

You are awesome.

Personally I plan on making my six Imaginary Characters. (Like, say i was making an RPG. they would be the heroes) We have!

Connor:(Male) *Based on yours truly. /self-centered* who will be using Raphael's style lest we Get a Zas DLC.

Kiresta:(Female)*Based off My Friend and other stuff* Who will be..Using Leixia lest we Get Talim DLC.

Cadyn:(Male)*Based off nothing* Who will be using Cervantes's Style.

Nina:(Female)*based of Fem!Russia From the Anime axis Powers Hetalia* Who will be using Ivy's Style.

Xander:(Male)*Based off nothing.* will be using Zwei's style.

Yuna:(Female) *Based off Yuna from Final Fantasy* Will be using Viola's style.

...Yeah. I'll just go sit
Come one if you made that much characters.That just means they were not "differenciated" enough.I can understand what you mean because the number of accessories and the cross dressing increase the possibilities in Sc5 but in SC4 it was probably not the case.
In SCIV, if you couldn’t exceed 50 totally unique characters with creative equipment / color combinations, the fault was yours, not the system’s — especially if you made at least one alternate color for most of the main cast, and/or 2–5 alt costumes for your top 3–5 characters. SCV’s more versatile CAS system (which, incidentally, is quite welcome) will only make passing that threshold even easier.

WuHT’s admittedly sagacious solution aside, DLC would be a shameful abuse of fans’ good will. But a patch would work.

Whatever, it’s not like I’m canceling my CE preorder over it or anything. It just strikes me as phenomenally shortsighted for them to enhance the CAS system to the degree they have, yet not realize what a large percentage of CAS’s target demographic want more slots. Particularly considering that there is no downside to increasing the number of slots — it would take a trivial amount of extra memory, virtually no real programming time or resources, have no detrimental effect on the game’s functionality or balance, etc. etc. It is, quite simply, a pointless restriction, and people arguing against a slot count increase seem to be acting contrarian for contrarianism’s sake. They’re setting up straw man arguments (poor straw man arguments, no less) over why people shouldn’t make too many CASs, and haven’t put forth any worthy arguments for why the game itself should artificially impose such a limit.
In SCIV, if you couldn’t exceed 50 totally unique characters with creative equipment / color combinations, the fault was yours, not the system’s — especially if you made at least one alternate color for most of the main cast, and/or 2–5 alt costumes for your top 3–5 characters. SCV’s more versatile CAS system (which, incidentally, is quite welcome) will only make passing that threshold even easier.

WuHT’s brilliant solution aside, DLC would be a complete ripoff and abuse of fans’ good will. A patch would suffice.

Whatever, it’s not like I’m canceling my CE preorder over it or anything. It just strikes me as phenomenally shortsighted for them to enhance the CAS system to the degree they have, yet not realize what a large percentage of CAS’s target demographic want more slots. Particularly considering that there is no downside to increasing the number of slots — it would take a trivial amount of extra memory, virtually no real programming time or resources, have no detrimental effect on the game’s functionality or balance, etc. etc. It is, quite simply, a pointless restriction, and people arguing against a slot count increase seem to be acting contrarian for contrarianism’s sake. They’re setting up straw man arguments (poor straw man arguments, no less) over why people shouldn’t make too many CASs, and haven’t put forth any worthy arguments for why the game itself should artificially impose such a limit.
why the game should impose a limit;

1. Scrolling Affect: if there were a ton of slots it would take longer for people to find characters. Offline this might not be a problem but online this is a major issue when there is a timer that counts down how long someone has to pick a character. 50 is already pushing it and if you added 50 more you would have to increase the timer count and by the time someone might actually pick a character someone might leave. Scrolling too much takes time and even having a quick move option would not help if you made a ton of characters as unless someone knows exactly where the character is the likelihood of being able to immediately find and scroll to i within the time limit would be unlikely for most people.

2. Time Limit: As mentioned above since online seems to be timed the only legitimate way for more slots to be added and still have people able to find the character they are looking for is by raising the amount of time you have before choosing a character. This itself is problematic because often times people will simply sit there and allow the computer to choose for them on default, this is irritating to people waiting to play, and this is boring for spectators. On an online environment which is the primary usage of CaS this is likely to annoy and frustrate people and so to prevent this the CaS slot is at a manageable number as is the timer.

3. Specializing: The general belief by most people is that fighting games are for competitive or hardcore players and that most people (casuals included) generally do not create a character in a style that they cannot use. What is the reason of creating a character in a style you can't actually play well as? Aesthetics might be nice but aside from fighting against the character if you never fight as a specific character style or use a specific design in creation then what need is there to use up a slot? Sure I know people do anyways and nothing I say will prevent it but generally the belief is that people only make old characters or characters in a style they can actually use. Regardless of whether this is the truth or not it makes sense from a certain point of view.

4. Alternative Options: Aside from buying a second copy of the game for a different system another option is to simply create a new profile on the system of choice. So you don't have enough on the initial one then create a new profile on your 360/PS3 and gain 50 more slots. Sure you might have to redo a ton of stuff but if you think more slots is worth it I'm sure you will do it. The other alternatives include the CaS database where you can post pics and formulas of all your created characters, type out the formulas in a separate document, etc... Sure it would be nice to have more slots but it isn't plausible with the SCV online feature so although it may not be in game it does not take too much to create a word document or create a thread on a website where you can store your designs.

edit: 1 and 2 are more or less the same thing. too lazy to I'll take the time I could have used to combine the two points and write this sentence instead.
1. Scrolling Affect....
2. Time Limit....
3. Specializing....
4. Alternative Options....
Hi Kyrt, thanks for taking the time to raise some real points of consideration. I’ll show my respect by giving a quick response to each of them, but then I have to sleep, so I’ll be leaving this thread alone until tomorrow evening (SoulCal Eve, haha).
  1. This could be at least partially solved via a [edit: limited, say, to five] folder system, especially if the folders were nameable. At the very least you could separate by gender, or perhaps fighting style, original vs. homage, silly vs. serious, whatever; it would be up to the individual. This arguably could make it faster to find a specific character, depending on the person and their creations / organization. But I admit that with 100, 150+ characters, there would be undoubtedly some people who simply couldn’t find someone specific in a reasonable amount of time.
  2. This is really just a repeat of point one, made specific to online and enforced timers. I agree completely that the timer should not be extended for character selection. If you can’t pick online in 30 seconds (or whatever the default is, I forget), you should accept that the computer will be selecting for you. However, this issue is solved (or not, depending on your perspective) via the same means, and with the same effectiveness, as my folder proposal in point #1.
  3. This is a very good point, or at least, the most effective to date at changing my perspective. Plenty of CAS creations and cast re-colors do “lie fallow,” so to speak. However, this is at least partially offset by the non-shareability of offline CAS; in effect, not all the CAS on my profile are my characters. If the game doesn’t let me pit my CAS against a friend’s CAS offline, then the obvious way we’ve solved that is to repeat some of the costumes between profiles; which is very inefficient and wasteful, but there you have it. On top of which, sometimes the reason people who are into CAS make a character isn’t with the intention of actually using it, but just to have fun within the system itself – what’s wrong with CAS for CAS’s sake? As I’ve said before, for some people (e.g. my sister) this aspect of the game outweighs the true purpose of Soul Calibur as a competitive fighting title. Now, is the attitude “screw them, this is our game” or should it be “well, why not just give them more slots, since that doesn’t affect hardcore players in the slightest?”
  4. Of course WuHT didn’t mean his post seriously, nor, I hope, did anyone take it as such. Extra saves or profiles is one obvious solution currently available. And “shelving” CASs in picture threads (with the details tab imaged to preserve all the info) is another way of at least maintaining the spirit of those creations, even if they’re not immediately usable. But you undermine this issue yourself by bringing up one of the most obvious objections, viz. repetition of effort. I would add that one of the reasons we want more slots is so that we can pit specific CASs against each other (e.g., my friends’ CAS against my CAS) — although an even better solution to that issue would be to enable some kind of offline CAS sharing, which I had hoped they would do.
OK, that’s more than enough for me on this issue — at least, for the time being. Good night all, and hey, less than 24 hours to go! :-)

PS — I don’t mean to make this issue into a bigger one than it is; the depth of my emotion on this topic is not reflected in the amount of ink (number of pixels?) spilled over it. I just write at length when I wish to be precise in my arguments, is all; sadly, not a mode of discourse well-suited to internet fora. In the end, I only felt that everyone else has had their SCV rant, so why couldn’t I? ;-)
Okay, now I think it's just pointless for us to be arguing when the game is literally coming out tomorrow.

This should be a period of rejoice and mindless CaS discussion. :D
Good answers by Gabe. I would just like to add that if the slots we were given were on a per-character basis, we could be able to easily find an Ivy color/gear-edit by selecing that via Ivy's own selection icon, and so on for every other original character.

While making additional player profiles is a possible workaround, it is a bit user unfriendly if you for example live together with other people who like the game, and want to play together with your own creations, or just want to play while the other person takes a short break.
You are awesome.

Personally I plan on making my six Imaginary Characters. (Like, say i was making an RPG. they would be the heroes) We have!

Connor:(Male) *Based on yours truly. /self-centered* who will be using Raphael's style lest we Get a Zas DLC.

Kiresta:(Female)*Based off My Friend and other stuff* Who will be..Using Leixia lest we Get Talim DLC.

Cadyn:(Male)*Based off nothing* Who will be using Cervantes's Style.

Nina:(Female)*based of Fem!Russia From the Anime axis Powers Hetalia* Who will be using Ivy's Style.

Xander:(Male)*Based off nothing.* will be using Zwei's style.

Yuna:(Female) *Based off Yuna from Final Fantasy* Will be using Viola's style.

...Yeah. I'll just go sit

Good show! justplease dont let them turn out like Gamespot's barney :( I CANT RUN AWAY
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