SCV Ivy FAQ & General Discussion

There was a losers bracket, but I assumed Sora was only talking about the match people saw on stream. I was eliminated by a Mitsu player in another close match. Considering both of us were eliminated by Mitsu at our last tournament, I think I know who you should do your next punishment chart over. =P
Haha, yeah. I actually have both Mitsu and Leixia punishments done, but the latter one needs some corrections after the patch. I will posts them as soon as they are finished.

After the patch, Leixia is not as scary anymore but can still pose a problem for Ivy. WS B BE seems to side step in Ivy's weak side, at close range it will beat lots of options since it now can aGI 2A's as well. I'm glad they reduced the pushback of 33BB though and now it's easily 6B8K punishable. Her guard burst game is pretty ridiculous (or was, not sure if anything has changed in this matter).

Maybe -- haven't hit the lab yet (won't for a while, need a break lol) to see which command it was. Snort kept throwing it out every start of round then once in a while after that, but every time he threw it out he caught people off guard especially because of the movement nerfs. He really played a different kind of viola -- more setup-happy rather than landing combos and going for max damage. I would define it as 'Soul Calibur 5 Resets'.
Any videos? I'm pretty convinced Ivy vs Viola is at least 6:4, maybe 7:3 once you figure out the character.
If you guys watch the NCR finals, this Viola (Snort) beat Cedric too. I fought him again in casuals and I lost -- it definitely put a new fear of setup-happy Viola in me. But first, I need to learn how to safely move AND fight against movement post-patch.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who has trouble against Snort.
I've played with him over 100 games and only started winning once I GI half his crap.
Viola's very hard to punish on block :(
She also does a ton of guard damage.
Any videos? I'm pretty convinced Ivy vs Viola is at least 6:4, maybe 7:3 once you figure out the character.

Funnily enough, Snort was convinced of the same thing. However, his playstyle just threw traditional matchup knowledge out the window. You know how some Voldos rely on gimmicks rather than frames? Think of that of his Viola, but to a much lesser fancy, more calculated degree.

Anyway, finals with Snort here:
Recently I'm having a lot of problems against good turtlers. They avoid the fight, always stay out of range, play super defensively and only attack to punish my moves, without leaving space for openings...

How should I fight this kind of opponents?
Should I turtle too? I always play Ivy offensively, but I am not sure if this is a good choice....
Every move in the game seems to be JG-able. Doing JG on B+K is really risky though (especially if you block the first move and then try to JG the second or 3rd one), if you fail you get launched
Yeah, I meant the third hit. I had someone JG just the third hit and they were able to punish me. And since the move has a steady rhythm, I imagine it's pretty easy to JG just the third hit.
Simple question guys what you guys use after a GI. I tend tu use 3B or 2A+B but I dont thinks that's worth the meter any idea ?
GI gives you about +30 frames of advantage. So basically everything from i11 (4B) to i29 (6B+K) should be guaranteed. Check the frame data.

The strongest meterless option seems to be 1B+K, 8A+B(B) for slightly over 60 dmg.
CE is guaranteed after GI for 100 dmg but it requires 150% meter.
I feel like range becomes an issue a lot of times post-GI.
CE rarely works because the GI pushes back too far.
1BE suffers from the same problem...especially against characters like viola...the one character where GI is needed.
Thus I still hold that 8A+B, {B} is the best safest option.
Does anyone else ever use 214A to TC a high and land the UB? I feel like it's a high risk, high reward strategy that might actually be viable against the slower characters.
Does anyone else ever use 214A to TC a high and land the UB? I feel like it's a high risk, high reward strategy that might actually be viable against the slower characters.
not very useful but meh.

I really want SCIV raphy back, he looks like a flamboyant fruitcup now, talk about homo, when he grabs ur nuts he says "goooood" in sc4 he said disgusting...