Seong Mi-na Videos

Shame there aren't many Mi-na vids out there. I have respect for those that had to use the crappy training mode as their only way of learning stuff back in the day.
I will be the first to christen the new video thread! These are from yesterday's Jaxeldome. There was another match, but it was too much of a one-sided beatdown from Jaxel so it's not worth posting. Also, I was so zoned out in the L3 match that I thought Bibulus won and apparently I walked off at 2-2. Oh well. Shit happens. I'm a little embarrassed by it though!

J-Dome vids, from 3/29. I was on a roll at first but then ended up getting rolled once I made it to Winners and Losers finals. I usually implode like this when I don't let go of deliberately spacing. And I knew it too, which is why I got upset and punched a box after LF.

But Dreamkiller and Jaxel (< especially this guy, fucking SC2/Talim zealot) really know their shit though - watch their match in Finals. That said, I got away with about a billion AA(B) attempts the whole bracket.

Also I want to post a video I found from our friends in Brazil, which has SOUL EDGE VERSION MI-NA!

But Dreamkiller and Jaxel (< especially this guy, fucking SC2/Talim zealot) really know their shit though - watch their match in Finals.
I want to point out that during this tournament, I had been up for a straight 36 hours... running on no sleep at all.

I would have kicked Dreamkiller's ass otherwise! Kappa
fucking SC2/Talim zealot
I also want to point out that during SC2's heyday, Talim was never considered top tier. She was however, considered a scrub-killer. She had the ability to greatly punish impatient players. So by the end of SC2, she was considered upper-mid tier. However, now, 10 years later, that we've all forgotten how to play SC2... we are all scrubs again, and Talim has some significant character armor because of it.

Think of it like Superman in Injustice. There is NO WAY he should have been considered top tier pre-patch; and given enough time without the patch, people would have come to understand this. What he had was the ability to punish impatient players. The difference is, SC2 didn't have the luxury of reactionary patching.
I also want to point out that during SC2's heyday, Talim was never considered top tier. She was however, considered a scrub-killer. She had the ability to greatly punish impatient players. So by the end of SC2, she was considered upper-mid tier. However, now, 10 years later, that we've all forgotten how to play SC2... we are all scrubs again, and Talim has some significant character armor because of it.

Hey man, did you know that Talim's 2A stops all of Mi-na's best jumping attacks? I don't mean that it cuts off her TJ frames; I mean that it actually hits her out of the air. I'm not even fucking kidding! I will show you next time I'm up at your place.
HEY HEY HEEEY Mi-na faithfuls, I still do play this character in SC2HD from time to time on my offline casuals stream - the replays of which are below. I started to get a bit aggravated towards the second video so you're going to see some lazy play and non-adaptation from me later on. SORRY! :sc4min1:

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