Setsuka - Q&A Thread

Pretty unique setting. If you have the time, you can try this one (mine) out:

X -> A
Y -> B
B -> K
A -> G

LB -> A
LT -> A+K
RB -> B
RT -> B+G

For the JF a:G:B, I´m sliding from X to A and then to RB or RT (B+G counts as B in this case). After some practise, it´s rather easy. For CF, you can simply press LT and RT together to get the CF done. This is just my setting, you can map LB and RB for different buttons of course.

I hope this helps you a bit, I´m having a hard time online with Setsuka. I can hit 1A:A:A fairly often, as well as 1B:B,FC3B:B and BT B+K:B offline but not online...
Setsuka Requirement Issues

Simply watch Setsuka as she lands and start buffering your command shortly AFTER she touches the ground. A better example on how to buffer 2143aB (in my opinion) is the following method:

Use her 3B on normal hit and then do 2143aB

Against most characters, a normal Shade Buster/Umbrella will connect and a correct buffered/1-frame-slided Umbrella as well. Note: Smaller characters like Amy and Talim need the JF Umbrella in order to connect.

When you got the timing down, try using it after A+KB shortly after she touches the ground. I hope this helped you a bit.

BTW weshookhands, since you´re from Germany as well, why not talk through PSN and/or Private Messenges in the near future?^^
I had actually tried that when I got home yesterday... is there a trick to the X-A-RB way of getting agB? Its so weird I couldnt even pull off the normal attack.

Dang, it just had to be three buttons didnt it =-/
Yep, that´s the thing with the one-frame-slide. Just try to get the normal agB done and then try to do it faster from try to try. It surely takes some time, I´m using a white cotton-glove for my right hand since nearly half a year. I could try and make a video about this and some other stuff. But it´d be rather simple because I own Win 2000 and I don´t have any programs for movie-editing and stuff :/

If interesting, the things I could do in the video/s are the following:

Digi-pad & arcade-stick: 1B:B, 1A:A:A, 2143B:B, BT B+K:B, B+K series

Digi-pad only: a:G:B, 2143a:B

Everything on the Xbox 360.

BTW, I´d like to play some of you, it doesn´t have to be Setsuka at all due to lag and such.^^
wheres the best place to use sakura/moon combo? i have trouble using it as anything other than a stand alone move, is there anything it buffers out of? the few ive found just make me swear alot. my setsuka isnt scaring anyone, help!
thanks. ive been trying 8way moves out of 236, whilst ill mostly get the move i want, its a bit hit n miss. i dont really understand the 236+ mechanics. any info please? also is there any point doing 2143aB over FC3aB other than being easier?
edit: also is FC3aB the sensible way to follow agB? (sorry for old questions, ive been through a few threads but thought id just ask)
There are many uses for B+K, but it all depends on how well you can read your opponent and take advantage of their tendencies. One example would be if your opponent likes to GI. If you can read their rhythm (or force them into yours), you can take advantage of that and cause them to GI whiff, giving you a free B+K. So be creative with her playstyle and make opportunities present themselves.

As for aGb, TC properties aside, I have nothing to say about that move except that it's a linear non-tracking mid that requires you to be up close, and has terrible frames on block, along with sub par pushback. You can get an ~80ish dmg combo off of it with A+KB Umbrella, but to me the risk is still too high unless their soul guage is about to break.

And concerning 236:
also is there any point doing 2143aB over FC3aB other than being easier?
edit: also is FC3aB the sensible way to follow agB? (sorry for old questions, ive been through a few threads but thought id just ask)

2143aB is required for her BnB combos ending in A+K B umbrella. It is impossible to manually crouch and do FC3aB in combos like that.
thanks for reply's. anyway ive noticed something odd, whenever i do sakura or s/moon my tv screen goes darker for half a second on second hit, it wont do it if i only get first two hits. irrelevant i know, just weird thats all.
checked it. you're right. the screen darkens a little, when sakura/s. moon is performed...i was already getting all excited hoping it might be a hidden unblockable, when i realized that there are several "normal" screendarkeners in the of ivy's throws for example. and other attack throws, i guess...not all attack throws for sure, though.
(putting aside that an unblockable move in that particular situation would be pretty useless anyway...except for the extra damage...)
thanks for looking, must be a reason? i cant think what. probably to make people doubt their sanity, ty namco. maybe its to help opponent, they can get busy if they know theres no 3rd hit? dont tell me 'dark screens' are common knowledge ive completely missed!
Well in this case at least, the dark screen really doesn't matter.
I guess that you can block or backstep...or try a sidestep if Setsuka doesn't use bA.
But you can't attack her, or else you'll eat a counter hit.
I have a question. Is it good to throw in Rising Red Moon:aG:::B: into the mix? I think it is a pretty good move but I kinda don't really use it all too much since it somewhat has short range(from what I noticed), but I think it might have some hidden potential, but not too sure, lol.
I have a question. Is it good to throw in Rising Red Moon:aG:::B: into the mix? I think it is a pretty good move but I kinda don't really use it all too much since it somewhat has short range(from what I noticed), but I think it might have some hidden potential, but not too sure, lol.

It's not bad if you don't mind being punished by doom combo.
I have a question. Is it good to throw in Rising Red Moon:aG:::B: into the mix? I think it is a pretty good move but I kinda don't really use it all too much since it somewhat has short range(from what I noticed), but I think it might have some hidden potential, but not too sure, lol.

It has TC properties, and it's worked a couple times for me when the other guy thought I was going to step, and did a horizontal high, like 66A. But this is really the only reason I use agB unless their Soul Gauge is flashing, then I use it to break.

Otherwise, not much use outside of combos.