Setsuka - Q&A Thread

your timing is wrong.

as a general rule for multi-input moves like this...

before the first input even connects with the opponent, the second part must already be done. the same thing applies with the third input, in most cases.
It's possible to input the B+K combo too fast.
So try to slow down.
When Setsuka is in the air, there's a certain moment where you cannot input 44_66B+K. But it will work if you do it before or after this short moment.
finally got the b+k 61b part down, i was doing it too fast, ill figure out the last soon enough, thinks for the help and ne other tips or good setups?
I keep a certain rythm when I do the whole B+K combo.
One: B+K6, pause, neutral controller.
Two: 1B, pause, neutral controller.
Three: 44B+K, pause, admire Setsuka's kickassness.

All at the same speed. Fairly easy. And the last hit can be either 44B+K or 66B+K, both work and do the same thing.

New players typically do 4K, which stuns the opponent, and then use B+K combo.
But 4K is shakable, so it's a bad habit that won't work against better players. And it makes it stupidly easy to perform B+K, so you won't really improve...

When you're comfortable throwing B+K out anytime naturally, you can try to sidestep enemy attacks and punish them with B+K. (I suggest that you spend some hours in training mode to do that. It should improve your B+K game greatly.)

And you can use B+K when you feel that the opponent it about to attack. You can get a counter hit B+K combo that way.

Then of course you can rush to the opponent and perform B+K if they duck...
And after people have been knocked down, you can mix either throw, 2A+B, or B+K combo while they get back up. But good players will usually stand still, block, and be ready to break a throw attempt in case that you decide that, or they will just keep rolling and make you whiff. So it's not a dependable way to use the move either.
I wanted to know if anyone agrees with what I've heard about Setsuka. Quite a few people have said that if one decides to learn and try to master Setsuka, it can help improve a person's general skills (especially JF timing and frame trapping) as well as help improve one's skills with their other characters.
Setsuka Requirement Issues

why are there so many requirements for setsuka to fulfill in order to pull off a decent match?

-you have to JF many many moves to deal some serious damage (it's okay having SOME JF moves, though)
-you have to level up her aGI every single match in order to pull off some good counters (her first lvl attack being very short-ranged, which make it useless against e.g. Kilik)
-some attacks tend to miss the opponent
-very few stun moves
-the combinations you have to press are sometimes rather difficult to perform (which makes her a bad beginners' this point isn't really that unfair)
-all this makes her a weaker online character than most others due to lag issues

i think this is pretty unfair...i know that SC4 is quite an unbalanced game and that many players complain about the advantages/disadvantages that some charaters have. but setsuka seems to be one of the losers in this competition. still i don't see why these things weren't fixed or or at least slightly improved in the patch.

what do you think, do you agree? or am i just too bad a setsuka player to get it right? any tips?
i hope that namco's gonna fix this in the sequels and that they'll give her more moves rather than them away from her (for instance 44AB from SC3...but that seems to be a general problem).

sorry, i just had to get this off of my chest ;)
Setsuka Requirement Issues

(Everybody whiffs in SC4. It's a global problem.

Notice the 1A? yeah...)

If you play Setsuka you're looking for a challenge. That's just it. Moreso if you take online seriously.

"Tier wise", played with perfect execution, she's got tools to hang with everybody else. You get rewarded for your work...

but anyway, as the saying goes... if you can't take the heat, get outta the kitchen :|
Setsuka Requirement Issues

Setsuka requires practice, it takes time to become good with her. I see nothing wrong with that. Once you understand the character more, she becomes one of the best characters in the game. So keep practicing!
Setsuka Requirement Issues

why are there so many requirements for setsuka to fulfill in order to pull off a decent match?

Because she is not beginner friendly. You just need to practice inputing some of her commands... a lot. The more you practice the easier she becomes to play.

Also, this:
Once you understand the character more, she becomes one of the best characters in the game. So keep practicing!
Setsuka Requirement Issues

Some of us are not satisfied with a mere "you win" at the end of the match. Some of us like to know that we can win against the odds too.

Setsuka doesn't need any fixing. Her general difficulty of execution is her charm.
And she's a great beginner character if you're serious about becoming a better player in general. She won't let you rely on cheap easy tools.
Setsuka Requirement Issues

don't get me wrong, i'm not saying that it's not easy enough to win with her. it's just that, even if you can perform all of her moves, you'll have a huge disadvantage playing online, because the lag will delay your input most of the times.
if it was about simply winning, i'd be spamming people with mitsurugi or astaroth ;)
playing sets is a challenge, which i like. i just sometimes wish that the challenge would pay off a little more.

and i do enjoy playing with her, otherwise i wouldn't complain. it's just so frustrating to see that you get so easily beaten my mere beginners just because your connection quality cannot keep up with your/her pace.
and i do agree that playing setsuka improves your input ability in general, yes...

how about stun moves? i know about 4K, FC3A+B and 1B:B and probably others, but they all stun low or sometimes middle. is there a way to stun juggle opponents like for example Amy can?
Setsuka Requirement Issues

The biggest thing I can tell you about her JFs is: listen to the buttons. Work on that audio cue and you won't have to worry about lag from online or TVs screwing up your JF inputs.
Setsuka Requirement Issues

isn't she decently high damage, good soul gauge damage, and one of the safest characters
Setsuka Requirement Issues

I have no problem with setsuka online or offline.
Her JF's become muscle memory. Everything after that is your tool to use. Setsuka is just one of the characters that you really can't win with just based on long combo's like other characters, like Mitsurugi orXianghua. It may just be me, but I find that Setsuka works best when you're taking your time with her and using moves as counter attacks, rather than trying to be on the offensive at all times. If you know your at a disadvantage in certain situations, the best thing to do is back off and make them fight to your strength.
Setsuka Requirement Issues

how about stun moves? i know about 4K, FC3A+B and 1B:B and probably others, but they all stun low or sometimes middle. is there a way to stun juggle opponents like for example Amy can?

You know, you don't need stun moves to combo. What's the big draw of stun moves anyway? She has a lot of moves that combo on NH for great damage, like 33B, 1B:B, 11B, B+K series, etc, these ones take off between 50+ and 86 damage. On CH she just gets extra hit stun and allows you to combo with more stuff, her BnB CH combos get you between 1/4 and 1/3 life bar. Add a wall or a tech trap into these combos and they do over 1/2 bar. Basically lots of her moves leave the opponent in a state where A+K B will pick up off of the ground into umbrella to combo.

BTW a lot of the Amy "stun juggles" are not guaranteed and are easily shakable.

isn't she decently high damage, good soul gauge damage, and one of the safest characters

Yes, yes, and yes. Though she isn't just decently high damage, I'd say very high damage by this game's standards. She gets Raph 4 combo level damage and then more off of basically everything.
Setsuka Requirement Issues

ok, thanks guys.
now i have something to work on. first thing will be A+KB umbrella. still haven't figured how to do it.
I got a question, I pretty much got all her JFs down offline, but idk how I'm ever gonna get the a:G:b one.

See, my button set-up (Xbox) is
X= A
A= B
B= K
RT = G
Y= A+K
The bumpers are my A+G and B+G

I actually have to use my left thumb to press the X, right index for RT I use my right thumb. So.... idk how I'm ever gonna get it.

For that matter, idk how anybody could get it because how can you put your G button between your A and B button, but risk having a harder time with the umbrella a move that should be more frequently used? Like, do we all have make a choice between the umbrella and agB?
on a stick it's pretty easy. On a pad I would assume you should use the default layout and do something like what cheese did in his demo video:
check out around 1:05