Setsuka - Q&A Thread

Fourth Q: I noticed I use a lot of 2A+B. That's bad right? Mainly because it is quite unsafe on block in which I painfully learned, lol. Is there any mix ups for it? I think I have some down, but I just want other Setsuka players insight on this.

Fifth Last Q: What do I do when I get the opponent down on the ground and I am at close distance? Do I mix in some 2B+K, 11_77B, 2B, 2ks? is there anything better?

Don't take anything I say as truth, because I'm not that great of a Setsuka player, but I'll try and answer your questions as best as I can.

4. You could always try different lows to change up your game. I recommend 1A: A: A if you can do it, and if you can't there's always 11A, which puts you into FC (it only sweeps on CH, just so you know). If they're starting to suspect your lows, you can mix it up by doing any B+K series move any time you WOULD use 2A+B, since the startup looks almost similar... but failing to block a B+K series move hurts a LOT.

5. I think her best options for ground-hitting are either 2B+K (because if they block it on reaction, you can frame trap with it), and 1B:B since both hits will hit off the floor. If your opponent thinks they can be clever and stay on the floor, try picking them up with A+K B for a free umbrella. Sadly, mostly all of Setsuka's floor-hitting moves can be rolled, so just be cautious and make sure you don't whiff.
I have a couple of Setsuka questions that can hopefully be answered, lol.

First one: Is it worth learning the 1B:B, 214~3B:B, JF umbrella combo? I've been practicing it on training, with the Cpu active just to get a feel of it and it's coming along but I can not hit it a lot. I can probably do it 4 out of 10 attempts. Also, after the 214~3B:B hits, instead of JF umbrella, can I try to do 66A+B? Or will could they just Tech roll it or escape that in any other manner?

Second Q: How should I to use 236? Should I even try to use it?

Third Q: Asides from JF umbrella and possibly FC 3B:B punishes, what other ones can I do? I found it somewhat useful to use AA as a decent punisher on some moves on the SC cast, but I really don't know anything about punishing with her other than JF umbrella and FC 3B:B. Possibly mix in some 4B, 44B+K, 3K, 6B or something? Or should I just visit her frame data thread?

Fourth Q: I noticed I use a lot of 2A+B. That's bad right? Mainly because it is quite unsafe on block in which I painfully learned, lol. Is there any mix ups for it? I think I have some down, but I just want other Setsuka players insight on this.

Fifth Last Q: What do I do when I get the opponent down on the ground and I am at close distance? Do I mix in some 2B+K, 11_77B, 2B, 2ks? is there anything better?

That's all I got for now, lol. Sorry for the wall of text but I want to master Setsuka or at least be a formidable one for that matter, lol. Thanks in advance to whoever takes the time to read this wall of text, lol.

1st - It's a good combo to know if you have your opponent's back towards the edge but I'd stick with 1B:B, iWS B, A+K B, JF Umb. staple. I'm not too sure about 66A+B, I think it can be blocked instantly.

2nd - 236 is a good way to hide some of her 8WR moves. Use it to intimidate. 236 can make the opponent block as they are expecting a move to come out of it, so use it to your advantage and throw. Once they start ducking, 2363B!

3rd - Definitely add more 44B+K. Good damage and fast (i14, I believe?). 1B:B and B+K can also punish several things (1B:B for Sophie's 236B and step B+K for whiffs or Mitsu's 2KB, IIRC).

4th - Like the above post said, mix it up with B+K due to similar animations. Just don't over use it too much. Try more 1A: A: As if possible.

5th - Consider the suggestions in the above post and add 11_77K. I believe it catches people who roll on the ground.
Thanks A_Bad_Idea and Shade_Buster! Those answer shall benefit me, haha. Anyway, I think I can mix in some 1A:A:As now, because I think I am getting them in but only against the cpu sadly, lol. At any rate, I think I almost have it down. I'll remember to mix in some 11_77Ks, forgot that it somewhat tracks and it has a pretty good distance.

Also, something came to mind just now. Is 66A+B blocked with sets at close distance, a pretty good way to bait in a 1A:A:A? I was just wondering that, because I was just messing around with the cpu in training and I hit some 1A:A:As on it after my 66A+B was blocked. Then again it is the cpu. It's not very smart....Still, wondering if 66A+B is good bait for 1A:A:A.
1. There are a couple of things you can do after 1B:B.

Like Shade Buster said, 1B:B wsB A+KB Umbrella is a staple, and it is easier to perform than FC3B:B JF Umbrella. I'm unsure how much the difference is in damage, but it should be really close. Keep in mind though, that the wsB can whiff if you are off-axis too much to the side.

Another option is 1B:B Umbrella 33B. This is really easy, but the damage is around ~8 less. However, if you want forward RO, this is great too.

Yet another is 1B:B wsB/6K 22A+BA - good if you want to setup oki.

1B:B 1B:B into whatever if you want to play stun games, or if you want a wallhit.

And then you have 1B:B FC3B:B Umbrella/A+KB. The A+KB after FC3B:B has a tendency to shift you into BT depending on which character you're fighting, and your axis position, so that's something to be aware of. And yes, the 66A+B after FC3B:B can be blocked. However, A+KB cannot. The nice thing here is if they tech after FC3B:B and get hit by A+KB, the damage will reset.

2. What Shade Buster said. Great for mixups. Also you can use it to close in for that extra bit of distance you may need. The wavedash video in the video thread can give you some ideas.

3. Her main block punishers are: AA, BB, 33B, 44B+K, FC3B:B, 1B:B, Umbrella. Use whatever is easiest and most consistent for you.

4. 2A+B is a good move when used correctly, and is only significantly punishable by a few characters. There aren't really any mixups for it, but if you play your cards right, you can usually psyche them into eating it.

5. 2B+K, 1B:B, A+KB, 11K, 11B, 33B, sometimes 66A+B

2B+K - Catches right rollers
1B:B/33B - Can be rolled to either side but has slight tracking
11B - Catches left rollers
A+KB - Catches right

66A+B on block is not a good setup for 1A:A:A. You're at -3 disadvantage and they are in a forced crouch position. However, that can be a good thing. Study your opponents habits after they block it. If they 2A, 9B them into mixups. If they do a mid, you can get free charges with your A+B. You're also in a very good position to step punish here.
Oh wow, thanks Shenrei! A lot of great tips there! I will try to keep those in mind and implement them in my Setsuka gameplay. Now the only thing I need to work on is my defense and impacts/parries, haha. Though I think I do better when I play aggressively with her, but I think I should work on my defense just to be safe. I eat too many lows...Anyway, thanks again! Now off to try them tips! That and make it a habit of mixing them in,

PS: I think that...slowly...but surely, I am shifting towards maining Setsuka, lol. That's a good thing right? lol
I used to MAIN sophi kakarot but as i satrted to uses sets more and more i ( without knowing ) completely stopped using sophi. So now my sets is better than my sophi but every time i ATTEMPT to learn some one new i try to use sets a lot becuase having all my hard work go drown the drain would SUPER SUCK, forgetting sets is the last thing i want.
God_Of_Olympus, that's funny you should mention that, haha. Because I do find myself using Yoshimitsu less and using Setsuka more. Mainly because I want to get good with her but also because I really have fun using her. I wonder, does she require constant playing in order to keep your edge with her? I noticed that it takes me awhile to get into her groove. By that I mean doing her JFs and 214 umbrellas consistently after stun 33bs, 1B:Bs, A+G A+K Bs, among the other set ups for it. I also forget her close range game sometimes and do 33B at close distance sometimes, lol.'s happening, my transition from Yoshi mainer to Setsuka mainer is beginning to
God_Of_Olympus, that's funny you should mention that, haha. Because I do find myself using Yoshimitsu less and using Setsuka more. Mainly because I want to get good with her but also because I really have fun using her. I wonder, does she require constant playing in order to keep your edge with her? I noticed that it takes me awhile to get into her groove. By that I mean doing her JFs and 214 umbrellas consistently after stun 33bs, 1B:Bs, A+G A+K Bs, among the other set ups for it. I also forget her close range game sometimes and do 33B at close distance sometimes, lol.'s happening, my transition from Yoshi mainer to Setsuka mainer is beginning to

Dont worry kakarot we need more sets mainers, lol. I've been using sets long enough to the point where after a couple days i can still use her well becuase she's like a glove to me. After a while of not playing though before i get online i usually familiarize myself with the rythem of her JF's and b+k. Sets is defenitely the character with the largest execution curve, becuase to be good with her you must be pulling off buffer combos where you have a 1-2 frame window. And without JF's sets looses a very good tool that helps make her one of the best characters. Sets is an execution based char imo but if you love yoshi A LOT then make sure to throw him in a match some times. I think sets is the funnest character in the game plus she doesn't have crap to work with ( .ie talim ). I cant remember but i think you play on live, but if you have a psn maybe we can play some time.

Edit: after checking I see you do have a psn, so if you want me to show you my sets just contact me :3

Edit 2: Ok someone ask a question that can help me show my interest in becoming the sets SA mod since i have a hitman for plumrei and angrel so I can take one of there places. Like something that could show how much i know about sets. Shenrei your still the sets SA mod so i'm still wondering why there was ever a reason to lie to me. :(. Hopefully by answering some questions i can show miko and those other junior mods i'm not joking.......
does any1 have any tips on how to pull of umbrella after A+K,b sometimes i can get it or sometimes it misses or i just dont get umbrella at all :)

Ok rlly srry about the double post but one of you lucky mods can do something about it, anyways Alan a+k b umbrella is imo a staple for sets, but its also one of the hardest combos to learn with her. I sort of have a tiny ounce of musle memory for the combo as weird as that seems but i hit it pretty consistently. You have like a 1-2 frame window you know when your doing it to late or too early which helps though.if you're doing wsA or wsB after a+k b then your doing umbrella too early but if they're already on the ground and your umbrella comes out then you're too late. You have to the fastest umbrella possible, and i dont mean JF it. Its not that hard to do it the fastest though becuase in this case doing it is as easy as saying it :33. Once you see the opponent drop by her head do umbrella. it may take a few tries but sooner or later you'll start getting it to come out consistantly.If you're good with muscle memory try finding a rythem for the combo. When me and my friend were first practicing that combo we were always to early. It just didn't seem right to do such a fast input so late. Hopefully you're talking about in general becuase for me the 2-player side kills i do whatever i can do get back on the 1-player side which could mean doing her a+g combo (a+g a+k b umbrella ). Since your practicing A+K B Umbrella you might wanna try it in every situation possible plus it usually does more dmg then the easier options so i've conjure up a list of combos including A+K B umbrella for you, this list only includes guarenteed combos which cant AT ALL be escpaed, i wont bother to include any wall combos but this one 100+ combo:

-33b 6k a+k b umbrella
-33b 2143b:b ( near wall ) a+k b umbrella ( a+k b is inescable even far away from wall but if teched you will be in BT )
-1b:b 214b a+k b umbrella
-1b:b 6k a+k b umbrella
-2143b a+k b umbrella
-6k a+k b umbrella
CH 33b
- i think 214b might work but only from max range, i was too busy having a wtf moment to do a+k b umbrella
-6k a+k b umbrella
-again, unsure but 6k a+k b umbrella may work, i've got it to hit before but i was close to the edge so i wasnt pushed back to much
-214b a+k b umbrella
- i heard at max range 33b gave off its CH stun, i'll have to test this but if it doesnt pull you in to much then 33b 214b a+k b might work
-if you can a+k b after this it would be so incredibly satisfying but i would have to also test this, so until I do this will be left blank.
CH 11A
-236 a+k b umbrella ( i find it easier to land a+k b after 236 in this situation )
And now for my most damaging vombo the grand master combo
B+K 61 B 33A+B (w!) 33b 6k a+k b umbrella
If anyone wants they can attempt 2143b:b after 33b but i think the timing is some what changed ( this also needs testing ) plus the BT after a+k b may happen, but shenrei said that your still at adv even in BT.

Edit: How do I change the text color?? This isn't making me sound very smart is it :'(.........oh well, hopefully it doesn't affect the descision, I won't let plume take the postion of mod for the sets SA, you hear that everyone, not happening.... srry plume but i'm determined >.>
wow thanks Heaphestus thanks for ur advice :) im currently learning her 1:bb 6K A+K B Umbrella im starting to get it more often i actually managed to pull it of online ONCE today lol im definatly gunna try all those other 1s you mentiond too
wow thanks Heaphestus thanks for ur advice :) im currently learning her 1:bb 6K A+K B Umbrella im starting to get it more often i actually managed to pull it of online ONCE today lol im definatly gonna try all those other 1s you mentiond too
Why thank you Alan its nice to know some one adores me as much as you do and as for you plumrei >_< if you think dropping sets means i'll leave you alone you're wrong. If it wasn't obvious i was overeacting about loving you. Stick with sets pls shenrei...............
Ashlotte? More like FASTAROTH, amirite?

Question: Are there any better tech trap options from Setsuka's A throw? I can never seem to get the timing for the A+K Bfollowup (people have rolled out of it =/), and people seem to roll out of the bA tech trap also.
Ashlotte? More like FASTAROTH, amirite?

Question: Are there any better tech trap options from Setsuka's A throw? I can never seem to get the timing for the A+K Bfollowup (people have rolled out of it =/), and people seem to roll out of the bA tech trap also. MR. Heaphestus i know your the most 1337 player here plz help me.

Ok so most good players wont tech unless they know they'll take dmg if they dont or it leaves them at an adv becuase they escaped the tech trap. Doing a tech trap out of a+g is stupid becuase your giving up a free 60 dmg. I've tried to tech this against my friend and most of the time a+k b hits normally anyway :/ a+k b is inputed pretty much right after a+g, if they're given time to ROLL then you're being WAY to slow. Try doing it right after she throws the hoe on the floor. im guessing there aren't much tech traps that would work if any. If you can land the umbrella after a+k b thats goood becuase after a+k b you could always mix it up with 2a+b 22_88 a+b b. Hopefully this help ABI. Also, plumrei i get a:G:b more than i get JFU, so i was wondering how that was possible i mean i try but i just dont think i can MASTER JFU like i have her other JF's. I know laswagga has a smexy JFU spam but he does his from FC and you cant finish combos from FC :/
Ok so most good players wont tech unless they know they'll take dmg if they dont or it leaves them at an adv becuase they escaped the tech trap. Doing a tech trap out of a+g is stupid becuase your giving up a free 60 dmg. I've tried to tech this against my friend and most of the time a+k b hits normally anyway :/ a+k b is inputed pretty much right after a+g, if they're given time to ROLL then you're being WAY to slow. Try doing it right after she throws the hoe on the floor. im guessing there aren't much tech traps that would work if any. If you can land the umbrella after a+k b thats goood becuase after a+k b you could always mix it up with 2a+b 22_88 a+b b. Hopefully this help ABI. Also, plumrei i get a:G:b more than i get JFU, so i was wondering how that was possible i mean i try but i just dont think i can MASTER JFU like i have her other JF's. I know laswagga has a smexy JFU spam but he does his from FC and you cant finish combos from FC :/

Asta and X can tech out of A+KB, to the right. In which case, you want to hit them with 11B, for relaunch.

As for tech traps that work here,

bA catches all but right (Must delay it a bit)

11B catches right

236~214~3a:B catches all I believe.

33B catches front back and neutral.

A+KB catches all, except right with a couple characters.

And GoO, slide faster for jf umbrella.
And GoO, slide faster for jf umbrella.
I try but i cant seem to get it i find it easier to do it from FC i dont know why though :/ I have a friend who use to use pad for 214 and 236 ( i know i was like wtf seriously ) and he was like "wow umbrella is so much easier on the analog" i face palmed and then replied with a -_- . but anywaynow that he uses analog he gets JFU alot more and im sure his execution will soon be better than mine >.> and kakarot GG's last night hope the lag wasn't to annoying i cant be wired as of yesterday and i dont know for how long Q.Q
I try but i cant seem to get it i find it easier to do it from FC i dont know why though :/ I have a friend who use to use pad for 214 and 236 ( i know i was like wtf seriously ) and he was like "wow umbrella is so much easier on the analog" i face palmed and then replied with a -_- . but anywaynow that he uses analog he gets JFU alot more and im sure his execution will soon be better than mine

What are you saying about pad vs analog? I find pad 90 times easier. Whichever your comfortable with is the better one to use. Analog only works for me with Ivy's iCS and SS. Everything else is an inconvenience.
What are you saying about pad vs analog? I find pad 90 times easier. Whichever your comfortable with is the better one to use. Analog only works for me with Ivy's iCS and SS. Everything else is an inconvenience.

My friend tried umbrella for the first time on analog and he gets JFU a lot more now. if anything its much easier to use the analog for quarter circle movents. Me and Vivoco were fighting last night and we decided to work on WD (wavedash ) avoiding and approaching. So how you would WD on a pad is beyond my imagination
need some help on the speed of the slide for JF umbrella, usually only comes out in combos, but even have trouble on it with just FC3aB, but i can do iMCF more consistently..... any help?