Soul Calibur: The Movie! ^-^

I haven't been on this thread for a minute.

Just imagine a SC CGI. If they made a SE version, a SC-SCIII, and a SCIV to SCV version, that'd be cool.
Hahaha yeah...I seriously didnt know she voiced someone in Diablo O_O who did she Voice? :OO
I looked it up and it says that she played someone named Malah in Diablo II.
I haven't been on this thread for a minute.

Just imagine a SC CGI. If they made a SE version, a SC-SCIII, and a SCIV to SCV version, that'd be cool.

It would be cool, indeed. Though, I can imagine that it would take quite a while to make all of them.
Same here, as long as they're done well! c:
But I would be a little impatient, since most of my favorite characters don't appear until later in the series.
Same for me too. Talim would be the person I'm waiting for. I know the CGI would be good because you're not competing w/ other game series (very unlikely) and the story has already been set by the past SC games.
Some 15 or so years ago, back when my friends and I played Soul Edge all the time, we decided the cast for the Soul Edge movie would be:

Meg Ryan: Sophitia
Demi Moore: Taki
Mira Sorvino: Seung Mina
Dolph Lundgren: Rock
Leo DiCaprio: Siegfried
Tom Cruise: Mitsurugi
Johnny Depp: Hwang
Bruce Willis: Li Long
Jim Carey: Voldo
Antonio Banderas: Cervantes
Dennis Hopper: Soul Edge

I didn't think anyone who took the job more seriously would've been able to come up with better matches. :p
Uhmmm... Don't U think that they R 2 big names 2 play in a nowadays movie based on a videogame?
And Dennis Hopper as Soul Edge?
He should B CGI...

However, it should be fun seeing Carey playing Voldo XD
How about this guy 4 Mitsurugi?

How about Al Leong for Mitsurugi? Especially if it's going to be the older SC5 Mitsurugi. He'd need more hair, yeah, but surely that could be arranged...
She does Talim's SC2 voice.

I'd be a lot calmer if she sang to me every night before bed :)
I posted my cast earlier in the thread, but I'm gonna post again with some character I didn't mention or want to change( I'll also post choices that I had before). These are going to be for some of the women. Keep in mind, the returning characters, like Hilde, are going to be casted for the SCV timeline, whereas non-returning characters will be casted from the SCII-IV timeline, naturally.

Summer Glau as Viola
Charlize Theron as Ivy
Kate Beckinsale as Hilde
Amanda Seyfried as Sophitia(a little iffy on this one)
Evan Rachel Wood as Cassandra
Olivia Wilde as Setsuka
Maggie Q as Taki(yes, yes, I know she's not Japanese)

That's it for now.