Street Fighter 4!

Just for shits and giggles. The video is old.

[Youtube="Guile says f*ck you shit...SOMERSAULT!...and air throw"]tR53cbBRq9k[/youtube]
Who the hell cars about seth? Zangief is bullshit! I usually just counter pick zangief with zangief to save the headache. everyone else gets Boxer or recently some Sakura.

You probably need a keep-away character to be able to deal with Gief. I imagine Boxer and Sakura are pretty bad match-ups for him. Actually, if there is anyone that Seth can beat, its Gief. Seth pretty much shuts him down terribly and is currently the only character i can win against using Seth. As a Seth player however, make one mistake against Gief, and thats you're ass.
That flow chart is the best:

The really funny thing about it is that this is no joke. This is literally how 99% of Kens are playing.

So glad for Cammy's Hooligan Combination (especially the EX version) and Rose. Nothing better than watching a scrub Ken jump into his own fireball and get Soul Thrown after spammed Shoryukens.

Shame I'm worse than these guys. Can't even beat them, despite 20 years of Street Fighter experience.
hey russell can u buy me an arcade stick? that would be all the help i need... lol... no seriously i suck with super fast games... i need a slow character and a game where i don't have 50 something hit combo for b&b... which is why i loved kof 97... also 98 too... 2001 was pretty fun too... then was 2002 and it was too much crap in one game... now they are making kof12 which is like sf4... nice speed and complicated combos and gaplay that require timing skills not constantly having to mash on buttons... so so far i'm learning balrog... i'm still new at this game... but maybe when i'm a little more comfortable then i'll learn bison or akuma or gief... but i can't do that without a freaking arcade stick... :(
Just curious. In terms of Tournement Rulings, are there any in terms of characters or movesets banned yet ? Just curious because i'll start using Akuma if theres no restrictions. :D
You my friend need practice. It will lead to greatness. What can I help you with to be good? What are you having problems at the moment.

SFIV: Notations - To start you off

SFIV: Electricity Help - Might help.


Your guide lacks information regarding Kara-Throws and, like many SF guides, basic details about combo theory in SF4.

I already know the above information, since SF Alpha.

Simply put, my problems are unknown. I don't know what it is that I could get improvements on. I've played SF for many years, and I still can't even beat the basic Fireball+Dragon Punch trap. I lose consistently against anyone and everyone, regardless of skill level. Even when I do practice (a lot) I still cannot compete with most players across all levels.

The characters I've used over the years are pretty extensive. But simply, I used to play Chun-Li in the original SF2, the dramatic changes to the character from SF2 to Alpha to 3rd Strike to SF4 have made it difficult to continue playing with her. As such I gravitated to Akuma as early as Alpha 1. Throughout my SF career, I've played Ken occasionally. Main reason for doing so is because my brother always plays as Ryu (and forbids me from playing that particular character when we were younger).
Your guide lacks information regarding Kara-Throws and, like many SF guides, basic details about combo theory in SF4.

I already know the above information, since SF Alpha.

Sounds like you need to know more basics rather than combos. I think the single most important thing in SF games is pretty much making sure you are in the right place to punish "mistakes," a.k.a footsies. It's just, so much is considered a mistake in these games that unless you really make an effort to learn what's killing you, you will die a lot. SF4 i think especially has this issue because it is so slow, but that might just be me not learning combos yet and just poking people to death a la SF2 before ST.
Sounds like you need to know more basics rather than combos. I think the single most important thing in SF games is pretty much making sure you are in the right place to punish "mistakes," a.k.a footsies. It's just, so much is considered a mistake in these games that unless you really make an effort to learn what's killing you, you will die a lot. SF4 i think especially has this issue because it is so slow, but that might just be me not learning combos yet and just poking people to death a la SF2 before ST.

Something like this?

Believe me, I do take players and others advice for aid and help. However, putting 8 to 12+ hours a day since SF4 has come out (as well as whatever amount of hours I've put into past SF games) and playing at the local arcade, I've seen no improvement.

I am no scrub, nor am I a newbie. In fact, I seem to be beneath both of them... what's worse than a scrub or a newbie?
hmm, not really sure how to help you. There's a certain point where it just "clicks." At least for me, I remember dying pretty much every game of ST before I realized that throws are instant, and then it went uphill after that aha moment. I don't really know exactly how you're playing but chances are a few things haven't really clicked for you in some aspect or another.

What you should doing before each match is visualize how you're going to react to the other person. Going into a match without a game plan is pretty hard to do unless you have top tier reactions.

Pretty much something like, this guy is a ken scrub so I'm going to jump fireballs outside of sweep range and punish dragon punches with a sweep. He's probably going to try to either sweep or dragon punch whenever I'm close so block a lot to avoid random sweeps and dragon punches and punish when he does. Oh, most people online I find have a tendency not to block after a sweep for some reason, so sweeping back usually hits >_<.

One thing that is really underrated is how strong random dragon punches really can be, since there's no good way to stop a button masher from doing it. It's really punishable, but the fact that there really is no mind game to play with these idiots, you can't really force them to stop throwing out random dragon punches all the time because they don't realize that they are getting punished badly.
I'm going to get SFIV Friday(FINALLY MY GOD. Chat should know I've been waiting.), is it even playable at all on the normal 360 pad?
Turn the language to Japanese and the intro song will play in Japanese. You can also turn down or off voice so you don't have to put up with annoying shit talkers.
Believe me, I do take players and others advice for aid and help. However, putting 8 to 12+ hours a day since SF4 has come out (as well as whatever amount of hours I've put into past SF games) and playing at the local arcade, I've seen no improvement.

Then you must be doing something wrong if that's the case. Who do you use?
This is just me, when I learn a character, I try to learn them inside out.
Combos, what works and what does not.

Which character are you having issues fighting against?
Maybe your just not used to convert from stick to pad.

All together, what do you think your problem is? Why do you think you lose alot?

putting 8 to 12+ hours a day since SF4 has come out (as well as whatever amount of hours I've put into past SF games) and playing at the local arcade, I've seen no improvement.

I am no scrub, nor am I a newbie. In fact, I seem to be beneath both of them... what's worse than a scrub or a newbie?

Can you beat challenge mode with any characters? How about just the basic challenge, not the hard one? SF4 is a game that's playable with just spamming moves and button mashing against 99.9% of the known universe, characters like Blanka can win while only using back, forward and medium punch and medium kick. Are you sure you're trying to fight and not just win by employing your strategy? Street Fighter is a very "in the moment" game so just pressing hard punch or kick at the right time is...kinda...enough to beat people... Maybe if you gave a quick 20 second summary of a typical battle that would help. Like...I jump, I press kick while in the air, I jump again and try to kick oh no he hit me, ok jump again and DAMN...ok let's try jumping again and kicking...NO that didn't work. If that was your match at least we'd know how to help a little more.