Super High-Level In Your Face TIERLIST!!!

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I know I'm late 2 da partay but, seriously, I can't find any tierlist (das not a wurd lol) thread that I can post in and I never got to share my opinion. If possible, I want this to be a discussion because I want to talk about everyone's perspective and actually like to hear this stuff (so, if we can, no close, please). I mean, I know people get angry for whatever reason but that's just another spice of life, right?

I'd like it if, rather than posting you guyseses own that you criticize mine. Now, I understand that might not always be the case but I'd at least like for the topic to start off that way so that I can give a chance to give some reasoning. But, please, be direct in your criticism and questioning; it's much harder to answer the question, "Why is *X* here?" as opposed to answering, "Why is *X* here and not here?" or "Why is *X" here instead of *Y*?"

Well, without further delay, my own personal tierlist! =o


Alpha Patroklos

A-: Pyrrha

B+: Patroklos

B: Nightmare
Pyrrha Omega

C: Raphael

D: Dampierre

I also want to make a spreadsheet to see how much what I think matches up with what I think (know what I mean)? So, if someone can help me to actually make a spreadsheet, it'd be much appreciated!
I'm surprised that you placed Ezio where you did, everyone puts him on the bottom of their lists.
Personally, Drake, when I encounter something I don't know how to deal with, I go into practice replicate, and see what all I can do and everything that my opponent can do.
Yes! Yes. The "brute-force" way- find all possible outcomes. Because the amount of possible maneuvers is limited, a computer (or dedicated person) can eventually find some sort of solution after exhausting all scenarios.

When Viola started to heat up, I knew I would have to find a way to deal with the matchup before EVO. I trained and studied extensively.

I often couldn't find KineticClash, and at the time, you were playing Pyrrha (!)
Maybe it was that I didn't want to bother you, or maybe it was my pride, but I didn't directly ask you to play Viola...

I remembered RTD, when he had his brush with Viola, posted as his status that he would fight any Viola player, regardless of skill. I noted this, and sent friend requests to damn near the entire Viola SA, seeking experience.

I developed my plans, refined my calculations, and practiced my retaliations until they were sharp. I was ready! I was going to deal with this problem head-on, destiny be damned.

RTD showed up in my pool... which couldn't be helped. I had played a million Mitsurugis, but the only way to get better at playing RTD is to play RTD, and he was quite elusive...

I was put into losers, and Jowuh, the Arizona Viola rep, was there... And I thought to myself... Yes. I have been training for this moment. For this day!

I will not lose!!!

and then this Astaroth player from Japan shows up... and knocks Jowuh right out...

I had been neglecting it, training against Viola... before EVO... I should have been playing Xeph!!!

The best laid plans... :[
wish xiba could just have one 10 dmg single hitter that can actually punish those i14 moves on block, but he can't, QQ. his fastest moves have no range and he can't give some payback after blocking unsafe strings.
wish xiba could just have one 10 dmg single hitter that can actually punish those i14 moves on block, but he can't, QQ. his fastest moves have no range and he can't give some payback after blocking unsafe strings.
He gets a free mixup. Try kB if they stand guard, A+B if they duck, or 6A if they move. Or you can take a page out of Seong Mina's book and use 5K to punish, since his has good range.
Or you can take a page out of Seong Mina's book and use 5K to punish, since his has good range.
2A, 3A, 5K, no range, can't punish natsu's basic AAB. sure I am happy that K is horizontal, but none of his i13/i14 moves can hit anyone after block stun unless I am back against the wall.
I'm not a fan of tier lists since I find them to be redundant, but there is no way that Ezio is better than Le Bello.

But what do I know. See avatar.

It was a good movie.
Both characters can capitalize off reads for huge amounts of damage (Dampierre gets more though, as well as having a better ringout game), but Ezio's punishment and antistep are better. Ezio also doesn't get punished for as big of damage on his unsafe stuff.

The main difference I see between the two characters though is the difference in linearity. For safe mid stepkillers, Ezio has 3A and 66A. For slightly unsafe or unsafe stepkillers, he has 22AA, WR A, 44A, 11A, 4A, 6A series, et cetera. Dampierre's stepkill isn't that great besides 66A, 6A, and AA. 623B and 66B are excellent backdash killers but both are quite punishable on PB entrance.
Dampierre needs more respect (which is just my opinion). I have expierienced alot of games to know that ZWEI is free to Damp and Viola wins no matter what. But seriously, is there even a proper way of testing people's tier? Maybe if 2 unexpierienced players start playing each other, I dunno. My point is tiers are probably best for an individual's opinion, because if a Raph (personal favorite) beats a...Pyrrha, does that mean he's officially god tier? Just something I wanted to get off my chest
Dampierre needs more respect (which is just my opinion). I have expierienced alot of games to know that ZWEI is free to Damp and Viola wins no matter what. But seriously, is there even a proper way of testing people's tier? Maybe if 2 unexpierienced players start playing each other, I dunno. My point is tiers are probably best for an individual's opinion, because if a Raph (personal favorite) beats a...Pyrrha, does that mean he's officially god tier? Just something I wanted to get off my chest

Unless you understand the game at a higher levels, tiers don't matter and you probably wouldn't' understand them. Everything's cheap to an ignorant or player. I'm relatively sure I'd beat you if you used Viola or Dampierre and I used ZWEI or if you used ZWEI and I used Dampierre or Viola but that wouldn't prove anything other than the fact that I beat you.

Tiers are not saying that things are set in stone but think of it in this light to help you understand. Let's say we have a coach and a group of random potential players for a team. You task him out to pick the best possible candidates and make a team from them. Chances are, he'd go with the tall black guys from the inner cities of the US way, way before he goes for the short Asian girls from Bangkok...and that'd probably be the smart thing to do.

Explaining further, this is not to say that one of those short Asian chicks couldn't be amazing if the coach put hours of training into her but chances are he'd get a much higher return for his time if he did the same with those tall black guys. Barring natural talent, the tall black guys have tools that allow them to excel at basketball (the reason that you do not take under consideration performance so much as the potential/toolset of characters when thinking about tier lists).

Elaborating on the point of you beating me and me beating you. Me beating you would not make Raph any more good and neither would you beating me with him; it would reflect our skills as players. Thinking that it'd reflect the character would be the equivalent of saying that all shorter guys can do just as good just as easily as the big guys in the NBA because Allen Iverson manages to do well.

Sorry if that one part came off arrogantly but I think there's no better way to explain tier lists to someone who doesn't understand the concept and I think that everyone should read this to get a better understanding of them in general.
Let's say we have a coach and a group of random potential players for a team. You task him out to pick the best possible candidates and make a team from them. Chances are, he'd go with the tall black guys from the inner cities of the US way, way before he goes for the short Asian girls from Bangkok...and that'd probably be the smart thing to do.
Off topic: Not if you're the coach of a swim team.

Otherwise another solid informative post delivered in a clear manner.
Salt tier: Cervantez, Apat, Omega, Viola.

A tier: Mitsu, Tira, Pyrrha, Algol, Natsu.

B tier: Pat, Maxi, Astaroth, Xiba, Hilde, Nightmare, Siegfried, Yoshi, Ivy

C tier: Dampierre, Leixia, Zwei, Aeon, Ezio, Voldo, Raphael.

Don't have a clue where to place DJ
this thread is dumb.. ... close!
I am quite curious as to why this made front page. This isnt an accepted community tier nor did LP try to pass it off as an accepted community tier list. As he said it is just his personal opinion so why is this front page material but the american SBO qualifiers and stream were not?
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