Team Mighty Chicago - TMCHI

I really wanna come down and play with you guys before heading to FR just for some extra training. I'm going to work on coming down in early March. What days do you guys usually play?
Well where are you coming from?
Omg! Y haven't u bn hit us up! ? We all for the most part live in the city.

Haha my bad! I haven't been on here for a while with work and partying haha, but with it being cold, I figured I see what the Chicago FGC scene's like. Count me in, unless you guys play outside haha
Hey guys, this is the final tournament I will be hosted called GarageFight - Its happening this Saturday. Won't be able to feature scv due to problem with copies, a couple more games are in
p.s not a garage lol
P.s I remembe talking with a few top SCV players about this event as well, can't remember who though
Hey guys, this is the final tournament I will be hosted called GarageFight - Its happening this Saturday. Won't be able to feature scv due to problem with copies, a couple more games are in
p.s not a garage lol
P.s I remembe talking with a few top SCV players about this event as well, can't remember who though
no offense but if u not gonna have calibur there, why post here?
I just wanted to share with someone who may be interested. Maybe someone who wants to play their secondary game ya know?

Yea I truly understand though, its very random and out of place.
With all my complaining I'll still show up just to mingle and give support to Chicago haha, especially with the hawks (Blackhawks) off their streak now smh
I'm in town until next Saturday. Any chance of a meetup sometime this week? I'm extreeeemely out of practice because of school but I'd love to play! :)