[Texas] The official HYPE thread

Lol you act like I'm not from Tx. Anyway I plan on beating everyone in tournament play. No wheaties needed if you smell what I'm cookin.
Whodat you peaced me pretty badly at Mashfest. In my defense, it was my first tournament back in a couple of years. But a loss is a loss. I'll be looking forward to the payback. I'll be ready come November.
Whodat, let's be real, you have no answer for my Pirate. It's just too good. It was like Zeus himself plays through my hands. And you are THAT special to TX, I'm announcing the tournament this coming week:) Most likely it will be Nov 6th, Saturday.
I played you last time Battosai? Sorry I really don't remember. I'm not trying to be funny either.

Nori: It's nice to see that I still get love in TX, but don't think just because you're throwing a tournament for me that I'm gonna take it easy on you. I will easily dispatch your pirate this time. I've already broken down your game.
Only thing you broke down in the last month is dairy in your diet. I played you when you were "rusty" and took a dump on all of your chars. Your Algol gave me trouble cause it's Algol, and I never fought one before. People hate Algol so much, they even cheered for ME! When does that EVER happen in TX? The only difference between now and back then is that I won't drop any matches to you. It's ok though, most people don't realize how sick I am until they lose to me, it's all good:)

Don't worry, I'll even pay for your alchohol afterwards cause you won't be cracking top 3 if the top TX players come;)
Man keeping me out of top 3 is going to take divine intervention. In SC4 I have never placed outside of top 3 except for at evo this year when I was drunk. I'm gonna run through TX like any team that plays the Cowboys in the playoffs. Trust me when I played you I was soooo rusty. I didn't even own the game and my only training partner for a few days was CW and yet I still got 2nd and forced you into a 2nd set of grand finals. Yet you still think you're going to beat me.
Whodat I'm not surprised you don't remember. It was pretty bad. I was playing Zas and I don't play him at all anymore. Anyways, I love your analogy of the Cowboys in the playoffs cause God knows they suck come that time.
Ooooh Zas. Ok lol now it's coming back.

The Cowboys do suck during the playoffs. Probably due to Romo, but who knows.
Whodat, only reason you got SO far at Mashfest is cause of that Algol nonsense. W/out that, you would have been lucky to get 2-2. Getting 2nd w/Algol's bubbles is like saying you know how to drive. It's not a real accomplishment. Winning w/Cervantes, a REAL char, that's something to be proud of, which I am by the way. I want to see how well you do against everybody w/out Bubbles:) So you better be ready to play, cause now that you called out TX, it's GAMETIME SON
I seem to remember that this is exactly what you said last time when I came and took that good TX money. You and your REAL character is going to have to run into me and my REAL character. I'm pretty sure your pirate wont make top 3 seeing as that's what happens to you every other time. I think the only reason you even made it in the first Mashfest is because I cleared out all the top players for you.
I could clear top players with bubbles too. It can't be THAT hard. Again, I'd like to see you do w/it with a legal tourney char, then we'll talk:)
Algol was tourney legal then. It wasn't like I just used him when I wasn't supposed to. You have me to thank for your first and only tournament victory. Trust me the first one is a gimme. You have to earn the next.
Well sorry, not all of us live in scrubby VA and get free wins all day. TX has actual good players, kind of hard to win down here.
Trust me you would have been free in VA too lol. You'd place top 4 but cracking top 3 idk. As far as TX and good players... save for a couple that remains to be seen by me.
KingAce, no, DevilJim was on the other side of the losers bracket. I went through DVK, Ramin, Jinkid. I would have liked to play him, but after the tournament we all just wanted to go home.

Regarding NEC, prices should fall. I paid $205 for my ticket last year, which I bought some time in October. I'll try to save up for it. Tell 350z to show up too.

You don't have to worry about 350z. He'll be here with the rest of Philly, so I hope you make it here again. And bring some Texas peeps with you. Maybe we can get a regional team tournament going.
Trust me you would have been free in VA too lol. You'd place top 4 but cracking top 3 idk. As far as TX and good players... save for a couple that remains to be seen by me.
Unlike you, I've proven to nearly everybody in the country how good I am with a tourney legal char. You have yet to do the same. Top 4 in a TX major w/45 people isn't a bad thing. Believe me, I will be SURE the top TX players are here to happily greet you November 6th:)
Yes Nori will get at least 4th place, he seems to be really comfortable on that placement lately. Funny we did all cheer for Nori againest Whodats scrub Algol. The top players said if it wasnt for Algol that he wouldnt have went that far in tourny. Im excited to see if all the talk about Whodat without being cheesy will make it past the first 2 rounds.
Brandon: X is nowhere near as cheap as she was in 2 and 3... But the bitch is still fuckin tight... You should play her... Once you get used to the different way she plays you will be fine...

Whodat: You just got me hype... Good shit.

- I.C.E.
I wouldn't have considered Quakecon a big deal tournament major for SC. I mean from what I seen many of the people eliminated themselves and didn't care to stick around to compete anymore. SoOO maybe the outcomes could have been different if the tournament wasn't poorly organized. Algol players are trash. Go get some respect and play a real character.
Oh yeah and the same goes for Hilde. :)
Fuck you JD, I stood till 3 in the morning, along with Link/Alpha/Kingace/SU and others, whoever placed deserved it. That shit was a gauntlet. Whoever left early, it was their choice. Obviously, it would have meant more if they stayed but you can't discredit the people that DID stay even though it was torture:(
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