The AMAZING SC5 Online General Discussion Thread

One time, I'm ashamed to say, I CH AAB'd a guy to death. To be fair though, the lag made anything else practically impossible, and he wouldn't stop attacking at disadvantage.
One time, I'm ashamed to say, I CH AAB'd a guy to death. To be fair though, the lag made anything else practically impossible, and he wouldn't stop attacking at disadvantage.

Yeah thats one thing. But to just flat out spam the poor guy to death knowing very well what you are doing. Makes you no better than this CatSlut/AzurePoleSmoker person everyone hates.
Thats just you being a dick. Obviously the guy was new to the game, and then you do things like that? Really? Thats not something to brag about. Thats what ruins a community!

Not cool

I love spamming scrubs. I also love spamming reasonably good players. I like to spam 6A+B through entire rooms until I am booted. Who needs more moves when I have 6A+B? Not me, thats for sure.
Spamming new players, shame on you. Spamming skilled/experienced players, shame on them.

On a side note, there's a Fahros guy on this site.. who rage-boots people he cant beat from his lobby, I think it may be I was Callisto Rushing Voldo's pelvis in his face after the rounds, but he called me a douche and cocky elitist (which I am definately not.)

Rage-booting is the same as rage-quitting, in my book at least.
Yeah thats one thing. But to just flat out spam the poor guy to death knowing very well what you are doing. Makes you no better than this CatSlut/AzurePoleSmoker person everyone hates.

Scrubs who can figure out how to block aa/bb deserve what they get, maybe if they completed the story or arcade mode once or twice before diving into Online they wouldn't get beat like that.
Scrubs who can figure out how to block aa/bb deserve what they get, maybe if they completed the story or arcade mode once or twice before diving into Online they wouldn't get beat like that.

Pardon me for taking this even remotely serious for even the slightest amount of time, but no I disagree.

That, and I hate lag. If the guy's mere presence wasn't dragging down the quality of the whole room on account of his connection, I wouldn't have even thought of using Spamurugi. I was trying to do the gentlemanly thing and put him out of everyone's misery :|

He left after that and everything was right with the world.
Scrubs who can figure out how to block aa/bb deserve what they get, maybe if they completed the story or arcade mode once or twice before diving into Online they wouldn't get beat like that.

Or maybe you just dont need to be a dick.

Scrubs like that is nothing but practice. That combo youd been having trouble with, that one move you struggle to get out on time, thats what they are for.

If yall were a bunch of pricks to me. Know what Id do. Id come on 8wayrun and be the annoying troll talking shit to everyone that will respond.

wake the fuck up
Pardon me for taking this even remotely serious for even the slightest amount of time, but no I disagree.

That, and I hate lag. If the guy's mere presence wasn't dragging down the quality of the whole room on account of his connection, I wouldn't have even thought of using Spamurugi. I was trying to do the gentlemanly thing and put him out of everyone's misery :|

He left after that and everything was right with the world.

So asking the guy "Hey man, you seem to be lagging our room down. Would you mind leaving this room and Ill invite you to something later?"

So who cares if you dont invite them again. at least you were cool about it. Just cause all you assholes are behind a computer/TV screen, doesnt make you the tough guy. Most of yall need to learn a little respect. Even just a little, will get you a long way.
It's a helluva lot easier to ask someone to leave if they speak the same language. Nothing about respect/disrespect. No moar fallacies plz.
Sorry but I am not a nice person like you Dave, if I fight someone who won't block aa/bb then that's too bad for them, if they then decide to make an 8wr account and troll everyone then that's too bad for the people who get trolled, I am not going to play this game differently because I don't want to hurt peoples feelings... I paid for this game and I'll enjoy it how I please, go preach to someone else.

Edit - Still having fun with coolfighter?
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