The Athiest Thread

Atheist, Agnostic, Theist

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[11] Champion
Good day, ladies and gentleman.
Let us discuss our philosophies and how we came about becoming infidels.
I'd like the users who post in this thread to keep it classy.

I honestly don't believe a god would create such an existence in the first place. That and require it's creations to worship it or suffer punishment.
There is no god, I'm not afraid of death and therefor don't cling on to a book in the hope of some kind of afterlife. I don't claim to have moral superiority over anyone because of knowledge of said book, I don't hold bigoted views and enjoy a lie in on Sundays.

I am a rubbish christian, lol.

I dont claim to know. If there is a god, he either gives no shits about us or he wants us to grow on our own. I.e kill each other, rape each other, and destroy the planet, on our own.

If he is real I am not a huge fan.
I went from being Catholic, to going to a non denominational Christian private school to being completely free of religion. The bible has to be the most farcical thing I've heard of in my life, and religion is definitely corrupt.
Prediction: these two threads are locked
Agnostic is the most accurate category for me.

Spending time and energy attempting to establish the existence (or non-existence), let alone the WILL of an entity by definition beyond human understanding just seems like a colossal waste to me. Even worse, some people actually get violent over it.

Feel free to believe whatever you want, non-Agnostics. Wake me when you're discussing something relevant.
(... and I'd prefer you didn't kill me for being an "infidel", either. That's just a dick move.)
Aw, here's one: those of you that believe in one of these ways, what shaped your view to how it currently is?
Aw, here's one: those of you that believe in one of these ways, what shaped your view to how it currently is?

After realizing the many hypocrisies in Christianity, and the way in which creates conflict in society. I prefer to be free, not to follow something which manipulates people into a state of fear of damnation.

At the moment, I don't really know what to believe in apart from myself.
Aw, here's one: those of you that believe in one of these ways, what shaped your view to how it currently is?
Honestly, it was when I stopped letting outside influences shape me so much that I came to be where I am with regard to religion. I can really only know myself. I am human. There are limits to my understanding, and I'm comfortable accepting that.
Prediction: these two threads are locked

As long as people stick from bashing religions, I see no problems.

The only thing keeping me from becoming atheist myself is the question of creation. How did all of this start? Even if we go with the big bang theory and say that everything started from a singularity point, well where did that point come from? It keeps coming back to the fact that something started this whole universe...and it must be a god of some sort.
Aw, here's one: those of you that believe in one of these ways, what shaped your view to how it currently is?

I went to a catholic primary and high school and RE (Religious Educated) was a compulsory GCSE which I passed.

The main things that don't bode well for me regarding Christianity are:

  1. God was a wanker in the old testament, makes a flood that kills nearly everything but holds it off for a day to honor the death of a random 800year old man. He put ten plagues on Egypt which involved killing everyone's first born son. Ordered Abraham to kill his son to prove his faith and then turned his wife into stone for looking back at the city. Then in the new testament he turns all nice and forgiving, a change of this magnitude is unacceptable imo.
  2. Christianity halted medical progress in England for over 1000 years. Thank the Renaissance for ripping us from Galens theories.
  3. The whole, you must believe or you will burn in hell for ever thing is just, no words.
  4. Also the world is more than 6000 years old.
Those are my reasons. :3
If people such as the Phelps Family from The Westboro Church proclaim themselves to be the quintessential followers of god, then I wouldn't want to be classed in the same category as them. Let alone share a religion with people as hateful as that.

Aw, here's one: those of you that believe in one of these ways, what shaped your view to how it currently is?

After I started intellectually thinking about religion and how it fit into the grand scheme of things,I realized I was skeptical. One of the things that always bothered me was how atheists were supposed to go to hell. You could be a terrible person and still "Accept Jesus as your dying savior" and you were safe. Just a note, this is what I was told by preachers and friends, that probably is not even correct. It all has become so skewed over time. Anyway my grandmother and uncle are both really nice people, always thinking about others and being outstanding citizens. They are also athiests, and so my friends said they would go to hell. I thought this was wrong. Plus after a while I stopped believing in the Bible and more in science. I believe in Evolution, and the big bang theory. I basically just realized there was no way I could prove to myself that there is a god, so I quit believing it.

Like @SupHy said though, the only thing keeping me from being full blown atheist is that something had to start it all, and I really have no evidence or proof that it was an all powerful entity. But I also dont have proof against that theory, so I continue to remain open to the idea of a god(although if there is one I believe he does not interfere with our daily lives).
As long as people stick from bashing religions, I see no problems.

The only thing keeping me from becoming atheist myself is the question of creation. How did all of this start? Even if we go with the big bang theory and say that everything started from a singularity point, well where did that point come from? It keeps coming back to the fact that something started this whole universe...and it must be a god of some sort.
Chicken and egg paradox, lol. Thing is, to even begin to question/study the phenominon, science is the answer. Religion's answer 'god did it' does not even begin to cover any ground at all.

Furthermore, in society we take the following stance with theories: denied until proven, I say again, proven true. That does not work the other way around.
Here's a working example:
I come home from work to find my family have disappeared and I believe it to be the work of aliens. I then write a book without any documented proof at all of said aliens and two thousand years later, half the planet is at war with each other over which alien is better and how our lives/lifestyles apparrently matter to the beings that were never proved to even exist.

Of course that wouldn't happen as today, we are lucky enough to be able to think much more freely and I would just be called a madman and put in a padded room somewhere. Christianity, Judaism, Islam etc etc should not get a free ride in this matter, but they do, on the basis that they've always been here. To Americans who fought in the civil war, slavery had always been there.
Religion is not as benevolent as it is preached to be, certainly not christianity at least. Some of the most oppressed people in the world are deeply religious per head (see uganda, serbia, etc etc) as religion always has been a method of controlling the masses, a cynic like me would say that is what caused it to be in the first place, but we can take from the pagans who built stonehenge that worship was taking place before such a tool was needed. On the other hand, some of the happiest nations in the 1st world, Finland for example have very little if any worship in their communities.
And of course, it is the last refuge of socially acceptable prejudice. A priest can condemn a gay man or woman for being who they are and if made public, debate ensues. If a random member of the public did so, it would be a hate crime.

In short, religion to me symbolises everything that is wrong with the world today and as a society we are smart enough by now to have our own morality to not need guidance from a 2000 year old story book, much less one that has caused more human deaths than any other cause in human history. I don't just mean the bible, I mean all religious text. Religion always has had an agenda of its own, it always will and the sooner we all open our eyes and drop it, the sooner we can progress as a society. Scientifically, we are nigh on 1000 years behind our potential purely for this reason.

im curious on your thoughts on Jacob Barnett :D

He is a kid with autism that has an IQ of over 170 (smarter than einstein)

He taught himself calculus and higher math. He is attempting to disprove the Big Bang theory. :D
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