The Cepheus Store thread

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I don't think the blog gives an accurate time for when the update will happen, they usually just post a "heads up" post listing the DLC a couple of hours before it gets released. Like I said, not the most reliable updates in the world but hey I can wait :)
I feel like nothing new will really be DLC unless it's heavily requested, if even. If I'm not mistaken all these clothing parts are already made and just being periodically released.​
While I would definitely pay for new stages and I'm sure people would pay for new voices, faces, etc, I don't think any exist, and also doubt PS would make them?​
I feel like nothing new will really be DLC unless it's heavily requested, if even. If I'm not mistaken all these clothing parts are already made and just being periodically released.
I don't see the purpose of them releasing compatibility packs with the content in them, if the items were made pre-release. It would be much simpler for them to simply put everything on the disk and have you pay to unlock them at a later date, which is what they did for the pre-Cepheus store packs.
So much complaining, it amazes me. Especially when 85% - 90% of all the DLC so far has been great. And that percentage is far higher then most other games with this much DLC.

I just don't get it. Not being happy with all the DLC I can understand, but to act as if it's all been bad is simply ridiculous to me.
The Cepheus Compatibility Pack 5 is now available for the European PSN. However, the cowboy and nurse outfits are not available yet. I can't find it anywhere in the store. Perhaps, they forgot to include that particular DLC in the update. >_>;
I don't see the purpose of them releasing compatibility packs with the content in them, if the items were made pre-release. It would be much simpler for them to simply put everything on the disk and have you pay to unlock them at a later date, which is what they did for the pre-Cepheus store packs.
Maybe to avoid the bitching that's been happening lately with on disk content? IDK, you're probably right. But even if they are seperate, we have all of the thumbnails. I doubt anything extra is coming when the thumbnail content runs out.​
Oooh, just made another discovery.. they fixed the bug with Viola's hood suddenly having compatability issues. It works with skirts and dresses again (Specifically tested with the Rococo Skirt, which I had on a Nun character before and it got force removed on edit)
I'm new to the world on on-line gaming and i have a question for the SCV community. What's the deal with religious CAS? I made a really cool Moses but haven't played with him because I fear offending someone. That may sound silly but i can't help but notice I've never played against jesus or budda. What do ya'll think? do i have a right to play with a Moses or should i defer to the relgious sensablities of my fellow gamers.
Got to love self entitlement. The "I feel cheated so I deserve compensation" mindset makes me wonder why you play fighting games where every loss will only seek to disappoint you.

Just my opinion, of course.

The fuck? This armor clips through fucking everything im not self entitled im simply not happy with the damn armor. it was poorly made and whoever put this shit up on the store without actually taking to the time to fix the issues with it should be ashamed
That is a terrible idea. If they did that, the dlc packs would be even more expensive. If they did that with a SCV pack that had 45 pieces, the whole thing would add up to 3600 points on that one pack alone. Just buy the pack; you might end up making use out of something you didn't like.

You didnt get it. You could buy all the stuff by the usual price, OR, buy separate, they cost more, but at least if you want only ONE part of a DLC pack that costs 240 points, you are spending just 80, =)
If you want more than 2 parts, then you buy the whole pack =)

Example : The headgear pack 2, it's terrible XD nothing interesting, I'm not spending 160 points on it. BUT I would pay 80 points just to buy Rock's rhino helmet. It does not mean that everything will only be sold separate, it means you have a choice. Got it?

I'm new to the world on on-line gaming and i have a question for the SCV community. What's the deal with religious CAS? I made a really cool Moses but haven't played with him because I fear offending someone. That may sound silly but i can't help but notice I've never played against jesus or budda. What do ya'll think? do i have a right to play with a Moses or should i defer to the relgious sensablities of my fellow gamers.

I made a Nun squad because "Combat Nun" is just a trope. I thought it was funny. I also have a Raptor Jesus character. And I've fought everyone from Jesus to Buddha and Mohammed online. I don't think anybody will get offended by Moses. Unless theyre looking for an excuse to bitch anyway.

Fucking yes.

The undergarment legs clip through the leg armor so well.
You didnt get it. You could buy all the stuff by the usual price, OR, buy separate, they cost more, but at least if you want only ONE part of a DLC pack that costs 240 points, you are spending just 80, =)
If you want more than 2 parts, then you buy the whole pack =)

Example : The headgear pack 2, it's terrible XD nothing interesting, I'm not spending 160 points on it. BUT I would pay 80 points just to buy Rock's rhino helmet. It does not mean that everything will only be sold separate, it means you have a choice. Got it?
I understood it; why would I want packs to cost more? 80 points (1$) for each one item seems a bit overpriced. Why would I buy 1 item when I could get a pack with the same item I want, plus more items that I could find some use for later? Buying the entire pack is a better deal. If you don't like the other items, just don't use them. I don't like the idea of buying a dlc pack just for one item, because there will come a time when you'll want to change it with something and as a result will end up spending more points for items that could have been packaged together.

I know that seems like saving money, but eventually each item will add up. I doubt anyone is going to buy just one item and just be happy with it. You'll end up spending $10 on 10 items before you realize it. Putting items in packs is fine as it is; they just need to make certain packs cheaper like $1.99 instead of $2.99.

I'm new to the world on on-line gaming and i have a question for the SCV community. What's the deal with religious CAS? I made a really cool Moses but haven't played with him because I fear offending someone. That may sound silly but i can't help but notice I've never played against jesus or budda. What do ya'll think? do i have a right to play with a Moses or should i defer to the relgious sensablities of my fellow gamers.
I think it's perfectly acceptable. I'm Christian and I wouldn't be offended one bit. I have a CAS of God the Father himself. I don't use him much only because he needed a manly style, so I gave him Mitsu's, and I'm not nearly as good with Mitsu as with Natsu.

I'd like to see your Moses if you can post a screenshot.
I'm preety sure you are wrong, Zas and Talim were OVERequested ... where are them?
That's a different issue. Making a whole new moveset creates a world of problems like balancing, compatibility (since you can't just make the style invisible for people without the right pack). Not to mention it takes a LOT of time and effort to animate an entire moveset, even if some of the moves already exist.​
I think it's perfectly acceptable. I'm Christian and I wouldn't be offended one bit. I have a CAS of God the Father himself. I don't use him much only because he needed a manly style, so I gave him Mitsu's, and I'm not nearly as good with Mitsu as with Natsu.

I'd like to see your Moses if you can post a screenshot.
sadly, i'm not nearly tech savy enough to post a pic of moses here (i'm 35!) he's basically the moses from the movie 10 commandments, he's got a racoon tail for a beard and his "robe" has the hebrew red white and black stripes which look really good. he uses Xiba's style of course for the staff.
I find it interesting that a lot of people in here gripe about male characters in female clothes and characters with proxy genitalia but fighting with religious figures is cool, apparently. I personally would not be offended by any religious character (I would like to see your god the father, racoon tail for beard? thought so) but I expected a portion of the community would be. Is anything totally off-limits? Do on-line gamers revere anything?
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