The future of Soul Calibur

What should be the focus of the next game?

  • Continue the story following the events of SCV

    Votes: 88 50.6%
  • Fill in the story with events from between SCIV and SCV

    Votes: 47 27.0%
  • Reboot of the series starting with SE

    Votes: 30 17.2%
  • Prequel before the events of SE

    Votes: 9 5.2%

  • Total voters
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^So... you don't like SCV because you miss some character, the removal of moveset fluff, the story mode that actually tells a story for once, and that there aren't character endings you'll only watch once?

No, I had mixed feelings (not to say that I don't like it) for SCV for several reasons (and I just wanted to keep my post as short as possible). One of them is the roster. It may sound stupid to you, perhaps because you care more about the gameplay than anything else - I don't know, but for me the charismatic Characters are a big part of it why I started to play SC in the first place.
As for the moveset... it felt like there aren't as many options as I had in SC4, now I may be wrong on this but this is just my personal opinion, not a big deal alright...
And about the character endings... I merely said it would be a good thing to have to get people who never played SC to actually spend some time with the game and a good motivation for them to actually try out every character in the game. It's not a necessity, but I believe it would be good to have just to get more people to play it. It feels dated to not have them, wouldn't you agree?
No, I had mixed feelings (not to say that I don't like it) for SCV for several reasons (and I just wanted to keep my post as short as possible). One of them is the roster. It may sound stupid to you, perhaps because you care more about the gameplay than anything else - I don't know, but for me the charismatic Characters are a big part of it why I started to play SC in the first place.
The characters in SC are just as "charismatic" as the characters in every other FG. They're all the personification of a cliche.
As for the moveset... it felt like there aren't as many options as I had in SC4, now I may be wrong on this but this is just my personal opinion, not a big deal alright...
I'll agree that it's true for certain characters.
And about the character endings... I merely said it would be a good thing to have to get people who never played SC to actually spend some time with the game and a good motivation for them to actually try out every character in the game. It's not a necessity, but I believe it would be good to have just to get more people to play it. It feels dated to not have them, wouldn't you agree?
I don't see the point of character endings. 95% of people pick their characters based on looks anyways.
She's just an annoying little girl who says to repeat the same thing over and over. I don't see how people get attached. Well I can understand if that character experienced something similar to one of your life experiences but if they get replaced just move on. Oh and chances are you haven't had a life experience where all you said was "Wind, wind, wind, wind, wind."
People could have just missed her fighting style. I'm not a Talim player, but I remember having fun playing as her. And maybe her personality was a little something extra to some, I don't know.
People could have just missed her fighting style. I'm not a Talim player, but I remember having fun playing as her. And maybe her personality was a little something extra to some, I don't know.
Talim had no personality but her fighting style is most likely the reason. Rock I don't kno; he got boring in SC5... his personality was all depressed and lost the accent... we also have asteroth which I bet would just hand down his CE to Rock anyway. I dont see why people want Rock Back.
Nah, I'm not gonna lie. I can undestand when the character style is not in the game or the character didn't get a right replacement (Talim and Yun case), but when you have the same style/weapon/moves, then I don't see why people keep complaining about that.

Sure, I miss Xianghua, especially because I played with her since Soul Calibur 2. But I have the same weapon, moves, styles and, better yet, Leixia sucks. [!] But, at least in my case, I can still play the game with her. Geez, guys. Move on. :s

And yeah, I'm drunk. Thank you. [?]
She's just an annoying little girl who says to repeat the same thing over and over. I don't see how people get attached. Well I can understand if that character experienced something similar to one of your life experiences but if they get replaced just move on. Oh and chances are you haven't had a life experience where all you said was "Wind, wind, wind, wind, wind."

:sc5sig1: You could never understand.
Lol I adore characters who are wise and on the good side. <3 Talim and Zwei
As for my evil side, I love characters who are crazy and evil. <3 Raphael and Nighty.
:sc4tir1:Quick question, but how would you feel if Pyrrha didn't make it in the next game? >=)

*My real life experience with the wind happens all the time up here during the harsh Canadian winter. Trying to get someone's attention while the wind is blowing snow everywhere is pretty bad. ""What?! I can't hear you! It's the wind! I said it's the wind! For god's sake I said it's the winnnnnnnnnnnnndddddddd!!!!"
I feel like ZWEI and Viola should have been evil FIRST then turn good after finding acceptance from someone. (Talim's general role)
Well... Siggy did accept them and recruited them into the Schwarzwind. And just because and they were feared and discriminated against, it doesn't mean that they have to be evil and be like Nighty and his malfested.
Well apparantly ZWEI dies in SC5's storymode so he's pretty much gone. *Phew*
No one ever dies in SC lol. Except for Asta and Nighty but we got like a million clones of Asta in SCV and Dumas/Nightmare. And for all we know, Zwei could have survived getting stabbed in the guts and falling a hundred feet down a hole. He does have Ein....
Again Maxi has died in like 50 times yet he makes an appearance in every Soulcalibur so if a character dies with no replacement you can always expect to see them back.
Is that really the only evidence we have that Raphael is nightmare? If so, it doesn't mean anything. It's just as likely that they slapped Raphs head on there as a placeholder until they were going to model the actual Graf Dumas, then the time crunch came and they said "hell with it, just ship it that way. He has a mask, no one will ever see it."

It's just like if someone managed to unmask Yoshimitsu and we found Talim's head under there. Everyone would be saying Talim came back as Yosh.

Or if we unmasked Kunimitsu and found a NIGHTMARISH WINDOW TO HELL. Oh wait.
Why do people think there has to be a developmental reason for it this; "Because Namco didn't have enough time, so they just used Raph's model." That's short-sighted imo. Just because some of the decisions made in the game were obvious rush jobs doesn't mean everything is. Raph becoming Nightmare would make sense story-wise, because he has a motive for it: he could use Soul Edge to make a new world for him an Amy. He tried it '[noncanonically] with Soul Calibur in his SCIV ending; Soul Edge would be the next best option.

So yeah... Talim had no personality? That's so weird because all the other characters are soooo full of personality, and totally don't whine all the time or repeat the same retarded lines about true justice and 'malfested' I mean, Soul Calibur's characters besides Talim have so much personality and character that the writers of Soul Calibur make people from Tolkien to Martin Scorsese jealous... -.-'

I liked SC5 customisation, but for the characters this game was a trainwreck. Daishi and Namco promised a lot more from it than what we got.

The future of Soul Calibur? Nothing, because i'm not buying it anymore.

So yeah... Talim had no personality? That's so weird because all the other characters are soooo full of personality, and totally don't whine all the time or repeat the same retarded lines about true justice and 'malfested' I mean, Soul Calibur's characters besides Talim have so much personality and character that the writers of Soul Calibur make people from Tolkien to Martin Scorsese jealous... -.-'

I liked SC5 customisation, but for the characters this game was a trainwreck. Daishi and Namco promised a lot more from it than what we got.

The future of Soul Calibur? Nothing, because i'm not buying it anymore.
Me too, and I think we are wasting our time here. Namco don't care about what fans thinks anymore, how would there be a soul calibur 6? They are not even putting effort in this game anymore. I totally doubt there will be another Soul Calibur game. Good bye Soul Calibur.
The characters in SC are just as "charismatic" as the characters in every other FG.
Well, I wouldn't agree with you there. I don't think it is a coincidence that Virtua Fighter, while praised by most professionals for its balanced, rewarding and tight gameplay, doesn't really have a rich scene and neither seem people to care much about it. Same goes for DOA, with a more casual friendly gameplay. I'm sure everyone knows who Ryu, Chun Li, Heihachi, Yoshimitsu are... simply because they are so iconic. Same goes for Siegfried, Voldo, Taki, Sophitia and so on, while I'm pretty sure that the average gamer probably scratches its head when you mention Kasumi, Helena, Pai Chan, Kage-Maru... Its the first thing that comes to my mind when thinking about a certain fighting game.
The hype they made when they showed character silhouettes before the games release is proof that people care about them, and that is fact.
I don't see the point of character endings. 95% of people pick their characters based on looks anyways.
That's beside my point. Its either that my english is that bad or you perhaps don't get what I mean. Let me put it this way: most people don't play the game for sports at first and chances are that the average gamer is going to pick a Tekken or Street Figher game over SoulCalibur simply for the reason because he sees no reward in playing and finishing it. I agree with you that most of us watch those endings just once, but its common sense that the average gamer wants a reward for playing the game solo. And during that process of unlocking those ending he might get to like what the gameplay has to offer and might start playing this game seriously. Don't rule this out.

On a different note... a lot of you jump to stupid conclusions. Apparently when someone misses certain characters he is automaticly "obsessed" with it. I never said it is a dealbreaker... and in the end I bought SCV even though my mains/faves are not in it, in whichever shape or form. I'm just the opinion that it would be good to have them back for future instalments of the series, nothing else. And if you seriously think that someone has mental problems just because of that... then I really do wonder who needs to get out and get some air.
Anyway I think I ranted way too much than I initially intended to... so I'll leave it at that.
I didn't jump to a stupid conclusion. Someone brought up obsessing about a character in which case they most likely have mental issues.

If you want to take that personal then great.
I have fun with these people whining. =)

SC5 is an awesome game, had good sales and for sure we will have a Soul Calibur 6 in the future. Stop crying.

PS:My English sucks, I know. =D
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