The Legend of Korra

Book 2 is going to be called Spirits and consists of 12 episodes
Kya; Katara and Aang's first child, is going to play a large role. She has a hippie life-style, similar to the Swamp-benders. She is a waterbender and has a connection with Jinora
Spirits is set six months after Air
Korra's parents will play a larger role
Katara will play a larger role
Designs for the Southern Water Tribe and Southern Air Temple were shown
Asami is trying to rebuild her father's company and make Future Industries a better company overall
Everyone wears winter coats now
12 episodes again? ew, this series need at least 20 like the predecessor, the last season was way too fast. lol
or at least they should make the episodes to last 1 hour like true blood
Book 2 is going to be called Spirits and consists of 12 episodes
Kya; Katara and Aang's first child, is going to play a large role. She has a hippie life-style, similar to the Swamp-benders. She is a waterbender and has a connection with Jinora
Spirits is set six months after Air
Korra's parents will play a larger role
Katara will play a larger role
Designs for the Southern Water Tribe and Southern Air Temple were shown
Asami is trying to rebuild her father's company and make Future Industries a better company overall
Everyone wears winter coats now
Dont forget: Mako is a policeman working under Lin (But he's a firebender, so I don't see how that will work out, not being able to metalbend)
Bolin is the leader of the fire ferrets, which now has two new members replacing Korra and Mako
Korra has mastered the avatar state and uses it disrespectfully (Beating the Airbending children in a race by entering avatar state for extra speed was the example used in Comic Con)
The series will start with Korra being attacked by a shadow spirit
Korra's uncle, the chief of the northern water tribe, will be introduced, and his two children, a twin boy and a twin girl.
Mmm, can we not have the spoilers shown without spoiler tags? That would be appreciated :/
Sorry, I was guessing that its not exactly a spoiler since its already been officially announced, but I guess some people want literally no idea of whats gonna happen until it happens. Whoops :x
But I want the forum to revolve around me :(

Shut your mouth this isn't about you!!
Cause look, the stage is shape like a funnel, so it draws me towards some bottom. So I got no problem feeling some tension in escaping these obnoxiously loud death beams you dumb bitch...
So cool alright...