The Return Of My Cast Of Freaks

As always your souls are damned near perfect. An artist with CaS hands down.

The face on Incendia is phenomenal. That just is, pat yourself on the back for that one.

I'm a tad upset /jealous with Reaver though, I had remade a soul recently with horns growing out of his chest, but yours looks 700x better. Oh well back to the CaSing bored.
Thanks though these were done before I went into hospital, haven't had a chance to get back to the game yet

Take your time, rest, don't go into full gear right away (do i sound like a doctor or something ;o)... in the meantime, you can have some relaxing moments browsing through the many pages you missed on in my thread (see your inbox for details).

Tokimune is definitely cool, stone warrior with nice bump mapping effects ;o)
Angelica is cute as a button and the feathers and sticker effects on the chest part are elegantly placed, but i don't feel the vibe/theme behind it, maybe you should have make use of the third equ slot to give it a gimmick...but it is allprobably because i ain't so keen on color pink in the first place ;o)

I must ask, how did you do this design?
These are HOT! I've been running into wall after wall of creative blocks, but you seem to bulldoze right through them. Instantly marvelous these one's, I'm a fan now. Keep at it! ^_^
Well hello chaps and chapetts it has been a long time hasn't it? how's everyone doing? I've missed our banter and my fellow creators works, alas my pc went to heaven and until now I was unable to buy a new one!
Hugs and kiss to you all XxX