The v1.03 Patch Discussion Thread

360 US Patched

Why would offline "count" to me, if I don't tournament play? Lag has nothing to do with it if I don't have any real lag to complain about. I think Sophitia topping the leaderboards is reason enough to warrant at least a looking into.

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you're a Sophitia player.

Yes, please stop. Your only making yourself look worse with every post.

Wow, incredibly friendly people around here.

Not to idiocy.
360 US Patched

All right all right settle the fuck down, we're supposed to be NICE to new people. This isn't CaliburForum, we get a lot of new people here and we gotta act right, you know?

Soul Calibur isn't and shouldn't be balanced based on what happens during online play, because it's primary focus is for offline VS. Online is an extra feature added on, simply because it had to be, not because it's going to work. If you take Soul Calibur seriously, you go to play offline. Plain and simple.

Sophie 1a,a is not a god move that needs to be balanced. It just becomes difficult to block online with lag. This is not a fault of the game, this is a fault of the internet. And the internet is not what's taken into account when balancing a game. Remember, all serious competitions for any game are held offline.
The Patch Discussion Thread

Yoshi's a:B+K 66B combo still hits off 33_99K launcher ;) booyah namco bitches... still got it... lol
The Patch Discussion Thread

Soul Calibur isn't and shouldn't be balanced based on what happens during online play, because it's primary focus is for offline VS. Online is an extra feature added on, simply because it had to be, not because it's going to work.
I imagine that Namco's primary focus was to create a fighting game that would have a wide enough appeal to be very profitable. The inclusion of online play is probably the most important element towards meeting that goal. Users can define the primary focus anyway that they see fit but that doesn't mean it parallels the developers intent. On any given day, there are more people playing SCIV online than offline and the import of that speaks for itself. If the technical quality of the game is degraded online (compared to offline) it still is being played by more users than ever before.
If you take Soul Calibur seriously, you go to play offline. Plain and simple.
I don't think it's so simple b/c there is a difference between approaching entertainment seriously compared to it being considered a quasi-professional sport. I certainly respect how dedicated the best SC players are but at the end of the day, it is not a vocation. Certainly the offline tournament type players are more dedicated and proficient but they're also now part of a larger online community that's doesn't feel it has to apologize for seriously enjoying online competition. How much Namco will defer to the online component (when making patch decisions) I think remains to be seen.
The Patch Discussion Thread

already posted in asta forum but ill say it here too.

PT has improved hit box, it hits a larger area in front of him, roughly 180 degrees forward. it hits steppers better now.

also "CH 6k, 2a+k is now just frame timing" is wrong, the combo still exists but can now be teched left/right and has nothing to do with just frame timing.
The Patch Discussion Thread

Certainly the offline tournament type players are more dedicated and proficient but they're also now part of a larger online community that's doesn't feel it has to apologize for seriously enjoying online competition. How much Namco will defer to the online component (when making patch decisions) I think remains to be seen.

Very nice post overall.
Maybe if enough of us voice up, people will eventually stop treating the online side of the game like worthless trash... Sorry, I know, it's offtopic.
The Patch Discussion Thread

Tripp- sophie doesnt take the leader board online. As a matter of fact I dominate just about most online sophie players and I play sieg so she isnt broke.
The Patch Discussion Thread

anyway can someone test out siegs 22_88 B? it used to track like whoa and now even if the enemy is slightly off axis it whiffs. Maybe its just m and I`m just timing this wrong but can I get a confirmation?
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