This or that thread

Thrill ride, as I don't want to land on my head and the ride would probably have safety precautions.

Paycheck every month or every other week.
Drown you can speed up the process of drowning by swallowing water while being buried alive your stuck underground all alone and waiting to suffocate

Play Russian roulette with with 2 bullets in the chamber or flip a coin, heads being you get shot in the head and tails being you live.
Considering that they're the same thing yeti its easier to spell

being chased zombies or being chases by a were-wolf with a 2 minute head start on an open road
Were wolf. I've seen zombies but I still would like to see a were wolf O_o

Conceptual continuity or statistical density?
Godzilla, because having words come out of my mouth after I finished talking is fucking awesome!

Would you rather get stabbed in the crotch with a pitchfork by Ryan Seacrest or be Elton John's ass slave for an entire year?
Black hair chicks and brunettes.


What are you more like?