So, I'm watching this, and I'm sensing quite a bit of passive-aggressiveness. So...I have something to share with any of you guys that fit the bill...and may have believed in IRM at one point in time:

My next Thunderdome will be after I decide to get back to the game in a month or so, but my first challenge is @GranmasGotGame, challenging him to a FT5, the date and time will be announced whenever I get back.
Just thought I'd let it be known. And everyone's favorite hard reading ZWEI will return as well.
I am looking to do a thunder dome with anyone that's interested.

I am kilikAbeast on PSN
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Recently got rid of SCV before TD was conceived, after hearing about it I got SCV again, I challenge anyone on XBOX my username is Fungilord.

P.S ...and just so we're clear if you bring that silly ass ball throwing b$@ch to the Dome I will slit your throat irl...let's have some hype!!!
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