US Government Shutdown

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i guess i just never thought about it, but i still don't entirely understand how the government can be shut down. what exactly is this supposed to accomplish?
i guess i just never thought about it, but i still don't entirely understand how the government can be shut down. what exactly is this supposed to accomplish?
Making us look like shit in front of the entire world.

As the Washington Post puts it:
Americans’ respect for their Congress has, sad to say, diminished in recent years. But citizens still expect a minimal level of competence and responsibility: Pay the bills and try not to embarrass us in front of the world.

By those minimal standards, this Congress is failing. More specifically, the Republican leaders of the House of Representatives are failing. They should fulfill their basic duties to the American people or make way for legislators who will.

EDIT: Just for those arguing about costs...
Found with a simple Google search. Doesn't seem more expensive to me.
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Is that old guy who is supposedly telling people to have a day off to go see strippers in the picture a republican?
Is that old guy who is supposedly telling people to have a day off to go see strippers in the picture a republican?

No, he's a Democrat, and his name is Bill Clinton, one of the better former presidents.

The best president in recent history was Ronald Reagan, he was a republican. Of course you're just here to probably make some idiotic comments about nothing.

KEY note: This board's members complain about DLC, and game costs. I'm going to laugh at the complaining when the $300 average monthly premium kicks into effect, Norik will wonder why he suddenly needs to pay around $250 extra out of pocket per month. Go figure Obama Care's biggest supporters are elderly people who have the most to gain from a tax increase on young, healthy people. (Special interest group much?) Like I said, people like Norik are getting screwed, and apparently they're ok with it.... I guess you can't fix stupid. If you feel morally obligated to give financial aid to sick and poor people, you should donate money to help people in Africa also. Or do you need a government mandate to force you to 'donate' your money for that too?

EDIT: The poor don't need Obama Care, they already have Medicaid, it's a safety net ALREADY funded by the tax payers to help people pay for medical prcedures they can't afford. So a big middle finger to anyone in this topic dumb enough that referenced Obama Care to helping poor people, get the facts please!

See you bad topic-with-nothing-left-to-discuss! =^__^=
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i came in here to completely avoid the politic bullshit (Polishit) and just say that this happening and a coworker telling me that his wife was just laid off leads me to appreciate the fact that i have a job. even if it's not the best job, with the best people, with the best pay, or the best insurance plans. at least i am making a solid paycheck on a regular basis. i'm told that unemployment pay isn't available anymore for the time being or something similar to it. so i felt bad for a bit. even though i thoroughly deserve this job after all the hell i've been through to get it.
Is that old guy who is supposedly telling people to have a day off to go see strippers in the picture a republican?
LOL That's president Bill Clinton, famous for his... unorthodox... sex life.
KEY note: This board's members complain about DLC, and game costs. I'm going to laugh at the complaining when the $300 average monthly premium kicks into effect, Norik will wonder why he suddenly needs to pay around $250 extra out of pocket per month.
Except forcing healthcare increases demand. And demand stimulates competition, which in term decreases costs.

Not rocket science.
They just canceled the Miramar Air Show. They already said the blue angels were not gonna be there. But the just opted to cancel the whole thing. Its a pretty huge deal down here.

I'm sure we'd come to your rescue, although you Americans probably would rather that we didn't interfere if your country did break into a war.

In fact, I'd like to know what you guys think of that. If the US had another Civil War and you needed help, would you ask the Europeans (or just the UK, who knows ;) ) to help?
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