Viola : Current Issues, and what needs to be fixed.

Is Viola Overpowered? Be Honest...

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I lve how up in arms people are about this incredibly unimpressive infinite. I mean yes you shouldn't use it but wow people are aaangry. I guess it just goes to show that an infinite that doesn't do enough damage to kill you in 60 seconds is more hated than a combo that kills you in ten.

I guess annoyance tactics is really what it comes down to.
I lve how up in arms people are about this incredibly unimpressive infinite. I mean yes you shouldn't use it but wow people are aaangry. I guess it just goes to show that an infinite that doesn't do enough damage to kill you in 60 seconds is more hated than a combo that kills you in ten.

I guess annoyance tactics is really what it comes down to.
Dude thats not the's banned because the infinite is one only 3 chars can get out of it (zwei,voldo,and astaroth). Another problem is u can keep doing it till there char is near the end of a stage and just ring them out with 3B or 8 A+B. Sure it may be only 5 damage per grab but u have to factor in other stuff as well plus apparently it can be done with 44A BE and her CE. Maybe if u were getting hit with the infinite grab you'll see things differently.......
To be fair, your argument is bad and always has been.

I don't have much time, but 6B+K isn't a huge problem move that everyone should be crying over. It hasn't ever been, and never will be. It's a useful part of her kit. It's incredibly good. But this alone isn't what makes her overpowered.

I wish more people would realise this.
Whatever hilde was worse lol. I'm fine with it being banned. In fact, it HAS been banned hasn't it? So really let's move the conversation forward and cut the salt. I have a heart condition
IMO it is too soon to ban a character. Viola is very very good, and the damage ratio is insane... it definitely should be toned down a little (at least the orb attacks); but overall, she's not way better than the other characters (specially aPat). She's just difficult to deal with in close range, aside from that, she's not that much of a threat... very predictable in mid-long range. ALL her mixups can be prevented with GI and even aGI for some characters, I truly believe people need to learn how to fight against her and that's all. She's very different from all the characters in the whole series, she need to be fought in a different manner too. I have been completely silenced by good aPat players with GI and aGI alone. The infinite is gone now, so IMO aPat is far better than Viola.
OIn most cases I feel her damage is only slightly over the top considering that most of her high damage set ups put her at a disadvantage if they are avoided correctly. Only exception is her b+k* combos, and MAYBE 4b > full charge [a+b] because even if you ukemi the guard crush set up she seems to recover fasr enough to go unpunished. (I have 3b'd people when they ukemi and try to BB as punishment to this set up.)

But b+k* is most definitely stupid.
I do believe Viola is OP. That being said, I think that other characters are even more OP than she is. Characters like Mits, Apat, and Algol need MUCH harder nerfs IMO.
I voted yes.

Generally, shes a confusing character that takes good reactions, predictions or spacing along with a good deal of knowledge about her to beat. Although true of most of the case, more so for her.

Given that, she should not be doing this kind of damage.

IMO, these are some solutions:
Put B+K BE back to its original damage, pre-patch, or, making it not juggle aerial opponents. I feel the first retains as much of Violas style as possible.
Make 6A+B not cause as much stun, or cause none at all, or only work once. The latter wouldnt change much, because you can loop B+K BE without multiple 6A+Bs. The first would still allow for 6B+K wake-up afterwards, which i think is acceptable.
Fix 2A+B, make it deactivate when youre hit.
Back throw causes crouch state until recovery. I cant think why it doesnt already do this.

With those 4 areas addressed, youre looking at a Viola who can either pour 2 meters into a combo and get about 170 out of it... or one who cant extend her combos for as long as before, reducing the damage with it.
With that, id say shes still as tricky, but beaten easily with the right strategy providing the Viola doesnt adapt... like a SC character should be ^^ more touch of death.
^That "Combo" in the video you linked is a tech trap. Notice how the life bar reset? Also people only bitch about Viola because of that one thing that's extremely hard to do and very impractical. I think the whining about Viola is pretty dumb. I don't care if I get combo'd to death, I'll do better next time.
^That "Combo" in the video you linked is a tech trap. Notice how the life bar reset? Also people only bitch about Viola because of that one thing that's extremely hard to do and very impractical. I think the whining about Viola is pretty dumb. I don't care if I get combo'd to death, I'll do better next time.
Sorry, I don't notice the life bar reset. I just notice that when it was all said and done there was no life and the damage said 262. We are talking about the combo that starts right after 16 seconds right? I paid more attention and noticed it took at least three wall splats though.
The argument for ban isn't the ToD, it's the fact that she gets the ToD off a safe, invisible low/mid mixup which can be set up in a variety of ways and that her damage is off the charts with any amount of meter used. 180 damage off FC K for just one bar of meter? That's more than Algol gets for 2 full bars off his CE.

Certain other characters are capable of extremely situational ToDs involving a wall combo that requires a specific angle and often an impossible to land starter (like Cervantes 44(A+B) near a wall at a 39.5 degree angle during the third full moon in the Chinese Year of the Monkey), but Viola is the only one capable of getting it off a safe mixup that she can set up after any combo by ending the combo with 6A+B, jumping forward, then doing BT 6B+K → BT 2K or BT B, as well as just mid-field if she blocks something that puts the opponent at a heavy enough disadvantage where they can't interrupt the 6B+K. And even then they have to guess if she's doing the 6B+K, because if she just does 3B or something they'll eat a launcher for attacking at negative and she sets up the mixup anyways. It takes 75% meter to ToD off the mid and 100% to ToD off the low.
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