
i might...depends on the cost...but like you said..the arcade setup just won't be able to compare to the crap of a controller :( I LOOVED this game as a kid in the arcade. Great Childhood memories. Actually..there was this play near my house in the downtown that had like 10 machines so they had 2 vs 2 matches going constantly. As well as some other mech type game (think mech games of ps2 or something but all on the arcade stick stuff). Place went out of business about a year after I moved there, but every time I saw another arcade with virtual on i HAD to play

PROBABLY sucks in this port version though.... but we will
I've been a big fan of the series for many years. I have the all the console released games and I've played VO:OM in arcade before a few times. I also have the dreamcast twin sticks. :)

I have read there are 3 new mechs and some kind of mech customization mode. sounds hella boss, but I don't actually own a 360 and I am still pissed at xbox live so I'll only be online if my brothers get it and pay for live (which im sure they will)
Old version remake coming to XBLA.

Who's gonna get it? I know I will. Now, to get a controller that doesn't suck balls for it...

I played the shit out of this game in the arcades, I don't think I could ever get used to not having the dual joysticks...
The XBL release is VOOT. Oldest version was VOOM.* Dual analog pad = trigger buttons would seem to make it playable enough. Got by on the DC pad ok.

*Just wanted an excuse to type out VOOT and VOOM.
I was too little to understand any concept of importing, "new versions," and what-not. All I knew was that I loved this game, sitting in those pods and having those two joysticks with triggers and dash buttons...oh man, memories.

I just want to see if I can get this game to not suck. Ironically, a 360 PCB modded into a PS3 controller might work for me; having those thumbsticks aligned right there would be perfect for me.
DAMN !! First VF5 patches, then Rez HD, and now Virtual On. Sega never gives any love to the PS3. :(
I remember playing this once a long time ago when I was vacationing somewhere in the USA. Of course I didn't know what I was doing but it was fun sitting in that pod and controlling my robot with two joysticks. Heh I think that was the spark that ignited the mecha pseudo-fanboy in me. I couldn't even remember what this game was called until well after I discovered the internet...

I'll probably pick it up, hopefully it has a playable online component. I've played Senko no Ronde, which I've heard is a distant relative of Virtual On, game play wise anyway. I found that fun, sucked ass at it though heh.
Hey cool, I remember playing this on the Dreamcast years ago (has it been that long already?). I remember it being a fun game.
I'll probably pick it up, hopefully it has a playable online component. I've played Senko no Ronde, which I've heard is a distant relative of Virtual On, game play wise anyway. I found that fun, sucked ass at it though heh.

yeah it is similar to Senko no Ronde in a lot of respects, but I have fonder memories of VO than SnR
I remember playing this at Sega City in Toronto (I think it was Toronto...or at least someplace near it)

Then I got the PS2 port in like...'05 or something.

My god it sucked. I'm hoping this one will bring me back the nostalgia of it being fun.
Holy shit! I need to come to this part of the forums more. I loved this game for the dreamcast. Never played the arcade version. And I can't get this game to work on my "dreamcast" now. I'd buy it on the arcade tho.

They should add online play to it.

Edit: I just watched the trailer, and now I'm getting it for sure. I don't care how bad the online play is. They have it and that's all I need. See you suckas on there next weekend.
I'm going to do my best to mod a controller. This game just isn't the same without being able to slam those two sticks around.

That sounds kinda kinky.
The XBL release is VOOT. Oldest version was VOOM.* Dual analog pad = trigger buttons would seem to make it playable enough. Got by on the DC pad ok.

*Just wanted an excuse to type out VOOT and VOOM.

You really don't want to use the dual analog sticks for VOOT. VO games have always used digital to produce faster results. With analog you will have way too much dead space. Imagine trying jump cancels into watari dashing while rotating within a few seconds, you're thumbs would get a work-out and you might lose precious reaction time moving the sticks around.

The best way to use the 360 pad would be using the digital d-pad and 4 face buttons. Jump by moving the sticks out, or hit left on the d-pad and the B button. jump cancel, be moving the "sticks" in- right on the d-pad, and the X button. basically 2 easy commands for a jump cancel. Plus you only need to use one "stick" to start, change and stop a dash, which can all be done on the d-pad.