What pisses you off?


[10] Knight
Most of my most hated things were in my life today. These are the things that piss me off the most, in no particular order.

1. Designer T-shirts because no one should pay $60 for a shirt that makes people think they look cool in.

2. Emos, no explanation necessary i guess. http://www.demotivateus.com/posters/die-emo-kids-demotivational-poster.jpg

3. People with long hair and or with hats, EX: 13 year old white kids with blonde hair that could make a girl jealous.

4. Time, seriously it controls the whole world.

5. Politics, because its a bunch of hypocrites.

6. Movies/books with crappy endings, IMO Cloverfield ending= garbage. It was a waste of my time as it was, then the ending came and it was my favorite part of the movie (which isn't saying much), because it ended.

7. People who say they like rock and then name the most mainstream band list I have ever heard.

8. Books about the Holocost, they suck.

9. Timefillers in a show/movie, in one episode of Dragon Ball Z Gohan was threatening to kick Cell of the edge of a cliff....Cell can fly yet he was begging for mercy.

10. Wanna be skaters, thugs, etc. just stop it.

And the list goes on, I know this may be pointless but it's my way of venting.
ABC news banned usage of American pin flags. So showing patriotism is wrong now?
Boycott ABC and it's affiliates!
Several human traits aside...
Wind - Not directly useful to humans, and causes a lot of problems.
Dust - Completely useless?
Time - I have lower than average consciousness of time.
Let's see...

Lolicon = Pedo idiots

Console fanboys (not all)- I mainly hate the ones that are all like "Xbox z teh suxxorz!!!" and "Sony PS3 is da best cosle!!1!!". Let's be realistic, neither console sucks.

People who bitch every time they lose- "OMG U BEET ME! YOU SUCK AND I'M BETTER!!! YOU JUST GOT LUCKY!!!"

Kids- mainly the bratty ones and especially babies.

People who think they know everything- You obviously don't, so stop acting like it.

That's all I can think of at the moment.
1) Government

2) Today's Youth

3) Mainstream Rap

4) Nintendo

5) The Wii

6) MTV

7) BET

8) Black History Month

9) GameStop

10) EA Sports

11) SquareEnix

12) Multi-plat titles on PS3

13) 360 MGS4 whiners

14) Casual gamer outlook on the hardcore

15) Majority of today's cartoons (both American and Japanese)

16) 360's Red Ring

17) Double Standards

18) Life in General

There is more I just got tired of listing.

EDIT: 19) SEGA (how in the hell could I forget my hatred for them)
2) Today's Youth

We're both 20 and I could have listed this too.
Although today's youth seems to be the way it already was more than 5-10 years ago.
The assholes are the same, the little rapper gangstas are the same, the popular "perfect" guys are all the same brand, and good manners are long gone.
We're both 20 and I could have listed this too.
Although today's youth seems to be the way it already was more than 5-10 years ago.
The assholes are the same, the little rapper gangstas are the same, the popular "perfect" guys are all the same brand, and good manners are long gone.

Most of today's youth is garbage, however I am an exception to that rule...I hope.
1.) George A. Romero Films
2.) Hollywood
3.) Dreamworks Animation Studios
4.) Comic Books
5.) Comic Book Fans
6.) Final Fantasy VII
7.) Kingdom Hearts
8.) People Who Say Leon Kennedy Has Always Been the Poster Boy for Resident Evil
9.) College For Stealing My Money
10.) Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
12.) All Comic Book Movies Excluding, Batman, Batman Returns, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, and Hulk
13.) The Resident Evil Movies
14.) Capcom
15.) Resident Evil 4
16.) The Upcoming Resident Evil 5
17.) Cosplayers
18.) Learning More About Comic Books in Classes that are Meant to Teach Me Animation
19.) Followers (Not ones as in people who keep an eye on other people---those are stalkers---, but those who will do what someone else tells them to, just because they told them to)
20.) People Who Don't Know What Zombies Are
21.) Emos
22.) People Who Mistake Emos for Goths (there IS a difference)
23.) Modern American Television
24.) Christians
25.) Racists
26.) Feminists
27.) Teens
28.) People Who Tell Me I Hate Everything
29.) The XBOX 360 Controller
30.) Parents (All, not just my own)
31.) Marriage
32.) Rape
33.) Anime Fanboys/girls
34.) Obnoxious People (even worse, obnoxious people who complain about other obnoxious people)
35.) Preppy Kids
36.) People Who Say Brosnan is the Best Bond
37.) New York
38.) California
39.) Tim Burton Haters
40.) People Who Say I Only See the Negative in Everything
41.) People Who Tell Me to Smile More
42.) Rap
43.) Assault
44.) The Bible
45.) My Creative Writing Teacher in My Senior Year of High School
46.) People Who Would Say, "If you didn't vote for Obama, you're racist." Which would have (had I voted) left me with, vote for McCain and be racist against Obama, or vote for Obama and be racist against McCain
and so on...

Yes, all these things piss me off, or have pissed me off at some major point in my life. Some really piss me off, others, not so much. I like to think of the world in a positive way, mostly by accepting the fact that a lot of the things listed above, exist and that there's nothing I can do about it but ignore it the best I can, which is what makes being alive such fun. Even though these things piss me off, it makes me feel good. When I get more serious things like people calling me racist, it reminds me that the world is accepting of jerks, and its okay for me to be one myself. I'd prefer not to, but its good to know that I can.
First, every generation of youth are shitty and retarded. Your generation isn't an exception. Repulsive and retarded trends accompany every generation. It's not like gargantuan demographics of the population suddenly change en mass overnight. Trying to elevate yourself and your generation by saying the current crop of youth suck shit is hypocritical, because your generation sucked just as much shit in its youth.

Second, my list is pretty short. I merely loathe judgmental douche bags who weigh in on the lives of other people instead of realizing their own shortcomings. Life is short and shitty and everyone's fighting some sort of battle, so why judge people and make it more difficult for everyone involved? In short, worry about your own shit instead of getting all angsty about how other people are living their lives.

p.s. I have long, shaggy hair and I wear Volcom hats. wsup?
1.emo kids
4.people who talk shit when they lose
5.metal gear solid 4 unlockables....dont give me a gun and expect me not to kill anyone wtf
6.the rape of all the great 80s-early 90s cartoons i watched when i was young. transformers
ninja turtles etc...this new shit is completely gay
7.another shit season for the 49ers.
8.dallas cowboy fans
just a brush on the youth thing. my generation was dubbed generation X because everyone thought we were slackers and useless but we have grown to be very successful and productive moreso then anyone thought was possible. everyone fucks up when they're young
Wow, can I even make a list for this? Well, I'll try..lol.

1. Hypocrites
2. Religious fanatics
3. Bad food which looks good (I hate thinking something will look tasty and it turns out to taste awful..bad food should LOOK bad and good food should look GOOD)
4. Kids/Teenagers/Babies
5. Horrible game to movie transitions
6. Bad sequels to awesome games/movies
7. Bad cosplay of my favorite characters
8. Singers that get paid for making horrible music (makes me wonder if I should crack my voice once or twice)
9. Dubbed anime/video games (let's face it..90% of it is garbage, so I'm going to hate a majority of it)
10. Cliche "slice of life" anime (it's getting fucking old)
11. Racists
12. Naruto (Believe it!)
13. Two-faced people
14. People trying to act cool when obviously..they aren't
15. White people trying to act like black people or vice versa
16. Vegetables
17. People who can't distinguish the difference between "you're" and "your"
18. People who watch DBZ and think they can claim to watch "anime" just based on this (refer to #14)
19. Console fanboys/girls
20. Having to wait months after the debut of a new anime until you can find the TV Size version of the Opening Theme
21. People who think "Gundam Wing" is the best (or only) Gundam series (this does not qualify as an opinion..it just simply isn't the best)
22. People who treat me differently after finding out I have autism
23. Stepping in shit
24. Dropping my lunch
25. Dogs barking at night when I'm trying to sleep
26. Telemarketers
27. Mormons
28. My birthday (one step closer to my grave)
29. Death (do I get a say in this? NO! Of course not! I'll die anyway! Fucking stupid cycle of life)
30. Lenient judges who don't give proper punishment to rapists, pedophiles, and murderers
31. Power outages (I can handle my modem being off..but no internet and gaming? Yeah, I'm pissed)
32. Running out of Mountain Dew (I have to switch to water..why do you think I'm pissed?)
33. Spammers in SCIV (learn how to play the damn game, idiots)
34. XBOX Live (I don't even have an XBOX..this just pisses me off)
35. Tetsuya Nomura (if someone doesn't understand this, go play FFVII: DoC)
36. Stubbing my toe (a few choice words come out)
37. People who have no idea how to pronounce my PSN ID, "Kikumaru-chan" (some dude actually said, "Kikamanchi" in a session a few days ago)
38. People who have no idea how to spell my PSN ID (seriously, how much easier can I make this for you..?)
39. Idiots (while we're at it)
40. Taking 15 minutes away from my life that I'm never getting back, just to make this list