What the f----.... when did this become a thing?


Maybe I'm late to the party, but I've noticed something on the internet lately. Something... horrifying.

Self-labeling... and not just like, normal self labeling. Weird, out-of-place self labeling.

I don't mean like, self labeling like "I'm a white middle class blah blah". I mean like people giving themselves titles and descriptors as though they had meaning, often drawn from the fantastical sense, or almost in an RPG like fashion. Nebulous terms like "I'm a cool warrior" that don't really mean anything and just piss me off. Talk like fucking people goddamnit!

I first noticed it in this thread: http://8wayrun.com/threads/what-kind-of-fighter-are-you.14908/ ...however, since then, I've noticed it all over the internet.

When did this become a thing? when did nebulous labeling without substance become... normal?

I have the feeling this is a terrible side effect from a youth indoctrinated in pokemon/yugioh/bad shounen, but hey, I'm willing to learn. What the hell is this all about?
Teen being teen, i suppose :D
Idle, you're new to 8wr?

Is a place where fanfiction wierdos call themselves writers :D

Let it go, sooner or later vagina will fix all
Im a chronic masturbator.

I blame it on the false sense people have that they can be whatever they want on the internet, being as their life is rather dull to them. *puts down lotion*. Didnt you know Jay, everyone *zipps up pants* everyone is a tough guy over the *unzipps pants* internet.

see what I did there?
I have to agree with Idle here. I get the feeling that young people need to feel important, empowered, distinguished, or some kind of false sense of individualism.

Me personally? I'm just a guy who plays video games. I never liked labels or titles.

"We are not special, we are not unique, we are the same decaying organic matter as everything else" -Tyler Durden, from the movie "Fight Club"
It's just dumb kids; Their lives are so empty and pathetic they need to pretend they're these fantasy personas to feel like they're worth anything. They're all over the place in my school, it gets annoying -although I'd much rather be around them than the other pieces of shit that can't even count to ten. It's just a phase though, some of them actually grow up to be some very interesting and attractive people later in life.

In a sense, it's just need for approval. Kind of like this trend.
I necro certain threads constantly. Guess I'm a thread necromancer king then.

On a serious note, I also roleplay as some third person childish kawaii desu poster that makes crickets appear.

No wait, I usually have a habit to tell everyone what I'm about and/or did online.

Look, I don't want to start trouble. I'm just saying.

Wow, you must be mad.

Why are you getting on my post? I just asked everyone's opinion.

You're a jerk! My logic is sound. I know my buddies can back me up on that!

Oh why did I post? I'm out of here, peace!

*few minutes later*

I'm godlike at poker.

I think I've summed up a stereotype or two with this post...

I wasn't kidding about the necromancer thread king part though.