Whats your characters hardest move?

...Artilus didn't specifically say that JF6BBB is easy... But he said that JFs aren't hard to do.
And I agree for the most part.

6BBB is nothing else than a JF. There's nothing more to it. A JF, plain and simple.
The reason why it's difficult is because the visual cues really suck in this case. But as people say frequently, a TV's refresh rate can vary. So if you want to go to competitions, you'd better learn your JFs with muscle memory. Not visual cues.
In this aspect, Maxi's JF 6BBB isn't much harder than any other.
So it falls in the category of "JFs with no challenge to them except strict timing."

And yes, if you try a few times, you'll manage to luck out and perform JF6BBB by mashing. It just won't work 90% of the time.
I dunno man...Title of the thread says Whats YOUR characters hardest move?

maxi as a whole is complicated (which is debatable, i dont want to discuss that here)

I answer what the fuckin title of the thread asked ME!! IN MY OPINION maxis JF 6BBB is the hardest move OF MAXI'S. Im sure there is harder ones with other characters, but MAXI'S hardest move FOR ME is JF6BBB

that ok with you?

Now thats 2 threads you and I have clogged up....no more...go to PM's and let me have MY OPINION!!!

sorry spongebob for clogging this shit up. I will delete my "plume argument" posts in a little while
Heh I just went in practice mode... It does seem like JF 6BBB cannot be mashed, no matter what...interesting. Just wanted to say that.
But still, it remains a JF with nothing else to it than a timing. It's true that it's difficult to do consistently, especially in this case, but all JFs are difficult (Some more than others, yes). So everyone's going to list every character's hardest JFs.
But yeah, you answered the thread correctly.
Maybe the first post should have said something about JFs or something.
also i don't think Maxi (not sure though, i'm not very familiar with him) has anything like setsukas B+K series or a combo that requires you do be extremely acurate like doing a JF umbrella after A+K B or so. So i don't think there is much else you can post for maxi then a JF 6BBB. Also if your going to be exact A+K B Jf umbrella isn't ONE hard move. it's a combo and the treath is still called the hardest MOVE. I understand your point though, there is more difficulty then just just (pun intended) framing a move.
well congrats for that. that was exactly my point. i was explaining to plume why it wasn't so stupid to put down jf 6BBB as hardest move FOR MAXI because he doesn't have much else that's difficult. better read my posts decent before you start typing and feeling insulted...
well congrats for that. that was exactly my point. i was explaining to plume why it wasn't so stupid to put down jf 6BBB as hardest move FOR MAXI because he doesn't have much else that's difficult. better read my posts decent before you start typing and feeling insulted...

damn...sorry holmes. plume got my panties in a twist...my bad, Ill delete that post.
Since X has no hard input's ill say her 4k to Crouch Grab Tech Trap is hard to pull off 100% at max range espectially.

And for Ivy, Coil Stance iCS/SS on block stun.
ivy's SE B 6B 4B 6B 4B JF.... hate it and it's useless... also ivy's iCS/iSS. but then again, i don't think i really need either

for sophie: :2::3::6::2::3::6::2:_:8:, i just can't do it! weirdly, i don't use B2BBB236B much, so whether i can do the JF isn't that much of a problem... what i really want to be able to do consistantly is 236 :B :4 and 236236 :B :4.

as for hilde.... her doom combo is the hardest.... and it's not that difficult...
Sillycat - try this combo with Hilde
8K, wallsplat, iFC C3[A]K, 44K, C2BB, C3A, 4A+B (damage scaling means that unless you're going for RO, this is your best 'damage' ender. There are other gimmick enders but those I'm keeping private.)
Another move to try is CH FC C3AKA tech trap into C3B Doom combo. That's a pure timing thing but it's still rather hard to land.
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