Xianghua Movelist Analysis

Apparently, FC3B, 33_66_99 [A+B], SXS K, 6KA/CE is a proper combo? One might be able to tech out of the SXS K, but Kayane pulled it off thrice. If it were techable or AC:able, her opponent likely would've gotten out of it at least once. Time to lab this once the game's out! Also, each of the 3 times she succeeded in landing an SXS grab (except the times she went for CE afterwards), she didn't do 4BB but instead did 3A. Is 4BB no longer guaranteed so she goes for the mix-up instead?

Hello !
I have discovered lot of new combos. Even now some better that I used in this video !
But I’m still trying to find better and better, because every 10min I feel like finding better than I use to.
For now, the best option for FC3B is 66 A+B SXS K, 6K A, without Soul charge.

So I’ll make a video when I will try everything that is in my mind and regroup all the best options.

If I didn’t use 4B against Azwel after SXS throw, it’s because it’s not guaranteed against him and also Ivy.
Didn’t try against everybody yet, so maybe there are others chars it doesn’t work.
Hello !
I have discovered lot of new combos. Even now some better that I used in this video !
But I’m still trying to find better and better, because every 10min I feel like finding better than I use to.
For now, the best option for FC3B is 66 A+B SXS K, 6K A, without Soul charge.

So I’ll make a video when I will try everything that is in my mind and regroup all the best options.
What would the best combo be after an FC3B while in Soul Charge? I look forward to your video.

If I didn’t use 4B against Azwel after SXS throw, it’s because it’s not guaranteed against him and also Ivy.
Didn’t try against everybody yet, so maybe there are others chars it doesn’t work.
Oh, I see, it is match-up dependent. Does the 4B just whiff on Azwel and Ivy after SXS grab?
I've noticed in the beta that I was guard breaking quite a bit (Remember that with the old X as well).
IMO her style opens things up to that - she has a bunch of multi hit strings where the second/third hit might surprise people. Once they start blocking it might chunk their block gauge and open them up to stance mixups.

In any case - we need to figure out what does the most block gauge damage, and what does the most damage once the guard is broken.

Also - we need to analyze crybaby. Does it always come out? are there angles on the ground where you would get a A or B move instead of crybaby? I'm going to start mapping A+B to a button to specifically avoid a "slip"
I've noticed in the beta that I was guard breaking quite a bit (Remember that with the old X as well).
IMO her style opens things up to that - she has a bunch of multi hit strings where the second/third hit might surprise people. Once they start blocking it might chunk their block gauge and open them up to stance mixups.

In any case - we need to figure out what does the most block gauge damage, and what does the most damage once the guard is broken.

Also - we need to analyze crybaby. Does it always come out? are there angles on the ground where you would get a A or B move instead of crybaby? I'm going to start mapping A+B to a button to specifically avoid a "slip"
SXS and SC SXS B guarantees CE on block (and FC 3A).

FC3B, CE inflicts 83 damage, FC3B, 66(A+B), SXS K, 6KA 68 and FC3B, 66[A+B]n SXS K CE 88. 22_88 A+B can't combp into 66A+B.

22_88A and FC3B are not AA unsafe. Must've been getting hit by Tira's special mode AA which is i10. X's AA and CE do not punish either.

Qs I suspected, 4BA no longer has a CH variant and does not guarantee anything after.

1A+G now has a guaranteed non-JF BT B+K follow-up.

A+B is bizarre. In training mode, if the opponent is up against a wall, AA willl hit afterwards but CE will be blocked. Unless CE is i12 and AA is i11?
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Alrighty, peeps. I spent a few hours in Training Mode testing stuff out and here are the results.

Note: Damage is variable on some combos because you inflict more damage on backturned opponents, including backturned opponents who are airborne. Damage is listed without Counterhit included, unless the initial hit requires a Counterhit to combo. In Soul Charge, her moves do more damage. For instance, 3B, CE inflicts 88 damage instead of 80.

Combos from 3B:
6K.A - 46-47
Critical Edge - 80

Combos from FC3B:
66(A+B), SXS K, 6K.A - 67-69
Critical Edge - 82
66(A+B), SXS K, Critical Edge - 88
66(A+B), SXS K, Soul Charge 66B+K.B - 86

Combos from FC3B+K (formerly FC3bB):
6B.B - 51
Critical Edge - 84

Important Note: The timing for 66(A+B) is tricky, especially online.

Combos from Counterhit 6BB:
Backturn B+K, 6K.A - 57
Critical Edge - 69-70

Important Note: CH 6BB, BT B+K, CE is a combo, but it only inflicts 68 damage, 1-2 points less than just a raw CE off CH 6BB. What's more, CE after a CH 6BB requires no timing, just spam A+B+K and Xianghua will automatically turn around and CE the opponent. Therefore, there is no reason to do CH 6BB, BT B+K, CE unless you just want to be flashy.

Combos from Counterhit 11A+B:
6B.B - 51-53
Critical Edge - 94

Combos from 22_88B:
6K.A - 44-46
Critical Edge - 73

Combos from 22_88A+B:
6K.A - 53-58
1B+K.K - 61-64
Critical Edge - 86-90

Miscellaneous Combos:
Counterhit A.A.B - 41
Counterhit 66BB, 6BB - 58
Raw Critical Edge - 75
SXS Grab (either), 4B - 37 (2nd 4 is not guaranteed. 4B will whiff on Raphael, Ivy and Azwel)
SXS Grab (either), Critical Edge - 85
Run K (sliding), 6BB - 46
1kA.A - 40 (neither finisher on the string is a combo, even on counterhit)
1A+G, BT B+K: 21 (non-JF), 36 (JF)
Counterhit FC3A+B.A - 44

Combos from 2A+B:
6B.B - 42
2A+G - 65-74
1A+G - 24
1A+G, Backturn B+K - 36 (non-JF), 46 (JF)

Combos from Counterhit 44(A):
A.A.B - 60-61
3B, Critical Edge - 88
6B.B, Backturn B+K, 6K.A - 78
6B.B, Critical Edge - 89

Combos from Lethal Hits in Reversal Edge:
A.B, Critical Edge - 87
A.B, 6B.B - 65-66
B, Critical Edge - 89
B, 6B.B - 63
K, 6B.B, BT B+K, 6K.A - 52
K, 6B.B, BT B+K, Soul Charge 6K.B.B - 56
K, FC3B, 66(A+B), SXS K, Critical Edge - 65
K, FC3B, 66(A+B), SXS K, 6K.A - 60
K, FC3B, 66(A+B), SXS K, Soul Charge 6K.B.B - 57-60
K, 3B, Critical Edge - 63

Wall Combos:
3B (W), 3B (W), 6B.B, 6K.A - 79
3B (W), 3B (W), 6B.B, Critical Edge - 89
FC3B (W), 3B (W), 6B.B, 6K.A - 81
FC3B (W), 3B (W), 6B.B, Critical Edge - 93
FC3B (W), FC3B (W), 6B.B, 6K.A - 83
FC3B (W), FC3B (W), 6B.B, CE - 95 (101 in Soul Charge)
FC3B (W), FC3B (W), 6B.B, Soul Charge 6K.B.B - 96
FC3B (W), FC3B (W), Soul Charge 66B+K.B - 83 (less damage than the 6B.B variant, but keeps the opponent with their back to a wall)
4K (W), 3B (W), 6B.B, Backturn B+K, 6K.A. - 58-60
4K (W), 3B (W), 6B.B, Backturn B+K, Critical Edge. - 65
4K (W), FC3B (W), 6B.B, Critical Edge - 66
3B (W), 2A+G - 80-90
FC3B (W), 2A+G - 81-91

Important Note: On a wallsplat from 3B (and FC3B, though I forgot to check it. I'll check tomorrow), you can easily time a 2A+G. How much damage the grab inflicts will depend on the angle and if Xianghua throws the opponent into the wall again or not. 2A+G does not work after 2 wallsplats, only 1. It's a lot of meterless damage, but it can be broken, so beware of that.

Quakestep Combos (when opponent blocks Quakestep (2B+K)):
A.A.B - 32 (31 at tip range)
6BB, Backturn B+K, 6K.A - 53
6BB, Backturn B+K, Critical Edge - 65

* 22_88K is plus on block. I'm pretty sure it's +2.
* SXS (B) and Soul Charge SXS B guardbreak and guarantee scaled CE on block for 45 damage for (B) and 58 damage for Soul Charge B.
* SXS (B) and Soul Charge B both leave Xianghua in crouch, so only FCA and WR K guaranteed from them besides CE for 6 damage and 10 damage respectively. So if you want some guaranteed damage afterwards, go for FCA.
* SXS K on grounded opponents launch them into the air and guarantees a CE for 66-69 damage
* After a successful 4A+B, 6B.B is an ukemi trap. No ukemi and it combos OTG, left ukemi (Xianghua's left) and right ukemi at long range and the opponent gets out of the 6.B.B. Right ukemi at mid or close range and backward and forward ukemi result in the Counterhit launcher version of 6B.B.
* If only the 2nd hit of 66BB hits on counterhit or if only the 2nd hit of 66B(B) hits (whether it's a normal hit or counterhit), Xianghua can combo into Critical Edge. Xianghua just can't combo into Critical Edge if both hits of 66BB hit, whether it be a normal hit or a counterhit, for some reason.

The following moves are capable of Guardcrushing when the opponent's guard meter gets to 100% or above after blocking them. Any moves not listed here cannot Guardcrush (or I forgot to check it, but I'm pretty sure I got them all. Correct me if I'm wrong):
6B.B (only the 2nd hit)
bK (2nd hit)
2B+K (only the hitbox at point blank range that is a Mid, the low Quakestep hitbox cannot Guardcrush)
Critical Edge
1k.A.A.K (only the last hit)
Hou Lee B
Hou Lee (B)
WR K.B (only the 2nd hit)
66A.B.B (only the last hit)
66A.B.A (only the last hit)
3B+K.K (only the 2nd hit)
11K.K (only the 2nd hit)
Soul Charge 66K.K
Soul Charge 66A+B.B
Soul Charge 66B+K.B
B+K (B)

Combos from Lethal Hit FC3K:
9K.K2, SXS K, 3B - 80-85
9K.K2, SXS K, CE - 101-109

Important Notes: FC3K LHs airborne opponents. Damage inflicted depends on what they were doing in the air. Launch height and angle does too. For instance, a LH on Sophie's jump A, B or K will have so much pushback, the combo will whiff unless X was very close to the edge when FC3K LH:ed.

Combos from Guard Crush:
6B.B, Backturn B+K, 6K.A - 40
6B.B, Critical Edge - 50

Note: 6B.B, Backturn B+K, Critical Edge inflicts 49 damage. So use it if you want to be flashy, but go straight to CE after 6B.B if you want the damage. Also, you cannot buffer 44(A) after any Guard or even any moves outside of Guard Crush, it seems. I didn't manage to combo a single thing into 44(A).

Combos in Soul Charge:
Counterhit A.A.B.B - 68
Counterhit 3A.A, FC3K - 55
Counterhit 3A.A, WR K.B - 63
Counterhit 3A.A, WR B, 6B.B - 65-72
Counterhit 3A.A, Critical Edge - 79
3B, 6K.B.B - 63
3B, 66B+K.B - 70
Counterhit 6B.B, Backturn B+K, 6K.B.B - 67
FC3B, 66(A+B), SXS K, 6K.B - 74
FC3B, 66(A+B), SXS K, 66B+K.B - 86
33_66_88B+K.K - 50-67 depending on how the 2nd hit hits.
SXS Grab, B - 58

Important Notes:
CH 6B.B, BT B+K, SC 6K.B.B will have the 2nd B of 6K.B.B whiff on Inferno every single time for some reason. The FC3B combo can be air controlled out so the 2nd B of SC 6K.B.B doesn't hit. It if does hit, he combo does 91-92 damage.

Xianghua Frame Data:
3B | i16 | -13 on block
FC3B | i18 | Less than -10 on block
4B | i13
6A | i14
6K | i14
Critical Edge | i12 | -13 (?) on block
K6 | i14
6B.B | i16 | -14 (?) on block

Question marks are things I'm not entirely sure on yet. I'll have to double-check them tomorrow.

Critical Edge Punishment: What do you when your opponent throws out a Critical Edge at you in neutral. Block and punish accordingly!
* Siegfried: There's nothing you can do unless you Reversal Edge it on prediction (you cannot start Reversal Edge after the flash). Siegfried is safe on block. I believe his CE is 0 on block.
* Zasalamel: It guardbreaks and is plus on block. I'll test if you can sidestep it after the flash tomorrow but I doubt it.
* Nightmare: 3B into a launcher combo of your choice. (minus at least 16, but less than 19)
* Azwel: As I do not have a 2nd PS4 controller I cannot test out his 2nd Critical Edge, but his regular one is punishable with a 3B. (minus at least 16, but less than 21)
* Maxi: iFC3B. Do an FC3B as quickly as you can. The window is actually relatively large. (minus at least 19)
* Sophitia: Soul Charge 6K.B.B, K6, 4B, 6A, Critical Edge (-14)
* Xianghua: A.A, 4B, Critical Edge (-13)
* Astaroth: Duck. You must already be ducking before the flash.
* Ivy: 3B (m,inus at least 16, but less than 19)
* Yoshimitsu: Sidestep. When you see the flash, just start holding up or down to sidestep. You don't even have to double tap or time it. Heck, if you were already sidestepping or sidewalking, just keep doing so and it'll whiff. If you block it, Yoshimitsu gets frame advantage, but there's no reason to ever block it unless you were in the middle of a backstep and didn't have the time to sidestep.
* Kilik: The normal Critical Edge is 100% safe, the Soul Charge Critical Edge can be ducked on reaction after the flash.
* Grøh: Soul Charge 6K.B.B, K6, 4B, 6A, Critical Edge (-14)
* Cervantes: Soul Charge 6K.B.B, K6, 4B, 6A, Critical Edge (-14)
* Mitsurugi: iFC3B. The timing is much stricter than against Maxi. (minus at least 91)
* Geralt: Soul Charge 6K.B.B, K6, 4B, 6A, Critical Edge (-14)
* Taki: 4B, Critical Edge, AA. (-12)
* Seong-Mina: FC3B. You don't even have to do an iFC3B because blocking this Critical Edge automatically puts you in crouching. (minus at least 18)
* Raphael: Safe.
* Voldo: 4B, Critical Edge (-13)
* Tira: I don't have her yet, so I haven't checked her.
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Alrighty, peeps. I spent a few hours in Training Mode testing stuff out and here are the results.

Note: Damage is variable on some combos because you inflict more damage on backturned opponents, including backturned opponents who are airborne. Damage is listed without Counterhit included, unless the initial hit requires a Counterhit to combo.

Combos from 3B:
6K.A - 46-47
Critical Edge - 80

Combos from FC3B:
66(A+B), SXS K, 6K.A - 67-69
Critical Edge - 82
66(A+B), SXS K, Critical Edge - 88

Combos from FC3B+K (formerly FC3bB):
6B.B - 51
Critical Edge - 84

Important Note: The timing for 66(A+B) is tricky, especially online.

Combos from Counterhit 6BB:
Backturn B+K, 6K.A - 57
Critical Edge - 69-70

Important Note: CH 6BB, BT B+K, CE is a combo, but it only inflicts 68 damage, 1-2 points less than just a raw CE off CH 6BB. What's more, CE after a CH 6BB requires no timing, just spam A+B+K and Xianghua will automatically turn around and CE the opponent. Therefore, there is no reason to do CH 6BB, BT B+K, CE unless you just want to be flashy.

Combos from Counterhit 11A+B:
6B.B - 51-53
Critical Edge - 94

Combos from 22_88B:
6K.A - 44-46
Critical Edge - 73

Combos from 22_88A+B:
6K.A - 53-58
1B+K.K - 61-64
Critical Edge - 86-90

Miscellaneous Combos:
Counterhit A.A.B - 41
Counterhit 66BB, 6BB - 58
Raw Critical Edge - 75
SXS Grab (either), 4B - 37 (2nd 4 is not guaranteed. 4B will whiff on Raphael, Ivy and Azwel)
SXS Grab (either), Critical Edge - 85
Run K (sliding), 6BB - 46
1kA.A - 40 (neither finisher on the string is a combo, even on counterhit)
1A+G, non-Just Frame BT B+K: 21
Counterhit FC3A+B.A - 44

Combos from 2A+B:
6B.B - 42
2A+G - 65-74
1A+G - 24
1A+G, non JF Backturn B+K (I don't know the timing, okay!) - 36

Combos from Counterhit 44(A):
A.A.B - 60-61
3B, Critical Edge - 88
6B.B, Backturn B+K, 6K.A - 78
6B.B, Critical Edge - 89

Wall Combos:
3B (W), 3B (W), 6B.B, 6K.A - 79
3B (W), 3B (W), 6B.B, Critical Edge - 89
FC3B (W), 3B (W), 6B.B, 6K.A - 81
FC3B (W), 3B (W), 6B.B, Critical Edge - 93
4K (W), 3B (W), 6B.B, Backturn B+K, 6K.A. - 58-60
4K (W), 3B (W), 6B.B, Backturn B+K, Critical Edge. - 65
4K (W), 3B (W), 6B.B, Critical Edge - 76
3B (W), 2A+G - 80-90

Important Note: On a wallsplat from 3B (and FC3B, though I forgot to check it. I'll check tomorrow), you can easily time a 2A+G. How much damage the grab inflicts will depend on the angle and if Xianghua throws the opponent into the wall again or not. 2A+G does not work after 2 wallsplats, only 1. It's a lot of meterless damage, but it can be broken, so beware of that.

Quakestep Combos (when opponent blocks Quakestep (2B+K)):
A.A.B - 32
6BB, Backturn B+K, 6K.A - 53
6BB, Backturn B+K, Critical Edge - 65

SXS (B) and Soul Charge SXS B guardbreak and guarantee scaled CE on block for 45 damage
SXS (B) and Soul Charge B both leave Xianghua in crouch, so only FCA is guaranteed from them besides CE for a tiny amount of damage (I forgot to write it down, but it was, like, 7 or something). So if you want some guaranteed damage afterwards, go for FCA.
SXS K on grounded opponents launch them into the air and guarantees a CE for 66-69 damage
After a successful 4A+B, 6B.B is an ukemi trap. No ukemi and it combos OTG, left ukemi (Xianghua's left) and right ukemi at long range and the opponent gets out of the 6.B.B. Right ukemi at mid or close range and backward and forward ukemi result in the Counterhit launcher version of 6B.B.

The following moves are capable of Guardcrushing when the opponent's guard meter is at 100%. Any moves not listed here cannot Guardcrush (or I forgot to check it, but I'm pretty sure I got them all. Correct me if I'm wrong):
6B.B (only the 2nd hit)
bK (2nd hit)
2B+K (only the hitbox at point blank range that is a Mid, the low Quakestep hitbox cannot Guardcrush)
Critical Edge
1k.A.A.K (only the last hit)
Hou Lee B
Hou Lee (B)
WR K.B (only the 2nd hit)
66A.B.B (only the last hit)
66A.B.A (only the last hit)
3B+K.K (only the 2nd hit)
11K.K (only the 2nd hit)
Soul Charge 66K.K
Soul Charge 66A+B.B
Soul Charge 66B+K.B
B+K (B)

Combos from Guard Crush:
6B.B, Backturn B+K, 6K.A - 40
6B.B, Critical Edge - 50

Note: 6B.B, Backturn B+K, Critical Edge inflicts 49 damage. So use it if you want to be flashy, but go straight to CE after 6B.B if you want the damage. Also, you cannot buffer 44(A) after any Guard or even any moves outside of Guard Crush, it seems. I didn't manage to combo a single thing into 44(A).

Combos in Soul Charge:
Counterhit 3A.A, FC3K - 55
Counterhit 3A.A, WR K.B - 63
Counterhit 3A.A, WR B, 6B.B - 65-72
Counterhit 3A.A, Critical Edge - 79
3B, 6K.B.B - 68
Counterhit 6B.B, Backturn B+K, 6K.B.B - 67
FC3B, 66(A+B), SXS K, 6K.B.B - 91-92

Xianghua's DMG is like Leixia DMG without the aGI Lethal Hits(I hope the SCVI Xianghua Soul Arena doesn't turn in the Leixia one.). 1A+G:B+K is done a little bit after X's lands on the ground.
Soul Charge Combos I found today. Moves that require Soul Charge are marked bold.

FC 3B - 66(A+B) - SXS K - 6KBB
FC 3B - 66A+B.B - 6BB
44(A) - AB - 1A+G:B+K - 6KBB
44(A) - AABB

Also, question: Which moves can set up for 1A+G? I know 2A+B and Soul Charge AB, are there any others?
Anybody got a full list of her Lethal Hits as well as their requirements? And also just good situations to use them in? I feel like Lethals are gonna be crucial to getting the most out of some characters, X being one.

EDIT: Wait, didn't even realize they were listed in-game.
Xianghua's SCVI 11_44_77(A+B) ~ Face Down(Was Xianghua's 1(A+B)). This was just 1(A) in SCV with Leixia.

Got another question though. What are her best mid (and low for that matter) ring-out options? I was hoping that 3B+K ringed out, but it does not.
It seems like the second hit of 6 K,A whiffs in midair on Astaroth (and possibly some extra tall CAS things as well). 3B+K,K all connected though.
Got another question though. What are her best mid (and low for that matter) ring-out options? I was hoping that 3B+K ringed out, but it does not.
On airborne opponents, 6K.A has great ringout potential, especially after Counterhit 6B.B. You can stand quite far away from the edge (to your back) when the CH 6B.B hits and still RO them.

It seems like the second hit of 6 K,A whiffs in midair on Astaroth (and possibly some extra tall CAS things as well). 3B+K,K all connected though.
Pretty sure that's not the case. 2nd hit of 6K.A can whiff on a lot of characters, but it's mostly a timing issue, I think. If you do it lateish, it should hit. It certainly did when I faced Astaroth earlier. Just don't hit with 6K when they're too far up in the air.
Big update to my lab post. Added a bun ch of RE LH combos, added some new wall combos and, most important: 22_88K is +2 (probably) on block!
Big update to my lab post. Added a bun ch of RE LH combos, added some new wall combos and, most important: 22_88K is +2 (probably) on block!
Good shit. You can also SXS right after for some CH setups. 4K and 22_88A are also low negative, so you can frame trap with them. What are her other plus/low negative moves?
Isn't the best combo for guard crush the FC 3B one, not the regular 6B B combo?
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