Your Favorite Ivy?

I was expecting the Ivy's to die out but apparently it's still alive and well (thanks to malek winning EVO I would guess).

Looking forward to fighting some of you guys in a future EVO. I haven't touched this game competitively in a year, so you'll -probably- wipe the floor with me. Haha.
Here's praying I've gotten better since last time we faught. Think I've shook most of the rust off and bettered myself (me and S_L spent time on my horrible lack of grab such a noob). We really need to bother the evo forums to ensure our return. We got a decent shot by the sound of it, but there's there are nay sayers.
IFB - Well at least you can break better now after our matches. Just always mash A when you fight me, lol.

Btw, Sora, why did you quit playing Calibur?
No no, prior I never broke unless on accident. My mind is thoroughly convinced that if a throw happens I obviously did iCS and should watch the pretty light show and not do anything. Which confuses me when I see my life bar go down afterwards.

Sora went to Spain and didn't have a community. He even gave away his arcade stick when he was here. He said I better be better than him when he gets back. Till I fight Revas and Rayikin this monday offline I really don't know if I improved.
Yep, and a nice one, may I add. Lol, how could Sora waste such an opportunity. Unbelievable.
I dunno...i might have the place mixed up, but I'm pretty sure it was spain. We were all pretty confused in vegas why he was putting the game down for a year considering how good he was. He said playing as well as he did at Evo was all he wanted.
Kari121 finally decided too fight beat her 5-1 she managed to beat my taki just barely. She knows combinations and different setups good ivy's use she's far from a scrub.

Disarraygun, beloy, getemaney these guys can win wit 22k and timing UB's perfect they don't know any of ivy setups. But those UB's are godly online
Kari121 finally decided too fight beat her 5-1 she managed to beat my taki just barely. She knows combinations and different setups good ivy's use she's far from a scrub.

Disarraygun, beloy, getemaney these guys can win wit 22k and timing UB's perfect they don't know any of ivy setups. But those UB's are godly online

Those UBs, 22K, WP 1B, 214B(Even after unsafe moves) are all godly-online.
Got to play offline with a working arcade stick! w00t! My Ivy has definitely improved and now thanks to S_L I break throws offline like a beast. Feels nice to play a game where I can freely use Ivy's "lag tactics" in their intended form offline. Game just feels so watered down online even if your opponent and connection are good. I think my retirement and broken arcade stick were a blessing. Since i had to relearn Ivy I took on much better tactics and with out using g9B like a crutch I choose smart alternatives (still nice to land a CH foot stab now tho).

So relieved, was worried my offline game was going to suffer from all the online and no offline. I find it funny I never do SW 6 offline...which used to be my most whored out move (and still is online). In fact I'm mostly CL/WP offline.

I think I'll be ready for Sora this time.
Good luck IFB. I remember Sora being really good, but that's been a while back. Glad you finally got grapple breaking down.
Well I'm a different beast offline so I get to fight him at my best, cuz God knows online doesn't improve my gameplan. I still got some rough areas to patch. I'm working on not ducking all the time (I side with 4K instead, no reason not to against highs and grabs). I also have an issue with WP 22_88B where I instinctively do the RO and not the big damage combo. Working on some new move application as well, I'm trying to get the AGI's in my gameplan but so far no luck.
Well I'm a different beast offline so I get to fight him at my best, cuz God knows online doesn't improve my gameplan. I still got some rough areas to patch. I'm working on not ducking all the time (I side with 4K instead, no reason not to against highs and grabs). I also have an issue with WP 22_88B where I instinctively do the RO and not the big damage combo. Working on some new move application as well, I'm trying to get the AGI's in my gameplan but so far no luck.

I always wondered why you did 3 B+K after 22_88B.. I thought it was weird because you did it even on the caged stage. lol But yea, I would stop doing that, unless you can actually get a ring out.
Im finding weird properties with WS A+B. It seems it's safety changes. Against mitsu doing AA after hit he usually gets a guarantee on you...however if the 4th hit lands at very tip range (i think) or the 3rd misses and the 4th becomes it's own counter hit, you can block it. I need to test if this effects it on block as well. If Christmas Tree of Death can be done safely it will be very strong with it's constant aGi and decent damage output. Anyone look into this?

Also been playing with CL 4A+Bg4 for backsteps that make the UB noise as a mind game.
Ring/Belial/Sam: I did my master's there (still am doing, but in TW this time for the next 4 months, which is where I am as I'm typing this) so at the very least, for this year, education comes first lol. You wouldn't want to have played me though: I'm a scrub. XD ALTHOUGH, I would've loved to see you guys in action. =( Should've and could've I guess. ><

IFB: Glad to hear it. Hope you become even better for Evo 2K10 should SC4 make it.

PS. My proximity to Japan is killing me. I'm planning to go there within the next 4 months. Making the dream happen dammit. Haha.
I barely ever do the move now and I've worked in some more awkward set ups when i do. Still have the issue of the louds clicks on stick giving it away, but I did a pretty good job landing the few I threw against Rayikin in our offline. I switched my game plan to spacing control and heavy SG damage. I'm constantly doing moves that push and pull and break in 10. CL's my new favorite stance.

When you face me it will be a very different playstyle than you've seen me use. Cept my Rock...he just does FC 3K now lol.