The battle of big swords

Yeah but if you only talk about pull back, then you'd be saying that Ivy doesn't have any evades either even though CL214B beats 2A and BB just like Sophi's B+K. I was targeting the word evade. Semantics what what. Also I don't see how using Sophi's B+K is an offensive tactic, as you say. You're evading rushdown all the same with it.
RIDLEY, I don't know if you are joking or not. But yeah, I can definitely say that things suck even if I can't do better because these guys are professional video game developers, developing a game that I paid for. I am not a professional video game developer, I am a physicist.
In the same vein, if I saw a physicist sucking it up at something math or physics related, I would rip into him because it's his business to know that. I would not rip up a psych major for saying something wrong about physics because it's not their business to know that. Does this make sense?

lol what!!!!!!!???? dude I was kidding you don't have to write an essay about it lol a simple "shut up lol" would have been enough... BUT! congratulations, you'll be on tv channel 5 today on "the funniest pranks of 8wayrun" we gotcha on camera!! ^-^ love ya bro!
But yeah NM is awesome. I just wish he had beefier legs or his SC3 look. Hes gotta do some squats in DA GYM!


End of Story.

Nightmare Wins.
lol, I wasn't out to insult you in the first place! That happened because you introduced yourself to me by disagreeing with me. Big mistake. Next thing you know, I was arguing until I found a spot to call you an idiot. What I want, in fact, is to be best friends forever. With a cherry on top. So would you like to see recent vids of my Sophi? I would love the non-idiotic feedback.
dang, im so good at hating too. I think I've seen some of those recent videos already actually. Only thing I remember was lots of AA, BB, or backstep when at +4, idk, I usually opt for 44K or TAS B or throw against slower characters. I guess if you're worried about step those are ok. Other than that, looked pretty good if I recall. I can probably go into more detail about other things if you want :) but this isnt the right place
hey Ridley, sarcasm doesn't do so well over the internet, and people here are so ridiculous I couldn't assume you were joking. It's reassuring though :-)
Yeah but if you only talk about pull back, then you'd be saying that Ivy doesn't have any evades either even though CL214B beats 2A and BB just like Sophi's B+K. I was targeting the word evade. Semantics what what. Also I don't see how using Sophi's B+K is an offensive tactic, as you say. You're evading rushdown all the same with it.

I missed B+K which is an awesome move.
Holy shit, I thought I'd seen every NM image. He looks beefy as hell. I guess this is what NM would look like if he had taken over Rock rather than Sieg lol
lol haha ya, he looks more intimidating to me. I kinda like him looking a little beefy though, but that's just my opinion.
Lol, if you've been playing for years it's easy to pick up any character and use them effectively to some degree just by parroting the moveset of top players.

I guess that would depend on what you have witnessed and experienced, which, by your scrub mentality, I'm just assuming is very little, or doesn't mean much. Eventually I would begin to question my own intuition if a bunch of people were telling me I'm wrong. Yes, if I were you (since you asked) I wouldn't reallize I don't anything about this game until enough people told me so, and that there's more to playing a character than the number of moves you have to use. But I don't understand you.

Ok now I understand you, you're just an idiot :(

So calling me an idiot/scrub without ever playing me, that's not arrogant? I won't assume how good or how bad you are, and neither should you.

What's a matter? Did you get called a scrub one too many times and your trying to boost your self esteem?

Let me ask you this, since your so good at conformity. If 1000 people told you that some person is a witch and needs to be burned at the stake, would you follow them? Judging by your logic, as long as enough people are saying it then it doesn't matter how ridiculas it is, right? According to you, majority is always right.

And yes I am challenging the majority opinion here. Doesn't matter if everyone here thinks I'm full of crap. Little reminder which you didn't read the first time: This conclusion is based off of numerous tourney vids that I've seen. This is NOT solely based on my personal experience with her. Many other people share my opinion, in fact too numerous to count. Just to go the SOPHIE hate threads. I'm not alone here.

You say I have a scrub mentality? Whats more scrub then calling someone a scrub without ever playing them?

Because I, understand that having a different opinion has nothing to do with ACTUAL skill. You can talk about frame data until your blue in the face, because knowledge of that is not the same as ability to play. Do I know all the frama data with all my chars? No Way Jose. But you can be damned sure I KNOW what moves are safe and what can be punished in the opponent. Nothing is funnier that someone who's got all the book smarts in SC, and has none of the "street smarts" which is raw ability. I played a guy who knew all the frame data, but couldn't play for SHIT.

As it is right now, my PS3 is busted. Will be about another month b4 I get another one (poor). If your patient enough, you will get the chance to play me and prove to me that "I'm a scrub".
Damn I suck: This is not the place for this argument. Take it to PM's. + you are not backing up your view with any valid information. And you cant compare a question like is _____ broken to "should this person be burned at the stake for being a witch". One is based on fact the other is based on superstition.

Oh and which tourney vids have you seen in which a good Sophitia only used 4-5 moves and didn't need to think????
Sophitia is a character for a player who doesn't like to think.
As a Sophie player I disagree, but I want to talk about something else. I want to challenge your concept of thinking. This isn't as applicable to this game as other games in different genres, but minimizing your thinking in one area gives you more mental resources to use in other places. This is actually extremely important. NO ONE'S mental resources are infinite. No one can keep everything in mind at once. Here are better-suited examples from other games:

In WoW, in some encounters you may have to watch for certain debuffs that kill you and act accordingly. If I'm watching my debuffs, I'm being less situationally aware to other things. This hypothetical fight may also have fire hazards that spawn beneath you. People set on watching their debuffs are more likely to stand in that fire and less likely to react to it sooner. However, you can make good use of add-ons that alert you when you have the debuff with audio and simple and noticeable visuals automatically. The player has more time to watch for the fire. This is a pretty scrubby example, but I think it's easy to understand. I don't think you can even get into the most casual raiding guild without using at least deadly boss mods. It's been like that for a LONG time.

In TF2, you're a blue spy and you're alone. There is a red team of any class right in front of you. He is going to spy check you every. single. time. However, if you have more team mates with you, those team mates just by existing are giving him more to think about. If you don't act fucking weird he won't even think to spy check you. This is what spies depend on to function as a class, the thin spread of mental resources on the enemy. They are useless with out this.

Even if you could argue the character is brain dead, it does not mean the player is. A person minimizing what they need to think about, is not someone who, "doesn't like to think." Why would you think about things you don't need to think about?
Back to NM and Sieg, I have to say Sieg's character is just lame in SC4. He looks like a pale German sissy boy. I'm also not crazy about how they did Nightmare to be honest. I guess I'm critical though as a lot of characters I don't appreciate their appearance. I like the old school Astaroth a lot, Yoshi is well done. I can't actually think of many others.
As for actually playing them. I don't have a ton of trouble with either to be honest. I haven't yet played a Sieg I felt honestly beat me. I very usually beat Sieg, and when I do lose there's usually a lot of whoring of unsafe transitions. Nightmare I mostly feel the same way, but dang Partisan's Nightmare kicked the crap out of me. I guess I would like to see a Sieg played up to that level, until I do it's hard for me to judge.
oh ouch! =P i'll see what i can offer you next time we fight, see if i can change that outlook of yours
damn-i-suck you're a scrub and i challenge you to a money match to prove it!!!!

oh wait, u must use kilik and play with brain-dead B+K.............................
Haha Slayer, I have to admit I was thinking about Sieg's I've played in my head and I forgot about you cause we only played once or twice. The only 8WR Sieg I've played a bunch is Synraii, against whom I won the large majority of my matches. Honestly though, every Sieg I've played, 8WR or not (again I'm not including you cause I don't remember) uses 3{B} to the exclusion of 3B, and uses it fairly liberally. They follow up with K, and it's pretty dicey to interrupt with Voldo. They also use SCH K/KK as a "mixup". These things just set off red flags for me. Oh, also every single low Sieg has except 2A and 2K and SRSH K (and SSH A+B I guess) are lag lows, yet I still see most people (again including 8WR) use them at least fairly often.
From my tier whoring perspective with Voldo, both characters just seem pretty weak. Not in the sense that you can't win with them, but to beat a top tier character with Sieg or Night I think you really do have to be appreciably better than your opponent. Both characters have fancy looking stances/transitions that you can slap them out of pretty easily, and tons of punishable moves. I start losing to Sieg and Night when they are getting inside my head. With Voldo, getting in my opponent's head is a bonus, I can just beat them to death with 2A+B cancels without thinking about it too much.
The real question though, Slayer, is when can we play? I don't even remember who won our matches but I remember they were good.
damn-i-suck you're a scrub and i challenge you to a money match to prove it!!!!

oh wait, u must use kilik and play with brain-dead B+K.............................
I'm going to try to answer everyone's questions in one post, so I'm sorry that it's a long read.

I do use Kilik, but he's not my best by any means. I assume your talking about B+K 6B 41236B, right? I'm curious as to why you think that move is brain dead, when 95% of moves in the entire game are easier to pull off than that one. The first attack in that 3 string comes off a tad slow anyway. I do admit I have seen Kilik users abusing that move, but that's not me. I don't abuse any move really, I always try to give my opponent headaches by being unpredictable, which means I have to use almost all of the moves fairly regularly.

So many people are under the "sift through garbage moves and only use the best" mentality on how to play a character. Well guess what, I use the "garbage" moves too, if only for their "SURPRISE" value.

For example Sieg's 3(B). That move is probably his most generally useful move, simply because of the speed, range, and juggling that it presents. Many people have even made the claim that if it weren't for that one move, he would be bottom tier. There might be an element of truth in that last statement. I must admit, I use 3(B) often, but I don't abuse the crap out of it like some people do. Any move, if done too much, your opponent will find a way around it, or counter it, or GI it.

For all I know, using a limited move list for some (or even most) characters is a good idea. But for the characters I use, It just doesn't work.

I really don't know how many ways I can explain this, but I'll try again. Against SOPHIE, it really doesn't matter if you already know exactly what moves she will use against you, because she is fast enough that reacting to her moves is not always feasible. Also, it means nothing to be able to predict your opponent when there's nothing you can do about it anyway. There are too many situations where she gets easy, free damage. Any character that can get away with AA, BB over and over again is IMO a cheese ball character.

Now compare that to Sieg or NM. If they decide to limit the moves to just 5-7 best moves, the opponent will not only predict it, but be able to react to it due to the fact that Sieg and NM are slow.

And besides, just because a certain move is not "the best" doesn't mean it can't be useful.

I guess it really all depends on your definition of "thinking". If Nm has 10 moves for 10 different situations, and SOPHIE's one stupidly powerful move covers 10 situations, then it's pretty safe to say that SOPHIE requires little thought in execution. If I offend any SOPHIE users out there, well that's life, deal with it.

I have given you damned good reasons why I think SOPHIE is brainless cheap ass bitch that anyone can pick up in 15 minutes. Me and an offline friend of mine actually put this to the test. We both got to be pretty damned good with her VERY quickly and with hardly any mental sweat broken. In 15 minutes, his SOPHIE was getting like 40% win ratio to my CASS, which I've used for about 6 months now. Sure I still beat him, but he should NOT have given me that much trouble that quickly, and especially with only 4-5 moves that he used. And you know what he said about it? "Sophitia is by far the easiest and stupidest character in the game". We both stopped using her because it really was no fun at all using her, and not because we thought she was OP (by all means no), but because her style was the most boring to play and watch.

Now if you disagree with me, fine. All I'm trying to do is give an honest, logical answer the best way I can.

I have engaged in pointless back and forth arguments in the past on 8wayrun. I got a little wise on that one. So if you want to critique my argument, fine. But please don't start this childish name-calling by calling me a scrub. I asked Engared once who he thinks is a beginner character, and one of his answers were the sisters. So obviously a very respected and well known SC player shares my opinion.

And for the sake of being fair, AMY is just as mindless.

I'm poor, and my PS3 is busted. Wait 3 more weeks and I promise you, I WILL call you out Vincent.

The only question is, are you willing to put up with a lot of lag because I'm pretty sure we live on opposite sides of the country. I live in (gasp) North Carolina (I hate the south). Too many stupid rednecks who literally cannot read.

If you hate me, fine, but let's keep this civil. No reason for name-calling other than to boost your own ego.
Call me out at the next major tournament in October, in Phoenix Arizona. Come to "Devastation". I will beast you so hard and expose you for the fraud you are!!! No online matches allowed, that is for sinful homosexuals. Real straight men meet up in person and put money on the line. Are you a real straight man who meets up in person to put money on the line? I have my doubts, sinful homosexual.
Call me out at the next major tournament in October, in Phoenix Arizona. Come to "Devastation". I will beast you so hard and expose you for the fraud you are!!! No online matches allowed, that is for sinful homosexuals. Real straight men meet up in person and put money on the line. Are you a real straight man who meets up in person to put money on the line? I have my doubts, sinful homosexual.
I did mention that I was poor right? And I also mentioned that I live in North Carolina, so how do you expect me to afford an expensive plane ticket? I can barely pay rent for god's sake.
How old are you, kid? because based off of your childish insults and rants, I'm guessing your about 12 or 13 years old.

It's obvious that you hate gays as well. Bigoted and arrogant. Sounds like your a real class A citizen. Even if you could beat me in this game, I will NEVER RESPECT YOU, because your an arrogant son of a bitch.

And for the record, I am not gay. I just can't stand bigoted ass holes like you. I have a cousin who's gay, and guess what? He's a successful doctor. NOW YOU HAVE MADE THIS PERSONAL!

If I ever do meet you in person, I'm gonna have to try to resist punching you in the face repeatedly. Nothing would satisfy me better than to put you in the hospital with 2 broken hands as to render you incapable of playing SC forever.

You sound so brave now, I would like to see you talk like this in person. Go ahead and try, see how I'll react.

You say I'm a fraud? I say your a coward.
Ahahah this thread just got epic. Now we have the man with the biggest ego on 8wayrun arguing with this generations IFB. Place your bets. Personally, I'm betting on the mods.

Who will be... caught slippin? rofl
