Kayane's Hands-on Impressions of SC5

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Namco graciously invited Kayane to come to GamesCom to try out the build of Soul Calibur 5 that they brought with them, but was unable to share her impressions of the game until August 30th because of a media embargo that was in place. Now that the embargo is over, Kayane stayed up until 6AM her local time in France just to share with the community her impressions of the game.

Check Kayane's blog for the full details, and leave a comment with any questions that you may have for her.
I want to ask Kayane out, but she's probably already taken...

I had to make the above bold statement simply because she shared this information to us unappreciative and selfish 8wayrunners.

I'm still reading it, but I'm at the best part now... Tira going chop chop chop... :)
Just guard sounds really broken, and 4A+B+K a really dumb input for guard impacting.

Ivy's CE throw being completely unbreakable/avoidable sounds incredibly broken as well. At least, with iCS you can break it to avoid taking the massive damage.

Zwei sounds a lot like Carl in Blazblue, should be interesting.

Interesting that both the characters and stages have theme songs. Sounds like we'll be getting a rather large sound track (unless some are repeated).
She says Tira is not changed. That's why they didn't want to show her a lot in gamescom probably. I really hope they get rid of self damages and random stance changes. I also want Tira's SC3 stances to return.
Glad to read I'm not the only one who isn't liking the changes they are making to GI.
But as I continue to read Kayane's post about the characters, it doesn't seem like Namco has learn their lesson about balancing... only time will tell.
this game is screaming right now for system direction. I'm just afraid to ask for it since it could split the community.
I wish the game was as fast as SC2. I don't think anyone would be taken by surpire by the speed, afterall there are so much more changes being made to the formula.

I'm not too fond of changing the input for GI. But I guess they did that to force people to use JG.
"With Natsu, I JG the second hit of Pyrrhas’ BB, and I punish with garanteed AA"

Wow. Get that garbage out of here Namco. Looks like we need to complain more. Oh yes, and please ruin GI for us too! We love that!

Is just a Fresh and New gameplay bro they already tell us "we gonna a have a NEW SYSTEM for play the game" not changed drasticaly, I dont want the same shity,slowed and easy way of play from SCIV, I want back the fast gameplay from SCII !! perssonally I like the advanced moves in a fighting game that make you different from anothers that's how you recibe this? wait to see the next moves for the news characters and more...
nooooooo, there go my GIs...
in case setsuka returns, i guess they'll stock up her auto-GI differently. or they might remove it altogether.
Hmm, not sure where I stand at the minute, it would have been good if there were other seasoned players at the event to help Kayane in getting into the nitty gritty of the mechanics as there's only so much one person can do. Anyway, I must say Zwei appeals most to me right now, for some reason, I'm reminded of SSBM's Ice Climber shenanigans. Would love to know the range on Ivy's CE too.
AHH! a GI based on an energy bar? It should be a battle of wits; not a battle of reserves! It's quite an event when you can count about 14 GI's between your and your opponent's volley! We need the classic GI back and the classic affect on the opponent! That and the 8 way run are what define Soul Calibur IMHO.

You're never gonna see that many GI's in a row at the higher levels anyway, so missing out on that isn't a big deal. I think the biggest issue is that we (maybe) can't GI lows at all. And bigger than that, being able to JG jail strings like AA and BB seems kind of bullshit to me. I don't think single B > mixup will be as viable as she thinks for the BEST players, they'll learn to option select, tapping the guard anyway and watching to see if they stop or not, already having more choices ready for the next move.

ex. Pat BB against Pyrrha. She can block the first, tap G for the 2nd, and 2a. If she JGs the 2nd B, the 2a could be guaranteed. If he stops at the first, the 2a could interrupt a lot of options. Not all of them, but a lot of them. Just theory obviously, but I really don't think stopping an AA or BB short will give the strongest mindgames for someone who's trained themselves against that, I know a lot of players in SC3 used to option select with VC in certain situations too. I can see players training themselves to do something similar with this.

But I mean, parry/red parry madness didn't make 3S a bad game, lol. They said they were makin big changes, I thought it was just typical lip service and media hype. Guess they were serious.
Hmm, not sure where I stand at the minute, it would have been good if there were other seasoned players at the event to help Kayane in getting into the nitty gritty of the mechanics as there's only so much one person can do.
I'm sure there are a ton of players who would gladly devote a weekend or two to guinea pig the game. I sure as hell know some norcal people would without a doubt.

Ill have to think on JG some more, would be nice to see a FT10 or more just to get a better idea on it.
I still think people are drawing conclusions too fast. I see the Just Guard as the new Guard Impact, it will create different mindgames.

Every Character has the abilitiy to do it, so nothing to worry about imo. Beeing able to JG BB will make it a lot easier to prevent turtling. No sophitia BB, BB BB BB BB BB bullshit anymore. No Cl 1BB+K Bullshit anymore etc...actually now you have to think and decide a bot more. Spamming save strings isnt a valid strategy anymore.....why are people bitching that much about it? Just see it as the new Guard Impact....depending on how much risk you take (JG a slow damaging punisher) you get more reward...sounds ok to me. Its not like GI was super hard to do.....they just have to make sure there IS a risk to take and it can be whiffed etc...

And its a super early beta, things needs to change of course (looking at Ivy). We need to wait for two high level players to play the game together....then we can see how JG turns out.

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