Siegfried Q&A / General Discussion

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Sc4 sieg FTW.....I miss chief hold A+B hit from 3(B) CH....ah the good times.
I think everyone needs to pretend that Sieg has no flaws for a bit and just play the character so they as players can grow. People seems too focused imo on what Sieg can't do rather than trying to actually play the game and learning the system. I think Sieg can only really be understood and used correctly if the system is understood.
and tracking on 22BB (since 88BB always hits)
Do you mean tracking on 88BB (that goes to his left)? I never understood why there is so much fuss about this move since the other side works :P
Namco wants us to go to the right lol.
Do you mean tracking on 88BB (that goes to his left)? I never understood why there is so much fuss about this move since the other side works :P
Namco wants us to go to the right lol.
If you dodge to the left (22 on 1p side, 88 on 2p side) 22BB will miss on moves where the attacks continues to move forward. It's really annoying that for it to work you have to dodge to the right while most of the tracking moves in the game track to the right...
If you dodge to the left (22 on 1p side, 88 on 2p side) 22BB will miss on moves where the attacks continues to move forward. It's really annoying that for it to work you have to dodge to the right while most of the tracking moves in the game track to the right...

Yeah the left side whiffs but the notation is 88 for left.
Left = Up = 88BB on 1P
Yeah the left side whiffs but the notation is 88 for left.
Left = Up = 88BB on 1P
I'm not explaining myself properly. I meant to the opponent's left. Dodging a move to your opponent's left makes it whiff sometimes. Dodging to their right usually ends up in you getting hit with tracking/invisible hit box.
i know this game has been out for a while but im just now giving it a shot, even though no soul calibur game to date has ever come close to being as good as sc2.... but thats not what matters now.

im gonna talk a little about how i play sig (i started... today basically.) and u can tell me what im doing right or wrong or suggest better stuff.

when i knock ppl down i - up and 6B+K then go for K, if it hits i go into B (the big upper). up and flap jack, after i have them trained to guard low i 3B.

after i hit 66A i go for 66A+B.

when i have super, i try to side step with 2 or 8 B+K and then B to smash them into ground, then go into super.

so yeah, all my scv friends that are good refuse to help me cause they think my sig is cheap (im a 3B~B kinda guy.) so ur help is welcome!!!! teach me to murder!!!!!!!!!!!
What exactly is the question? :P
If its "what else to do other than that" then you wont ever know until you are beaten. Until your gameplay is delt with by those friend of yours. Until then its them that are holding you back ;p
Thats pretty much how fighting games advance.
Well here is my opinion, i think sieg is a good char and the way he is now, he is viable. I win the majority of my games and with the ones that i lose i never had the feeling i lost because i played the weaker char (barring some of his bad MU's).

However the way i see things now, i would say sieg receiving some small buffs would be fair and beneficial for balance (i see him on lower mid).
For example compare Siegs 66B to NM's 22_88B, its the same move (even has the same name "Rook Splitter"), so how come that Siegs version is -22 while NM's version is only -16 and even deals a little bit more damage? Maybe i don't see the bigger picture but that doesn't strike me as fair.

Sieg can live without buffs, but if we are aiming for a perfectly balanced game (aka everyone is mid tier) i think he should get some buffs. Feel free to disagree.
I don't know sieg enough..... I use him, but he isn't my main. I just think so far just fix his whiffing issues on some of his moves.
I agree with ChaosK. Sieg would be much better with some minor buffs, nothing major but a few damage increase and frame adjustments would be fine. Not to mention left side tracking for Sieg's 22_88BB (since 90% of the time it whiffs you're attacking someone that is on your left).
In a perfectly balanced game there wouldnt be any tiers at all.
Its absolutely not gonna happen aswell :P
Imo its balanced well enough as it is and i would only ask for a few things. Mostly for the weaker tier to get a couple of buffs.

As for Sieg i only wish for a fix about the whiffs.
and for the game in general any guess? :P adjust that silly step... make it work same way as the backdash works. You can attack from the very first frame, but you cant block until frame 10 or whatever frame it is. It really limits the game combos and cripples alot of useful moves (22/88A would be i22 instead of i32, 11/77B would combo after 44A etc)
You got me wrong. I know that perfect balance is something that cannot be achieved in practice but it should be the goal for patching in theory right? Solely because of that, i think sieg buffs are a good idea.

The only thing he really "needs" is, as pretty much everyone agrees on, the fixing of his whiffs.
im gonna talk a little about how i play sig (i started... today basically.) and u can tell me what im doing right or wrong or suggest better stuff.

Sounds good. up and 6B+K then go for K, if it hits i go into B (the big upper).

This isn't the most effective okizeme, since when you're in SRSH, you cannot hit grounded whatseover. A smart player will just lie on the ground and wait for you to do something else. If they're rolling and are about to get up, you can use it that way, however. up and flap jack, after i have them trained to guard low i 3B.

This is your basic 50/50 mid/low mix-up, and it's fairly solid. You can make it better by doing iWR (B) instead of 3(B), which strengthens the mix-up; you have to enter FC for both Flap Jack and WR (B), which makes it more difficult to identify which move you're doing. Note that since FC A+G*B+G are throws, they can be broken as well as blocked (-16 on block), so you're not guaranteed to get great damage from it all the time. But it is a legitimate mix-up on wake-up.

after i hit 66A i go for 66A+B.

It's been awhile since I've looked at these moves, but I'm fairly certain you can avoid 66A+B by teching left, right, or backwards, and also by rolling left or right. 66B will solve the rolling problem, but I'm not sure if it catches tech. My notes from the study on the move doesn't say anything about it, so I assume it doesn't catch tech, but try it in training mode if you want to be certain.

when i have super, i try to side step with 2 or 8 B+K and then B to smash them into ground, then go into super.

SCH B ~ CE is an extremely damaging combo for only 1.0 meter, and is great if you think they'll do a vertical.

One other general tip I can offer you is to learn the correct stance notation. It is as follows:

SCH = Chief Hold (2*8B+K)
SBH = Base Hold (B+K)
SSH = Side Hold (4B+K)
SRSH = Reverse Side Hold (6B+K)

Hope you enjoy playing Siegfried. Good luck!
The only buff Siegfried in this incarnation needs is 2KKKKK to not move him backwards. And by "needs", I mean he doesn't need it but it's a reasonable buff that gives him some consistent wall combo damage and gives him a nicer okizeme game. Also, it punishes the Leixia players that crybaby - or rather, it punishes the only Leixia player left for crybaby.
I agree, he doesn't need anything. Fixing the whiffs and making 2KKKKK a useful move are probably the things that are in biggest need of a treatment for sieg.

A thing that i would add as very reasonable though, is to increase the backstep range from SSH. The stance is designed for whiff punishment but the way that it is currently, it is hardly practical. Increasing the range, would make SSH an overall more attractive stance.
I agree, he doesn't need anything. Fixing the whiffs and making 2KKKKK a useful move are probably the things that are in biggest need of a treatment for sieg.

A thing that i would add as very reasonable though, is to increase the backstep range from SSH. The stance is designed for whiff punishment but the way that it is currently, it is hardly practical. Increasing the range, would make SSH an overall more attractive stance.

I think you'd be very surprised how effective it is already. Thinks like 6(A) ~ SSH 4 ~ SSH BBB can work even at point blank range if the opponent has short range and tries to punish immediately. Yoshimitsu trying to punish that with 6A, for example. There are doubtlessly other scenarios, but I'm testing things with mkl right now and that's one I came up with.
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