Siegfried Q&A / General Discussion

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Siegfried SA Moderator
Welcome to the Siegfried Q&A General Discussion Thread!!!

Any general gameplay discussion, questions or general tips and strategy information are gladly welcomed here!

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Wtf, only Natsu can interrupt 3B SCH K? Was a faster transition into SBH not enough to beat fast As?? Seems redundant, I thought it was really strong already for Sieg to be able to beat all types of fast interrupts with SSH backstep for 2As, SCH step for fast Bs, and SBH for As after a high damage, long range launcher is blocked.

The range on SCH K does seem shorter, though. After 3B's new pushback, the K seems to whiff unless the opponent attacks and it moves them forward. SCH A seems to work just fine, though. If the difference in speeds of SCH A and SCH K is like SCIV, A will be only a frame slower than K, so it should still interrupt tons of stuff.

3B seems to put pressure on players on block, not something that should happen with a damaging launcher. It also pushes back, and most characters can't retaliate and beat A, with B discouraging any ducking with its massive damage. Sure, you could just guard through everything, but you get pushed so far out and 3B is so fast it can just start over again. And you can't block forever since you're taking heavy guard damage; if your guard breaks you take massive damage.

"Just step it" is not a solution. At about the same spacing as 3B, Siegfried threatens with agA and 6A as reliable, fast, and safe when spaced step-killing. Again, this would be manageable if you could just maneuver around, guarding everything patiently and then closing in when something whiffs, but with such a small guard meter, just consistently landing more guarded attacks than them eventually leads to big damage with a guard crush. "Just step it" didn't really work against SCIV Hilde, either.

Oh yeah, and 3B tech crouches. And Sieg now has huge whiff punish damage. Monster. What are his weaknesses?

Hold on just one second signia.

3B isnt nearly as bad as everyone's making it out to be. it doesnt give sieg a huge advantage, it simply forces a game of rock paper scissors. 3B blocked:

K - can get stepped, but beats attacks
A - catches step, but can be TC'd (almost any move with solid TC properties will work, which includes most launchers). has a high tendancy for unfavorable clashes with AA's.
B - guard damage and combo damage
B+K - deals with SCH A's tendancy of unfavorable clashes.
4B+K - deals with short range TC's, but is for the most part irrelevant due to the fact that most launchers have in the past and likely still do have enough range to catch sieg out of this except maybe at tip range.

basically, what all this means, is that sieg has OPTIONS after a blocked 3B. it doesnt mean its safe, and it doesnt mean any of this is guaranteed to make the stance fool proof either. what this means is that YOU have options to try and beat my options. this is called reverse mixup, and what 3B does is it effectively forces that situation upon both players to bring about action, to make one side or the other make a decision. true, this does make siegfried somewhat stronger in that siegfried's opponents cannot for the most part effectively out turtle him, but on the other hand, since each action out of the stance has a reaction that can bring about it's demise and vice versa, it is by no means broken at all.

To give you a better idea of how the stance will really effect gameplay, i want you to look at heatons anti yun crane chart from SCIV:

Siegfried's 3B into SCH presents a similar situation to this, albiet far more complicated. if i had to reorganize this chart for siegfried, it would look something like this:
              Step  Mid-rangeTC short TC  HorizontalATK(like AA)
SCH A          N          Y        Y            Y*    (must be an attack within SCH A speed*)
SCH K          Y          N        N            N*    (natsu AA only)
SCH B          Y          Y*        Y*            Y      (depends on the speed of the TC. also depends on the distance between sieg and the opponent) 
SCH B+K        Y          Y*        Y*            N      (TC cannot be horizontal in nature)
SCH 4B+K        Y          Y        N            Y*    (must have enough range to connect)
SCH G?          ?          ?        ?            ?      (not enough data)
SCH K(delay)    N          Y        Y          Y
a side note to SCH A is that this is a reference to its properties in SCIV specifically that the move had an impact value from i10-i18 depending on how close to siegfrieds right hand you were when the move started, with back turned start up being around i9.

hopefully this helps clear up any misconceptions that siegfried's new 3B is safe, as it is not, nor does it give him outrageous damage opportunities.

In SCIV 3B was one of the solid staples of damage for siegfried, one of the things of which his gameplay was centered around. it was his swiss knife of tools. we look at 3B now, and we see the buffs to damage, and buffs to "safety" so to speak. but in reality the core functionality of the move has hardly changed at all. and it's also always been a staple tech crouch as well.
now signia, on your other point. yes it is true that stepping siegfried is dangerous, especially with iagA to worry about, but it is all the more vital, and it always has been.
  1. other than iagA, siegfried doesnt have a very large multitide of scary tools to deter step. if anything i'd go out on a limb and say other than iagA, siegfried is fairly weak to step. not only that but he lacks standard fool proof step killing tools that all other characters have, such as AA's and standard 2A's
  2. if you dont give sieg a reason to mix things up by stepping, not only are you losing free damage from potential whiff punishment, you're also giving him free guard damage and reverse mixup opportunities off blocked 3B's as well as other multitudes of heavy stuff he can throw at you. not only that, but you're also effectively releasing one of the best ways to pressure siegfried (especially if he enters stance) and allowing him to pretty much do as he pleases by throwing you around like a ragdoll.
  3. 6A is fast yes, but fairly unsafe, and most players if they are smart with their spacing can stay out of its effective range.
  4. iagA is high, not mid. u can duck or TC it like any other high, which forces sieg to utilize things like his SCIV 3A, an unsafe mid horizontal that has weak tracking to one side(mind you landing 3A is almost as bad as eating 3B. worse in some situations.) of course this is just another part of the mixip vs reverse mixup that these tools allow sieg to force. some simple things are:
  • Grab/Mid
  • iagA/Mid
  • 3B stance forced reverse mixup
  • SRSH mixup (assuming it doesnt just get stepped)
and a reason for this is to help enable use of siegfried's strong mid's. without a reason to duck, everything else is irrelevant. save for the guard damage, you really could out turtle sieg, since he would be reduced to chip damage while you would still have access to all of your full damage options and mixups.
also, siegfried has always gotten very strong damage from whiff punishment. this game is no different, and besides that its in no way out of the norm for whiff punishment as most of the original cast in SCIV. almost all characters have always gotten decent damage off whiff punishment (decent as in good for that character) as they should, and some also have much higher damage than others. this is something that in the past siegfried also had trouble keeping up with when compared to some of his more difficult matchups.

soph TAS B TAS B:4
cass 236:{B} 236:{B} 236:{B} 236:{B} 236:{B} 4BB:A
astaroth 22_88B4 2_8:B+G

and my apologies for the sloppy organization of this post, i'll edit it as i go along to try to reorganize it.

I understand that blocked 3B leads into a reverse mixup. The reverse mixup off of blocked 3B is how it really should have been in SCIV, but in SCV, a few other things have changed about 3B:
-provides NH damage from a mid
-does damage at tip, greatly increasing its effective range
-pushes back way more

If we treat 3B like it has the speed, damage, and range of your average bread and butter launcher (it has this and more) and then compare what he gets punished with on block with what everyone else gets punished with, there is a huge discrepancy. Blocking a move like SCV Demo Siegfried's 3B should net guaranteed damage.

Instead he gets a reverse mixup with answers to (almost?) everything. If he spaces 3B, on block the reverse mixup might actually be in his favor... I can almost guarantee that at tip range, 3(B)G will be an easy escape against someone waiting out the reverse mixup considering the threat of SCH A and SCH B. Even it isn't, you can't wait out his reverse mixup every time, or you'll get guard crushed very quickly!

Ah well. If nothing changes I'm maining Siegfried. Even if we learn that SCH A can be step G'd, SCH K is never in range, 4B+K somehow isn't viable post-3B, if SCH sidestep doesn't evade Pat 236B, or the fact that 3B is linear actually matters... that's still really strong. And if none of those are true... it's not BROKEN (some matchups, maybe), but deserving of nerf nonetheless.

Oh yeah, about his step killing, look at 6A's pushback at 2:00
I understand that blocked 3B leads into a reverse mixup. The reverse mixup off of blocked 3B is how it really should have been in SCIV, but in SCV, a few other things have changed about 3B:
-provides NH damage from a mid
-does damage at tip, greatly increasing its effective range
-pushes back way more

If we treat 3B like it has the speed, damage, and range of your average bread and butter launcher (it has this and more) and then compare what he gets punished with on block with what everyone else gets punished with, there is a huge discrepancy. Blocking a move like SCV Demo Siegfried's 3B should net guaranteed damage.

Instead he gets a reverse mixup with answers to (almost?) everything. If he spaces 3B, on block the reverse mixup might actually be in his favor... I can almost guarantee that at tip range, 3(B)G will be an easy escape against someone waiting out the reverse mixup considering the threat of SCH A and SCH B. Even it isn't, you can't wait out his reverse mixup every time, or you'll get guard crushed very quickly!

Ah well. If nothing changes I'm maining Siegfried. Even if we learn that SCH A can be step G'd, SCH K is never in range, 4B+K somehow isn't viable post-3B, if SCH sidestep doesn't evade Pat 236B, or the fact that 3B is linear actually matters... that's still really strong. And if none of those are true... it's not BROKEN (some matchups, maybe), but deserving of nerf nonetheless.

i really dont think the pushback is even significant for most of the instances that a sieg player would be throwing out 3B at anyways. the farther away the opponent, the harder it is to control their step, for one, and i don't even see why i'd try to space with 3B, even with the somewhat increased pushback, when i'd get better results with iagA, backstep, or an SSH transition anyways.

and yes he gets reverse mixup, but it by no means answers everything. in most of these situations, there are usually 2, maybe even 3 things you can do to him to "answer" his options.

if 3B(G) is anything like it was in SCIV, its not going to solve anything. infact stance cancel will be his slowest options as it allows him to get hit by launchers. remember that while in SCH hes still vulnerable to CH, and still vulnerable to whiff punish.

yea his 3B doesn't lead to guaranteed damage for the opponent, but it doesnt have to. first of all its one of the things his entire gameplan is based on. make it weak, and you pretty much make him weak. 2nd, you're just looking at 3B, rather than accounting for all the other character flaws he has in place. siegfried still isnt one of those top tier characters that can just use 5 or 6 moves, and if he throws out 3B on a whim, he's still going to get stepped and whiff punished for it. and overall, its still highly likely that hes one of the most punishable characters in the game in almost every other aspect as well.

in theory its a very strong move, but you have to look at what you can do to stop it. you can't just look at a move, and see how great it is, and then just throw your hands up in the air and demand a nerf.

also, SCH A_B isnt a mixup. SCH B is slow enough that almost anything you throw out will probably beat it unless you're using moves that you shouldnt in this situation anyways. not to mention, its also linear.

yea its got more range than the average launcher, but sieg also has more range than the average character.

and if you're just going to wait it out after he 3B's, you're just giving up and giving him a free guard crushing mixup. its always better if you at least try to do something. and afterall, this is one of the other things siegfried can do to get you to act, because he is for all sakes and purposes a power-style mixup character. if you could just out turtle him all day, he wouldnt be a very viable power-mixup character now would he? siegfried isnt a character that was designed for poking, he was designed for big hits, CH fishing and hi risk high reward mixup. infact, if you want yet another comparison, you can probably relate his new 3B alot like his old SCIV WR B, the difference being that it launches.

and the chip damage you could actually take from SCH isnt even that large anyways if you do guess wrong. if you guess right, you're probably either landing a launcher, or your best whiff punisher. and if SCH A is anything like it was in SCIV, even if you do get chipped by it, you've still got the advantage.

and damage wise, the NH damage of 3B is still somewhat comparable to that of SCIV as far as i can see. maybe 5 or so points of extra damage, but thats nothing that's going to make a big difference, seeing as sieg could get about 50dmg with 3B SCH : KK off NH 3B's anyways (or 40dmg + oki) so thats nothing to get worried about. and i dont see a reason it shouldnt be strong on CH, seeing as sieg is a CH fishing character.

like sacharja said before, his core flaws far outweigh the buffs to his 3B. and the buffs dont have this godlike impact on the game either. it just enables sieg to be a little bit more agressive and force the opponent to act.

to add to this, siegfried is a non-standard character with non-standard tools, things like AA's, BB's, 2A's, ect. this is just another thing(and well it also always has been non-standard as well in a few ways.)

also you have to remember that this always has been his swiss knife of tools. it handles alot of different situations, and that isnt something new. have you seen pantocrator's 3B video?

A vid about 3B.
Recorded one year ago. The realisation is bad, but I guess the most of pertinent informations are there.
Especially usefull for beginner.

forgive me for coming off as a little bit angry, or like this is a personal attack or something (i'm really not, it's really not, its just i dont know any other way to ask this, so please forgive me ahead of time) that now i've made it apparent that none of those are true, or unanswerable, or for some of them even relavent to the matchup so long as you're active in your defense, does 3B still need to be nerfed regardless?
Leave it to an Alexandra player to not FULLY appreciate our 3B powers, lol. I'm with Dylan - defensively you get a MIXUP (It is NOT safe) on block and according to Pantocrator, on whiff its horrendous, which is bad for a linear move. Hell, its as linear as Voldos A+B in SCIV anyway, so I don't see the problem. =/. The only reason it will kill everyone is because we are not scientists here, we are magicians and can pluck CH's out of thin air. Now if I compare that to say, another mid.
Say a mid in SCIV.
Say a mid that's -10 on block, can be hard to step, can STC, can be i15, deals 80-126 damage on NH depending on range.

No, I think its fair, don't you? o_O

On a side note:
The fact that you have to guess right to punish him on block for using this move is kinda retarded.

I hope Ivy's 214B will beat all his options after 3B :P
4B+K somehow isn't viable post-3B

The transition from SCH to SSH has never been viable, since that specific transition doesn't actually backstep - instead, Siegfried just drops his sword and slides his back foot away a few inches. SCH 4B+K has never had any significant backstep.
^ This.
In SCH, you can only feasibly sidestep to evade. Though at 3B tip, SCH - SSH can have its uses in very specific situations for evade, but you need Keev grade spacing to pay that shit off. =/
Say a mid that's -10 on block, can be hard to step, can STC, can be i15, deals 80-126 damage on NH depending on range.

No, I think its fair, don't you? o_O

On a side note:
Of course that move is OP. Btw it can either be i15-i17 OR STC and do late realignment. And that -10 is right up in their face.

Wow Slayer I don't think you understood me. I'm actually mad I have to spend the time to respond to this.

for one, and i don't even see why i'd try to space with 3B, even with the somewhat increased pushback, when i'd get better results with iagA, backstep, or an SSH transition anyways.
If by "space" you mean push back or create distance, yeah, there are better ways to just do that. 3B does that ok and it does other things. But I wasn't even talking it about using it as a "spacing" tool, when I say "spaced 3B" I mean a 3B that's used at an effective distance (aka spacing). In this case it would be a 3B where fast As, 2As, or even Bs might whiff or evadable with 4B+K. This is where SCH A wouldn't be interruptable.
and yes he gets reverse mixup, but it by no means answers everything. in most of these situations, there are usually 2, maybe even 3 things you can do to him to "answer" his options.

I don't mean he has a SINGLE answer from his reverse mixup to everything, he now has a bunch of tools that collectively answer everything, while the individual tools cover a lot of options which require the opponent to specifically counter. It's much stronger than say Yun's CR mixups on hit or Taki PO mixups where they have specifically counter them.

if 3B(G) is anything like it was in SCIV, its not going to solve anything. infact stance cancel will be his slowest options as it allows him to get hit by launchers. remember that while in SCH hes still vulnerable to CH, and still vulnerable to whiff punish.

Yeah, if you predict a 3B(G) you can punish no matter the spacing. But not on reaction if he's SPACED his 3B, since you'll be so far away and the G cancel is fast enough to block in time for anything that has the range to reach him. Even if you do predict a 3B(G)... have you seen the distance they're at after a blocked 3B that's spaced just behind tip range? Some characters can't do anything about that, and those who can risk getting hit by SCH A which will interrupt everything and SCH B too which is like 50 damage on CH into oki! So 3B(G) is practically safe, SCH A covering everything but duck/TC, and SCH B discouraging the counter to SCH A, while still interrupting a ton of stuff -- remember, they still have to be to reach, and SCH B does not stick out a hurtbox, so they generally need a mid-long range move, which is slow enough to be interrupted. Does everyone follow? Are we not watching the same videos?

yea his 3B doesn't lead to guaranteed damage for the opponent, but it doesnt have to. first of all its one of the things his entire gameplan is based on. make it weak, and you pretty much make him weak.

With it's TC, range, the damage it does on NH across that range, and it's strength on oki, it totally deserves to be unsafe, at LEAST when blocked up close. He can have high damage or reverse mixup on block, not both in the same move. As for Siegfried relying on 3B to be a good character, that is completely not true. The strength of any one move of any character affects how good the character is. Even after watching Pantocrator's video, I don't understand Siegfried players' fixation on 3B. It's a tech crouching launcher, that's it. In SCIV it seems especially bad, no matter what character I'm playing.

2nd, you're just looking at 3B, rather than accounting for all the other character flaws he has in place. siegfried still isnt one of those top tier characters that can just use 5 or 6 moves, and if he throws out 3B on a whim, he's still going to get stepped and whiff punished for it. and overall, its still highly likely that hes one of the most punishable characters in the game in almost every other aspect as well.

in theory its a very strong move, but you have to look at what you can do to stop it. you can't just look at a move, and see how great it is, and then just throw your hands up in the air and demand a nerf.

I asked about his weaknesses that justify this strength, I don't see it right now. His 6A, with that pushback, seems even better than a standard AA. Is just the lack of 2A?

also, SCH A_B isnt a mixup. SCH B is slow enough that almost anything you throw out will probably beat it unless you're using moves that you shouldnt in this situation anyways. not to mention, its also linear.

I already explained why it is a mixup for guard damage which seems like a huge deal in this game. SCH B is pretty fast for its range and will beat lots of moves if 3B was spaced. SCH A is there to beat the fast attacks and step... see why this is a mixup?? SCH B does big guard damage. Block correctly? Doesn't matter, you're at a range your +frames don't matter as much.

yea its got more range than the average launcher, but sieg also has more range than the average character.
and he should be at least AS unsafe as the average character.
and if you're just going to wait it out after he 3B's, you're just giving up and giving him a free guard crushing mixup. its always better if you at least try to do something. and afterall, this is one of the other things siegfried can do to get you to act, because he is for all sakes and purposes a power-style mixup character. if you could just out turtle him all day, he wouldnt be a very viable power-mixup character now would he? siegfried isnt a character that was designed for poking, he was designed for big hits, CH fishing and hi risk high reward mixup.

He's not necessarily a mixup character. With his crazy guard crushing potential and his long range pokes and pushback, he looks to be an excellent zoning/keepaway character. You couldn't turtle him even if he couldn't mixup, so that point is moot. He does not have to CH fish in SCV.

infact, if you want yet another comparison, you can probably relate his new 3B alot like his old SCIV WR B, the difference being that it launches.
:O .... you know what other differences there are?? Range, NH damage, TC, pushback, guard damage. Thanks for reminding me that SCV 3B actually puts on more pressure than SCIV WR B.

and the chip damage you could actually take from SCH isnt even that large anyways if you do guess wrong. if you guess right, you're probably either landing a launcher, or your best whiff punisher. and if SCH A is anything like it was in SCIV, even if you do get chipped by it, you've still got the advantage.

This is true, eating SCH A isn't the end of the world, but it's a whole worse than the punish I should be getting for blocking a damaging, TC launcher. Say I bait out a TC or guess right in a mixup. Should I be subject to more pressure? I think not, unless everyone else has stuff like that. That'd be pretty awesome, actually.

and damage wise, the NH damage of 3B is still somewhat comparable to that of SCIV as far as i can see. maybe 5 or so points of extra damage, but thats nothing that's going to make a big difference, seeing as sieg could get about 50dmg with 3B SCH : KK off NH 3B's anyways (or 40dmg + oki) so thats nothing to get worried about. and i dont see a reason it shouldnt be strong on CH, seeing as sieg is a CH fishing character.

like sacharja said before, his core flaws far outweigh the buffs to his 3B. and the buffs dont have this godlike impact on the game either. it just enables sieg to be a little bit more agressive and force the opponent to act.

You know what I did notice he no longer gets a free SCH B or SCH K$ on NH 3B, this is a satisfying nerf. He still gets a force block SCH B. With the guard damage that could turn out to be a big deal.

to add to this, siegfried is a non-standard character with non-standard tools, things like AA's, BB's, 2A's, ect. this is just another thing(and well it also always has been non-standard as well in a few ways.)

The only thing he really doesn't have is a 2A. 6A looks safe as fuck in SCV and B6 or his new hilt-mid is his BB.

also you have to remember that this always has been his swiss knife of tools. it handles alot of different situations, and that isnt something new. have you seen pantocrator's 3B video?

again, it's just a TC launcher

forgive me for coming off as a little bit angry, or like this is a personal attack or something (i'm really not, it's really not, its just i dont know any other way to ask this, so please forgive me ahead of time) that now i've made it apparent that none of those are true, or unanswerable, or for some of them even relavent to the matchup so long as you're active in your defense, does 3B still need to be nerfed regardless?

I think a further nerf to his guard damage would be warranted. Players are getting guard crushed every other round by him, and Sieg gets big damage from them. His pushback with 3B wouldn't be a big deal without the free guard damage. Still, it seems so risk free when spaced on block. I think the pushback could be nerfed too. He now has the tools beat up-close stuff.

Again, I don't think Siegfried is broken in the latest demo, just bit overpowered. However, if every other character is this strong obviously no more nerfs are needed
Wow Slayer I don't think you understood me. I'm actually mad I have to spend the time to respond to this.

If by "space" you mean push back or create distance, yeah, there are better ways to just do that. 3B does that ok and it does other things. But I wasn't even talking it about using it as a "spacing" tool, when I say "spaced 3B" I mean a 3B that's used at an effective distance (aka spacing). In this case it would be a 3B where fast As, 2As, or even Bs might whiff or evadable with 4B+K. This is where SCH A wouldn't be interruptable.
4B+K would only work at tip range. thats not the range where you would wanna use 3B at anyways, it isnt optimal outside punishment. too risky, as its linear. regardless, any closer than that, you could still TC SCH A with a launcher, most standard launchers have both TC and enough range to cover the distance i believe. and at very very tip range, if you block it, neither of us have any options, because sieg would be too succeptable to step at that range, and you would be out of range for all of your reverse mixup options unless you have a character with very good range.

I don't mean he has a SINGLE answer from his reverse mixup to everything, he now has a bunch of tools that collectively answer everything, while the individual tools cover a lot of options which require the opponent to specifically counter. It's much stronger than say Yun's CR mixups on hit or Taki PO mixups where they have specifically counter them.
true, but it simply means that the opponent has to put alot of though and effort into learning the matchup so that they are prepared to react and deal with this situation accordingly.

Yeah, if you predict a 3B(G) you can punish no matter the spacing. But not on reaction if he's SPACED his 3B, since you'll be so far away and the G cancel is fast enough to block in time for anything that has the range to reach him. Even if you do predict a 3B(G)... have you seen the distance they're at after a blocked 3B that's spaced just behind tip range? Some characters can't do anything about that, and those who can risk getting hit by SCH A which will interrupt everything and SCH B too which is like 50 damage on CH into oki! So 3B(G) is practically safe, SCH A covering everything but duck/TC, and SCH B discouraging the counter to SCH A, while still interrupting a ton of stuff -- remember, they still have to be to reach, and SCH B does not stick out a hurtbox, so they generally need a mid-long range move, which is slow enough to be interrupted. Does everyone follow? Are we not watching the same videos?
saying that 3B[G] is practically safe merely do to this instance is kinda ridiculous. again at the range it would take to do this, 3B could just as easily be stepped anyways. in top of that, as i said before, unless one of us acts at this range, neither of us would have any options. again assuming the character has the range, most standard launchers wouldnt have a problem TCing SCH A anyways. as for SCH B its also extremely linear, and if you find yourself eating it at tip range, i'd say you should re-assess the situation, as well as your current character's limits of dealing with the situation.

With it's TC, range, the damage it does on NH across that range, and it's strength on oki, it totally deserves to be unsafe, at LEAST when blocked up close. He can have high damage or reverse mixup on block, not both in the same move. As for Siegfried relying on 3B to be a good character, that is completely not true. The strength of any one move of any character affects how good the character is. Even after watching Pantocrator's video, I don't understand Siegfried players' fixation on 3B. It's a tech crouching launcher, that's it. In SCIV it seems especially bad, no matter what character I'm playing.

like i said before, its NH damage is practically equivalent to SCIV as far as i can see. 3B has always had dangerous oki, but then again, unless he's magically better at it than he was in SCIV, last i checked, there wasnt ever really a reason to get up against sieg except vs forced blocks. if you stay down, most of the stuff he could hit you with to cause serious damage, will either whiff, or space you out for chip damage save for a handful of moves. its kinda like fighting amy, so long as you dont get up, he cant hurt you that bad. FYI 3B had good enough oki to give some stance mixups on NH, as well as siegfried was in a position to catch rolling, defend against instant stand, and create forced blocks for SG pressure in SCIV in rock paper scissors style mixup, ASSUMING the opponent was silly enough to get up after getting knocked down. and the oki off his 3A was even more dangerous.

I asked about his weaknesses that justify this strength, I don't see it right now. His 6A, with that pushback, seems even better than a standard AA. Is just the lack of 2A?

6A is punishable, and even with the pushback, i can still see people at least getting a simpe dash in 50/50 between grab/mid or whatever. hes also still extremely punishable everywhere else, and as far as i can tell, he still doesnt have any magical fast interrupts outside of what he had in SCIV, which were reliably K, 1K, 6A, 3K, 6K, 66K, and maybe b6. keep in mind K was a linear high, 6K was unsafe and linear and - on hit, 66K was punishable, linear and had terrible range, and 3K was linear with fear advantage.

again sieg also cant really hurt you if you dont get up. his entire game plan either focuses on putting u in mixup, hitting you with his powerful mids (CH fishing or not) taking risks for rewards(which in SCV are finally justified for the amount of risk it seems) or he's trying to space you for poking and chip damage. this new 3B really pretty much does the job of his old WR B's.

not to mention the rest of his core flaws, which im sure you already know by now. they're all still there, he IS still siegfried.

I already explained why it is a mixup for guard damage which seems like a huge deal in this game. SCH B is pretty fast for its range and will beat lots of moves if 3B was spaced. SCH A is there to beat the fast attacks and step... see why this is a mixup?? SCH B does big guard damage. Block correctly? Doesn't matter, you're at a range your +frames don't matter as much.
the only way this could EVER work is if SCH B was somehow faster than a launcher, which it never has been before. since we're assuming SCH A is still the same speed, i'll assume SCH B is still i18. that means even if 3B was 0 on block, you could still beat out SCH B with launchers while TCing SCH A, and all for counter hit mind you. also mind you if its at extreme tip range where launchers wont reach, the only way sieg can even hit you is if you do something. if he acts and you do nothing except maybe step a little, he'll whiff and you'll get a free punish.

as for the guard damage, this is also pretty much no different from SCIV, he did insane SG damage there too. if i were you, i'd be happy that CF's no longer exist. if they did, then i might actually agree with you that 3B needs a nerf. but they dont, so i wont.

and he should be at least AS unsafe as the average character.

i'm sorry, i really gotta call you out here. if you know anything about sieg, its probably obvious by now that he's anything but safe. the only ways he can really avoid punish are through pressure, mixup and gimmick. he's one of the most unsafe characters in the game, and one of the riskiest to play. really even if you're not getting free damage, this is still a guessing game, and whoever guesses right gets good damage, you know, risk/reward.

He's not necessarily a mixup character. With his crazy guard crushing potential and his long range pokes and pushback, he looks to be an excellent zoning/keepaway character. You couldn't turtle him even if he couldn't mixup, so that point is moot. He does not have to CH fish in SCV.

except most of his stuff that gives good guard crush are linear, and most of his good long range pokes are either - on hit, slow, linear or all of the above, and to top that most of them are also punishable. he has a decent poking game, but he's not going to out do characters that are designed to play that way, and who also have a good speed advantage over him. and if anything else, i wouldnt be suprised if his spacing game was a little weaker due to the lack of 22{B} SSH. if anything, these small pushback buffs are to make up for the lack of that move's presence. without mixup, sieg cant hit you with stuff like 3B, which makes the point of mixup moot. and before you say he has iagA to kill step, i'll also point out that iagA/mid is a mixup that is designed to make you duck from fear of iagA so that we can get you to eat his mids, same policy as nightmare. so really with out mixup, sieg wouldnt have iagA either, which would make him even more linear.

:O .... you know what other differences there are?? Range, NH damage, TC, pushback, guard damage. Thanks for reminding me that SCV 3B actually puts on more pressure than SCIV WR B.
again yea, the range is buffed, but outside of punishment you're hardly ever going to see 3B that far out. NH damage is still pretty equal to SCIV 3B, the TC looks to be about the same, the pushback boost is irrelevant IMO, and the move has always done good guard damage. thanks for reminding me.

This is true, eating SCH A isn't the end of the world, but it's a whole worse than the punish I should be getting for blocking a damaging, TC launcher. Say I bait out a TC or guess right in a mixup. Should I be subject to more pressure? I think not, unless everyone else has stuff like that. That'd be pretty awesome, actually.

so basically ur angry because 3B isnt free on block anymore correct? well if you guess right in reverse mixup, using SC4 damage scaling you'd be getting about 65 damage for guessing right(in general for most of the cast - some characters can get pleny more, while some get less.) so you dont need free damage to shut this move down. on top of that, theres alot more dangerous TC's in the game that provide alot more dangerous situations, as we've seen before. playing sophitia, you should know of TAS B's properties, and as well, we can include pretty much anything else in SCIV and SCV that we know of that both TC's and pressures the opponent. remember bullrush?

You know what I did notice he no longer gets a free SCH B or SCH K$ on NH 3B, this is a satisfying nerf. He still gets a force block SCH B. With the guard damage that could turn out to be a big deal.
honestly i'd far prefer the damage over the guard damage mainly for punishment and whiff punishment purposes, especially seeing as this is his main tool for both.

The only thing he really doesn't have is a 2A. 6A looks safe as fuck in SCV and B6 or his new hilt-mid is his BB.

sieg is really, really missing far more than that. and regardless thats not what im asking for, im just asking you to recognize the characters inherent flaws, rather than distorting him as broken because you dont like 3B.

again, it's just a TC launcher
it's sooo much more than that. not to try to force anything on you, but dont u think thats a rather closed minded way of looking at it? probably the most important tool in his move list. again i'll reference panto's vid for a 2nd time, please watch it in detail, and perhaps find or even think of all the ways you can use 3B effectively in a match. using it frequently and properly is SOOO important, i'd even say its vital to siegfried's success as a chharacter. eliminate this launcher from siegs move list, and for all intents in purposes you're practically crippling the character. we'd might as well play a slower version of raphael then.

I think a further nerf to his guard damage would be warranted. Players are getting guard crushed every other round by him, and Sieg gets big damage from them. His pushback with 3B wouldn't be a big deal without the free guard damage. Still, it seems so risk free when spaced on block. I think the pushback could be nerfed too. He now has the tools beat up-close stuff.
again sieg's always been a heavy hitting block pressure character even in SCIV. its one of the other things that allows him to force action. as for his tools for up close, nothing he has will ever beat out the effectiveness of a goot AA, BB, or 2A.

Again, I don't think Siegfried is broken in the latest demo, just bit overpowered. However, if every other character is this strong obviously no more nerfs are needed[/quote]
honestly i think sieg is a model of what the rest of the characters in the game should look like. offensively strong in their own way, with tools designed around their strengths, yet still retaining their inherent character flaws that allow the opponent to turn the tables on them and gain the upper hand. sieg finally has a reasonable risk/reward damage ratio, and i feel like he's fine just the way he is.

IMO how about instead of making judgements on the game, we wait until we get our hands on it on release day, we learn about the characters, and we play a few tournaments for a few months or so before we speculate on what needs to be nerfed and what doesnt? because now all we can do is throw numbers back and forth, we have no real experience to support our theory. we can play theory fighter all day. but you can't build a game on raw numbers, because, for one it doesnt account for human error.

again, dont take this personally, thats not my intention. my only intention is to nullify the flames of what looks to be a nerf happy escapade before the game has even been released and before we even know anything about the game.

If you still want to continue this debate however, it might be better if we take it to PM's. seems like there's starting to be a little bit of friction here. the last thing i want to do is to start a flame war between us.
YES, I READ THEM ALL!!! (Before having my, as boring as hell, Greek essay lessons)
Though, I've got to admit that I didn't understand some bits...

Well, all I've got to say is that we should not get upset about a move just because we think that it is really good, judging by some videos, when we cannot play the game ourselves and give official facts about it. Ok, you are more experienced to judge that move, but who knows what kind of possible new ways are in the game to avoid it? Not to mention that, this is a new game and I've heard that it has been changed a bit and there's a slight chance they change some moves' properties before or after the release.

And I agree with Dylan; Siegfried is an improved combination of his past versions, but still has some weaknesses which we'll find (imo). So, I can't really understand why is everyone crying about Siegfried being too strong? (even Daishi receives Tweets by people saying that he should be nerfed - OMG)
And even if he turns out to be strong, why not let Siegfried taste that feeling of taking a top tier spot (at least above mid lol) for one single game??? Let him be strong for one game! There are others who've been strong for years lol, it's time for a change - HA LOL ^^ - Ok, ignore this (I'd have mixed feelings about that, I think)...
Imo, there are other characters to worry about (Viola, Pyrrha...)

And Dylan, you said that Sieg doesn't have very good options when it comes to hit someone who's on the ground... How about 2KKKKK? Can it be connected with 3B? (I feel guilty for writing that lol - Why so many hate it?) If yes, I believe it's kinda good. If no, it's still cool imo. And I think that he has other options too, after combos though... But Ok, that's the noob talking, you can ignore that too ^^

Hopefully, I'll get the chance to learn that SCV Siegfried inside out and write some walls of text myself too! (with valid facts)

EDIT: BTW, Synraii I really like your blue eye and I hope it gets better from reading those long texts :P
Siegfried still looks 50/50 to me, but kinda simpler. Less moves than SC4 I mean. New 3B may look all-mighty big to some, but we have not seen how JG & QS deals vs 3B. I'm think that Project Soul was aiming to increase the character's overall performances in guarded moves, because of new JG, it makes the game's edging-defense a lot simpler & safer (like SSBM/B's) Just Guard, heheh. So, if there's JG, then normal move's Guard Adv CAN'T remain as "shitty" as in SC4 when guarded.
Anyway, all Sig stance tip range options can be owned easily by zoning out-&-in from danger. Now in SC5 Sig has no SSH'A+B, SCH'A+B & no RSH'A+B.

When players start to get pro with JGing, QS etc SC5 stuff, 3B will be back as the 3B usual at pro plays. JUST GUARD lol
no good options to hit grounded, rofl, have you seen the damage 3B does to grounded opponents? Even 2K takes a big chunk. Grounded hits instead do more damage than normal instead of less, this is a big deal. I still have to respond to Slayer again -_- I'll be back Thursday?
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