If there was a Soul Calibur VI, prequel/sequel/reboot/retcon?

I'm actually going to throw this out here because I've seen it drifting around the site for awhile...
Why not some kind of Tekken-Tagesque title? Like a game that involves all of the characters without a real need to have a story at all? Like Super Soul Calibur or something... I doubt they'd get the rights for the majority of guest characters again, but as far as original characters, it would prosper.
I've put a lot of thought into it. In my opinion, I think it would be great...
I'm not putting down the story by the way, I love it too...
"Super Soul Calibur" would make it an expansion rather than a non-canon game like Tekken Tag is.

But.....it's not like they've done that before with Broken Destiny, I guess.
It's called marketing.
I guess pointy boobs Taki, Bigger Boobs Ivy, No Pants/Meant to be a replacement Cassandra, and Korean Patroklos Yunseong weren't meant to appeal to audiences either.
I'm not seeing the proposal of this decision's necessity. If we're trying to get new players why replace characters these people don't even know yet? The casting of characters into the actual game seemed like a totally irrelevant incentive. The SF crap was 100% marketing.
I'm actually going to throw this out here because I've seen it drifting around the site for awhile...
Why not some kind of Tekken-Tagesque title? Like a game that involves all of the characters without a real need to have a story at all? Like Super Soul Calibur or something...
I'm not putting down the story by the way, I love it too...
I hope they dont just jump into SC6 but do something for the damage control first by appealing to their core long-time players who grew up wih the od cast. Jumping forward now wouldn't interest people if the writing was still this poor and the reassurance of the old characters isn't an incentment. As some said above; a Soul Calibur place holding game like Tekken Tag would be good to keep people busy while they use that time for SC6's longer development. The Soul Tag game could then feature the old characters partnering up with the new ones with exclusive dialogue and a backstory of the 17 years inbetween during the tag-team single player. The only thing conroversal is the engine.
I'm not seeing the proposal of this decision's necessity. If we're trying to get new players why replace characters these people don't even know yet? The casting of characters into the actual game seemed like a totally irrelevant incentive. The SF crap was 100% marketing.

I hope they dont just jump into SC6 but do something for the damage control first by appealing to thei core long-time players who grew up wih the od cast. Jumping forward now wouldn't interest people if the writing was still this poor and the reassurance of the old characters isn't an incentment. As some said above; a Soul Calibur place holding game like Tekken Tag would be good to keep people busy while they use that time for SC6's longer development. The Soul Tag game could then feature the old characters partnering up with the new ones with exclusive dialogue and a backstory of the 17 years inbetween during the tag-team single player.

This. This is exactly what I'm thinking... just more thorough and eloquently written.
Anybody want to discuss possible mechanics ? I know its the casual subforum, but i'll do it anyways. I feel they hit paydirt by applying the ol' super-meter system, which just means designing CEs, BEs, and meter gaining data for every single move. Has anyone ever complained about certain moves giving you (or the opponent) an unreasonable amount of edge meter? Seems project soul fixed the bug where Raphael gives the opponent 0.5 meter everytime he 66A+G's them, and so there were only a few more.

I'm not a fan of the jG system and the work they put into it (seemed like they put a lot of effort into it), with unique jG frames for everymove, and then the whole red/blue colour system we saw in the trailers.

I talk about this alot in person with people at my college, who claim to be a somewhat member of the FGC. They say 5 is better than 4 b/c it has BE's, CE's and JG. I tell them they mustn't have played 4,3,2 or 1. B/c most of those Brave edge moves have always existed in the series and are now just limited. The Critical Edges are... to me personally feel rushed, unfinished or something more along the lines of them just giving up on trying to be creative. The Critical finishes from SC4 are indeed much better (Animation wise). What could be done in six, is add a non-instant kill, but Algol's (Lame Looking) CE Damage. But at the cost of 2 meters and maybe only during a gauge burst.

JG is just Advanced Guard from 3rd strike, Spoiler: I don't like street fighter. So naturally I like guard impact more, so it being limited to half a meter just made me and others drop it all together. I prefer it so that you need the attack to guard impact. If we are talking about SC6, keeping the larger Frame windowed Meter GI, in addition to the 4GI & 6GI, mind you as well that a Just Impact made the opponent negative. I will say at times when facing an opponent with the knowledge & timing to JG almost everything... makes me Dejah Vu back to the days of SC4's Soul Repel lol.
I'm skeptical of Soul Calibur Tag Tournament: combination of old and new characters galore. I just think it's a bad idea until Project Soul proves me wrong. That's when I tip my hat. Until then, I'm gonna stay skeptical.

On my earlier comment, I said something about the whole tag-esque style game... I didn't exactly expect there to be tag teams, just the entire roster in a single non-canon game to save time for SCVI to be made...
I'm with you about the team mechanics though. Skeptical.
Sorry if there is a thread for this already but I couldn't see one.

I think SCV was great. But I felt like some things were missing.

I would love to see a Chronicle Of The Swords type mode. I was disappointing to see that it wasn't available in IV, and I was looking forward to seeing it in 5 and was disappointed again.

I never played Chronicle Of The Swords, but would watch others play it, and it looked interesting. It looked more strategy based like Dynasty Warriors. A mode like that would increase my playtime longevity for the game.

Also, I would like to see some African influences in the game. I love how the game features a combination historical Asian influences and historical Western influences. But I think it is time to add Africa into the mix. It would be a great way to introduce some knew fighting styles/weapons I would like to see. Like:

Bow and Arrows
Black Magic
A Fan
Throwing Knives

What would you guys like to see in Soul Calibur 6?

One more of these threads for the pile.

Swag Winger with more moves, Lizard Crawl, and axis correction on Aeon moves like WRB and 33B.
One more of these threads for the pile.

Swag Winger with more moves, Lizard Crawl, and axis correction on Aeon moves like WRB and 33B.

Really? Because I, along with the rest of the would like to see that creature removed from the roster completely.​

Aeon has been playable longer than most characters in the series. He's also more badass than most characters in the series and has tons of fans. Character roster has too many plain old human-looking people anyway.

I want to see a TON more voice options in Creation mode and especially an option to make them mute. A setup where you choose the voice and then an attitude, so each attitude can apply to each voice. So even if you pick "young man", you can have a young man constantly spewing death threats or a young man constantly cracking jokes.
1) I want a multi-player chronicle of the sword, lol (offline)
2) More unblockable outfits (non-dlc I'd pay for it regardless but that would be a plus)
3) More dialogue between characters who know each other
4) Weapon demo mode
5) Sc3-esque tutorial mode
6) more true villains.
Aeon has been playable longer than most characters in the series. He's also more badass than most characters in the series and has tons of fans. Character roster has too many plain old human-looking people anyway.

I want to see a TON more voice options in Creation mode and especially and option to make them mute. A setup where you choose the voice and then an attitude, so each attitude can apply to each voice. So even if you pick "young man", you can have a young man constantly spewing death threats or a young man constantly cracking jokes.
I like your voice idea. I always wished that we were able to type in what we wanted them to say too. But I doubt they would ever put that much work into creation :/