Soul Calibur 6 Discussion

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I also prefer Sieg in SCIV. He have more fun combos and the A+B attakcs in all of his stances. I don't know how good he was compared to SCV because I only played offline back in the day. Online is real mess.
There many moves in sc4 that are not in scv, for example 22 and A+B from some stances were great, I used A+B from base hold all the time.
A lot of those moves were either useless or only used in combos. SBH A+B for example is pretty useless as far as I can divine.
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Why would they celebrate the anniversary of Soulcalibur with nothing to show?
The same reason they released SCV with that lame story mode...
The same reason they said there would be an announcement & there never was...
The same reason they threw out that lame game LS...
Just the idea that Namco is going to talk about the 20th anniversary of the Souls series at Comic-Con 2016 makes me happy. I'm that more excited as to what they'll talk about relating Soulcalibur (of course, I'm hoping for any information relating to Soulcalibur VI).

Refer to my previous post.

Personally, I've just been burned one way or another by the series for the past 8 years, especially in the latter half. I liked SCIV and SCV, but both had their issues, largely with direction and production management (like SCV not getting enough development time). Then came Lost Swords, and I disliked close to everything about that. Since then, it's been radio silence. Too often in that 8 year period I got my hopes up speculating about "how cool it would be if" or "I really wish they would", and too often, those hopes never came to any sort of fruition.

If they do reveal a game or something, cool. I'll support it if it seems like something I'll like, even a little. If it looks like Lost Swords 2: The Search for More Money, I'll start making a noose. Honestly though, I'm not expecting more than a half-assed retrospective with maybe another empty "stay tuned!", because again, Namco + SoulCalibur. SoulCalibur is treated as the redheaded stepchild of Namco's two main fighting series, despite generally matching the latest Tekken games when it comes to home release sales.

Also, the above.
Why respond me? I asked Ryuhza why he (or she) lost hope in the franchise, but I understand Ryuhza's reason.

Project Bokuho's reason is just generally good advice. If taken to heart, you won't be so crushed when a reveal doesn't happen (or happens the wrong way), but if a reveal does happen, it comes as a very, very pleasant surprise, and you're usually more willing to make concessions when it comes to small things that don't quite happen the way you'd hope. Like, "darn, one of my favorite characters didn't make the cut, but hey, I wasn't even expecting a new game."
Project Bokuho's reason is just generally good advice. If taken to heart, you won't be so crushed when a reveal doesn't happen (or happens the wrong way), but if a reveal does happen, it comes as a very, very pleasant surprise, and you're usually more willing to make concessions when it comes to small things that don't quite happen the way you'd hope. Like, "darn, one of my favorite characters didn't make the cut, but hey, I wasn't even expecting a new game."
I'm not too worried about my characters not making the cut, because my favorites are also Hoshino's favorites.
Time for another unnecessary thing to post. :)

Me after playing Soul Calibur V's rushed story mode 4 years ago.
"Well, the rushed story may not be the highlight of this game, but"

"Online mode and creating characters is what makes the game alright to me."
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