PSX SCVI Gameplay Preview Analysis

PSX has revealed the first gameplay of SCVI in motion. I broke down the most notable changes on my twitch stream and I will link the archive below. I will list the changes me and my stream caught. Feel free to post what you have seen below! Here is the raw footage without me talking over it.

Known system mechanics and character changes:
  • Reversal Edge and Guard Impact will cause the user to take guard damage when they fail to connect it.
  • Reversal Edge post hit causes a guessing game where verticals beat horizontals, horizontals beat sidestep, and sidestep beats verticals. You can potentially receive a ringout when it connects. It also automatically parries strings, but some moves have fast enough recovery to where you can block the automatic attack.
  • Soul Charge (the mechanic similar to V-trigger) causes the opponent to receive chip damage. It costs 1 bar of meter and is set on a timer that's similar to max mode from KoF. Large push back on activation.
  • Lethal Hits are hits that cause the character's clothing to break. When you hit them, the move properties change into combo starters. You can see Mitsurugi's 1A as well as Sophitia's 22B do this in the footage.
  • Guts is still in the game as well as meter. You still gain a bar of meter for losing two rounds.
  • Movement can be cancelled like in games pre-SCV. Run counter for backwards movement has been removed, but remains for side movement. (Hey guys, it looks like the mechanic might be that backdash can be run countered. It seems that verticals cant run counter in general. Only horizontals and tracking kicks.)
  • Throws still can catch side movement.
  • Mitsurugi has gained a running tackle that resembles an Arthur move from SC3. He has a new low mid option. 1aB has a new animation and 4KB causes severe knock back on hit. MST KB is NCC and his MST B+K causes an attack throw on normal hit. MST B string has a new follow up that resembles his 4B without the backdash.
That's all of the new information I could find in the video. Let me know if you find other things!

Changes found by 8wayrun:
  • No damage on throw escape. They can also build meter.
  • Meterless Guard Impact.
  • Sophitia 1AA doesn't trip on first hit.

  • Mitsurugi 1A doesn't trip on normal hit. Relic is in the game again.
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Michael Stabile

Michael Stabile

Yeah he may be a SCII fan but it's not like hasn't played the others to disqualify his opinion on what SCVI is shaping up to be. I feel like the community tries to escape SCIIs shadow so much that when people like Aris' voices his opinion it's immediate eyerolling.
He hasn’t played SC6 in order to have a good opinion on the meta of SC6. It is pretty suspect that he is already trying to say it probably won’t be a good game. He even complained during the announcement trailer where there is no meaningful information to be gathered. That’s why you should take it with a grain of salt. Can’t know if you like or dislike a game that easily unless you wanted to like it or dislike it beforehand.
TTT2 is a mixed bag for a lot of people myself included so his opinions aren't really as meaningful imo.

Yeah he may be a SCII fan but it's not like hasn't played the others to disqualify his opinion on what SCVI is shaping up to be. I feel like the community tries to escape SCIIs shadow so much that when people like Aris' voices his opinion it's immediate eyerolling.

For better or for worse SCII is the SC community's Super Turbo. The sad thing is there hasn't been a third strike or a Dark Resurrection in the Series so people are gonna crawl back to that immediately. It's not just that he's just a SCII fan but more there hasn't been a real good overall solid entry into the series since to let SCII standby like your KOF98, Super Turbo, TTT, etc.
He's never learned a SC at a high level outside of SC2. He never stuck around long enough for any of the metas evolve so as far as I'm concerned he has no real merit outside of SC2. Im curious to hear why you feel SC3, SC4, and Sc5 weren't "solid entries" or a great game competitively. A detailed essay on each entry would be nice instead of regurgitating the same tired catch phrase of people stuck in the past.
He hasn’t played SC6 in order to have a good opinion on the meta of SC6. It is pretty suspect that he is already trying to say it probably won’t be a good game. He even complained during the announcement trailer where there is no meaningful information to be gathered. That’s why you should take it with a grain of salt. Can’t know if you like or dislike a game that easily unless you wanted to like it or dislike it beforehand.

Well no, if you know Aris' attitude towards things, he may not like what he's seeing be he's still down to try it. He's just voicing his initial opinions like everyone else. He wants the game to be good like everyone else because he does like Soul Calibur. But if he sees some things that he didn't like that's what it is.

He's never learned a SC at a high level outside of SC2. He never stuck around long enough for any of the metas evolve so as far as I'm concerned he has no real merit outside of SC2.

That's a strange metric to judge opinions from. Didn't know you had to know the complete ins and outs of a meta to know it's something you're not feeling and not going to like. That's a silly way of thinking because you're only concerned about high level play which not everyone is going to be able to get to. You're also disregarding general fighting game knowledge. People who play multiple games to a high degree of competency typically have a good idea of how they work and what does and doesn't work overall.
Well no, if you know Aris' attitude towards things, he may not like what he's seeing be he's still down to try it. He's just voicing his initial opinions like everyone else. He wants the game to be good like everyone else because he does like Soul Calibur. But if he sees some things that he didn't like that's what it is.
See that's the thing, we do know his attitude toward things. We've been hearing this same thing since 2005. If it's not SC2 it's no good. This is, has been, and will always be his opinion. This is what lead me to say take anything that he says about a new SoulCalibur with a grain of salt. Especially in this forum which is a SOULCALIBUR site and not a SoulCalibur 2 site.
Well no, if you know Aris' attitude towards things, he may not like what he's seeing be he's still down to try it. He's just voicing his initial opinions like everyone else. He wants the game to be good like everyone else because he does like Soul Calibur. But if he sees some things that he didn't like that's what it is.
I can’t think of an instance where his initial reaction is negative and then positive after he tries it (in terms of fighting games). I foreshadow he will buy the game and talk shit about it like he has done for every fighting game that isn’t Tekken.
That's a strange metric to judge opinions from. Didn't know you had to know the complete ins and outs of a meta to know it's something you're not feeling and not going to like. That's a silly way of thinking because you're only concerned about high level play which not everyone is going to be able to get to. You're also disregarding general fighting game knowledge. People who play multiple games to a high degree of competency typically have a good idea of how they work and what does and doesn't work overall.
How is it a strange metric to judge from in the context we're speaking of? When Aris criticizes Calibur or any fighting game really he's doing it from a competitive aspect. High level play is what you base an opinion on when talking about gameplay in that context. Feeling you won't like something is irrelevant and basing it on such a gut reaction becomes harmful to a community as small as the Calibur one when the guy doing it has as huge and impressionable following as he does.
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I respect the opinions of Aris but I disagree with his and a lot of other veterans regarding sc5. I have been a huge fan since SC1 and somewhat competitive since sc2. Life happened and I didn't attend very many tournaments after sc3 but I made a few. I guess I stand with the minority when I say that sc5 has been hands down my favorite. If we could just put aside our bias for sc2 for just a moment I might not be the only one who feels that way. I loved sc2 just as much as everyone else but I also was able to remove my blinders especially after going back to sc2 after the hd remake was released. Let's be honest the only good thing that I felt stood the test of time was the speed of the game. To me, playing the game again after sc5 really pointed out the improvements made over the years. Sc5 is just so smooth when compared to any of the others. Maybe not as fast as 2 but a good balance none the less. Also very responsive. Even going back to 4 the gameplay and overall feel seems clunky compared to sc5. Not sure what the big deal is about having to use meter for GI. I mean shit I remember a time when really solid players could be heard saying that GI was completely useless in sc2 because of 2G. Now years later the same people it seems bitch about it because you have to use meter. What exactly is the problem with JG anyway? In it's simplest form it was a way to punish people for trying to abuse gaurd crush BE and strings. How is that not a good thing. Separated the men from the boys in my opinion. All I know is that I have been waiting patiently for a new soulcalibur to come out for years and I am beyond thrilled about it. To me there is really just no way for it not to be good. I have played and loved playing all of them. Some more than others so I doubt this will be any different. I think the Soulcalibur community holds this game to such a high standard because the core mechanics of the series are that good. Think about compared to other fighting games including Tekken. Soulcalibur to me is just so far above everything else in every way. So even I am guilty of unrealistically high standards sometimes. But let's just try to be as positive as we can because this amazing news!
I did some pixel counting. Assuming a full lifebar is 240 points, Mitsurugi’s A throw only seems to be doing 39–40 damage. It also does decreased damage to Sophitia when she’s at low health, only 35–36, suggesting that at least one of the hits is doing 20 damage or less (assuming that’s still when guts kicks in).

On the other hand, the damage for landing a successful Reversal Edge looks to be really good. The full combo Mitsu does at 4:20 totals to 90 damage (!), with 33 coming from the first hit and 57 from the hits after the successful read. I didn’t bother to look at the one that ends in a stun because it’s potentially comboable, so the damage potential can’t really be guessed from the video.
The bar has indicator marks for 50%, 30%, 20% and 10%. Which one of these thresholds are relevant for gameplay ?
I noticed that once your life is on the last indicator, you take less damage. Kinda like in SCV when you have less than 20 life any move that cause 20 or less damage is cutted by half. But here it seems to happen with any move. At 4:32 sophitia did 66A but did so much less damage than normal.
@Vergeben posted this in another thread.

The new info has come out and been translated:

SoulCalibur VI introduces the new Reversal Edge and other new features that key developers recently talked about in this week’s issue of Famitsu magazine. [Thanks, Ryokutya2089.]

Here are highlights from the interview:
  • The “Reversal Edge” can be performed with a single button. While pressing the button it blocks all attacks from high, middle, low, and grabs.
  • When you let go of the button the character will slash and enter a scene.
  • There are some moves that you can only pull off by consuming your Soul Charge and powering up.
  • The “Lethal Hit” is an advanced system where landing certain moves in the right condition will send the opponent flying.
  • Since there wasn’t any 3D fighters on current generation consoles, the team felt that they needed to make a new SoulCalibur.
  • The setting will take us back in time, into the year 1586. The keyword here is “reboot.”
  • Please look forward to collaborations with other works!
  • The team is focusing on making enjoyable sword fights with the press of a button using Reversal Edge.
  • Some commands that were difficult to pull off up until now have also been made to activate with just one button.
  • The Guard Impact no longer consumes your meter.
  • The team is getting help from a surprising amount of outside developers.
  • Character creation is something appealing that can’t be taken away, so keep an eye out for that.
  • Development is currently 70% complete.
I don't know about some of this. So you cant grab people out of RE, anyone know if it has a significant whiff animation so that you're able to punish?

"Some commands that were difficult to pull off up until now have also been made to activate with just one button."
Apparently this is confirming CEs are going to be a one button press. Kinda lame but not a big deal. I just hope this doesn't extend to the rest of the movesets.
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  • The setting will take us back in time, into the year 1586. The keyword here is “reboot.”

Mostly good news, but this most likely means Talim is out </3 poor girl, passed up two games in a row.

Hoping to see some interesting new designs along with the returning cast that makes it.
Mostly good news, but this most likely means Talim is out </3 poor girl, passed up two games in a row.

Hoping to see some interesting new designs along with the returning cast that makes it.
It doesn't mean that. If the game stays in 1586, then she'd be around Amy's age. More than likely, the game just *starts* in 1586. Either way, Namco isn't going to leave her out. This is the Tekken 5 of SoulCalibur in terms of roster. She'll be in.
CE being one button is fine IMO, as long as it doesn't REQUIRE a bind (like the stupid SWITCH button in SC4). No reason to punish people who can't quarter circle twice, to me that's just like L-canceling in Melee, why have button presses for the sake of button presses.

With regards to whatever is going on with Aris/SC2 people - SC6 ain't even out yet, we've seen 10 minutes worth of it and we've waited 6 years for it. If you're not hype AF you have general issues with priorities.
If they're saying "reboot" then it's possible they're just making it so everyone exists in 1586 at their ideal ages. At least everyone from 1-4. A lot of SC5 characters would have to be seriously reimagined.

I'm a little torn on CEs being one button. I just hope they're still interruptable on startup so they can't just be mashed out in the middle of pressure.
I don't know about some of this. So you cant grab people out of RE, anyone know if it has a significant whiff animation so that you're able to punish?
you can see mitsu whiffing RE in 2:24. looking like it's heavily telegraphed but you must time your punish on the actual counterattack animation, lest you'll be auto-parried. this is shaping up to be an interesting mechanic the more we understand it. I'm no longer worried about it defending against almost all attack and throws.

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