Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

Purely anecdotal but from various non-calibur livestreams, Twitter, some Reddits and other internet "hang-out" places, lots of people seem to be interested in Calibur that previously weren't. I'm hoping this small lot is indicative of a greater interest but it can only be a good thing.

The game is worth investing in even just to show developers that there's still an interest in singleplayer content within a fighting game and hopefully that's something that Namco take away from this if the game sells well, which I fully expect it will.
My roommate never buys fighting games, but he is buying Soul Calibur 6 due to the single player content such as Libra of Souls specifically.
Random Creation
God, that option in SC3 was the best thing about the entire game. Too bad it wasn't as fun in the other games. Those random creations were always so hilarious.

Fighting games - as individual titles - are being out-innovated by MOBAs
mobas are dead, man. everyone plays battle royale now. only hardcore players stick to mobas, but the general population got bored by the cash grabbing and imbalances to achieve said cash grabs and already moved on. and it's also much easier to get into a battle royale type game than lol, where you have to learn so many things. kids don't have the attention span for that anymore.
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Hwang has been hinted at with the 4chan leak & in Seong Mi-na's SCVI bio. SCVI being a SCI reboot makes him more likely than Yun-seong.

Yes I know but it’s weird to see the select screen with 2 white slots (leak with Raphy & Cervy), and we have 20 characters like in December right now, i hope this will change in a way, because these 2 slots next to the others caracters at the launch, well...
Oh so i was doing some math and im probably doing it wrong but say their projected goal was to sell at least 2 million and lets say they reached it by people buying at least the standard (59.99) edition that equates to approx 33,889 units sold.

I didnt factor in things like marketing and licensing just wanted to get an idea of how much needed to be sold.

Please correct me if im wrong -_-
I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but Japan is getting hammered by a fuckhueg typhoon. This is bad timing. I hope the staff of project soul are ok. Just saw it on the news. To those on the forum that live in Japan I hope everything is fine
Oh so i was doing some math and im probably doing it wrong but say their projected goal was to sell at least 2 million and lets say they reached it by people buying at least the standard (59.99) edition that equates to approx 33,889 units sold.

I didnt factor in things like marketing and licensing just wanted to get an idea of how much needed to be sold.

Please correct me if im wrong -_-

I think that's wrong. 33,889 is really low. Maybe good enough for a ~$29.99 small team indie game that spent up to 2 years of development.

Last year, Bandai Namco Holdings had 6.4 billion in revenue, so in order to make a dent, 2 million for a 59.99 game is less than 120million, which would be less than 2% overall revenue for the entire parent company, for one of their biggest video game titles... not the greatest. (of course keep in mind, they do other things besides video games, but still...)

I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but Japan is getting hammered by a fuckhueg typhoon. This is bad timing. I hope the staff of project soul are ok.

New wind-based character incoming.
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Oh so i was doing some math and im probably doing it wrong but say their projected goal was to sell at least 2 million and lets say they reached it by people buying at least the standard (59.99) edition that equates to approx 33,889 units sold.

I didnt factor in things like marketing and licensing just wanted to get an idea of how much needed to be sold.

Please correct me if im wrong -_-
I think retailers buy the software at something like $49.99 from the publisher, and they add around 20% markup.
Didnt something like this happened when they were working on SCV ? I hope everyone is safe
An earthquake and a tsunami happened during SCV development, which the story tells us destroyed some data and equipment, which screwed up the game big time.
With SCVI the game is done and gone gold, all the data is packed in a single build which has multiple copies of it, so the game itself is safe. That said, obviously I hope people will be safe too.