Bioshock 2 - Sea of Dreams


Team Ceddy Bear! ♥
There's a teaser out already on the xbox dashboard.

October 16, 2008 - Developer 2K Games has revealed BioShock 2, subtitled Sea of Dreams, through a hidden cutscene contained within the PlayStation 3 version of BioShock. The trailer was revealed by and the setting is said to take place along the "Atlantic Coast."

The cinematic features a woman looking out at an oceanic coast as she holds a small, big daddy figurine. As the camera pans out, pillar-like structures start to form what appears to be a city in the foreground. Finally, a BioShock 2 logo emerges and is quickly followed up by the subtitle "Sea of Dreams."

Idk about you fellas,but I am excited for this game! :D
Reviving this because i wanna talk about Bioshock 2. Now that we have a lot more info, what are everybody's thoughts on this game? It's a must buy for me. I'm very interested in the new multiplayer too (even though it didn't really need one).
I loved the first game... but I'm worried about this one. How will it retain the noir feeling of the first game? I have my doubts.
I feel the game will do a good job of attempting to live up to its predecessor. I love the direction they are going with the multiplayer, which is honestly something I'm very surprised and happy I get to say. I really expected the multiplayer to come out as complete trash... but its still too early to REALLY say much about it.

As for the story...I'm a little worried but I heard that some ppl read somewhere that the "actual" villian of the game is NOT the Big Sister. Which hopefully leaves some more suspense to the game than just saying "ohh.. that faster version of me is the super villian??"

I mean its the whole reason superman games aren't that great usually. You want your character to be badass but you don't want it to feel too easy. In the last game you'd be scared a little to meet up with a big daddy at first and I'm afraid a little that because you ARE the big daddy that there won't be any "scare" to the game that made the other game surprising. And now you can swim which is cool for the exploration aspect, but it too takes away part of that fear. When you are walking in a tunnel and all of a sudden the tube starts to leak you start saying to yourself "shit I better hurry! I don't know if the game just started a timer for me to die!!" But now that you can swim there isn't that feeling anymore.

As for the GAMEPLAY... I'm not too worried. Just an upgraded version of past gameplay is expected/wanted.

nontheless I have 2 buys and 1 rent at least in November alone lol (assassin's creed 2 gets a rent cuz I bought the first and it was too short and mundane. Had no want to complete it again.... hell. I got bored after about 1/2 the first game was over.). I would just go for a rent for Bioshock 2 but the multilayer gives it lasting power hopefully and a reason to buy over rent. I'll hold out any really judgment on the multiplayer until I SEE it. Also it would be pretty cool if they put a beta test for the multiplayer online at some time.... I really want some hands on.

Random note... I REALLY want to fight a giant fish with my drill arm *poke poke.
I loved the first game... but I'm worried about this one. How will it retain the noir feeling of the first game? I have my doubts.

It won't. I can't really think that there are enough people left in rapture to tell a decent story.

On the bright side they didn't go the cheap route and just make there have been more cities under the sea or something. But truth be told I'd have loved to have seen a prequel.
It won't. I can't really think that there are enough people left in rapture to tell a decent story.

On the bright side they didn't go the cheap route and just make there have been more cities under the sea or something. But truth be told I'd have loved to have seen a prequel.

We didn't cover every area in rapture on the first run through. I dont think there will be a problem with that.

The multiplayer portion covers pre-bioshock events. It'll have it's own storyline too apparently. The more i hear about the multiplayer portion, the more i think it'll be really good and not just some pathetic check mark in sequel development. But then even IF the multiplayer sucks, i'm 100% confident that solo play will be worth the price tag.
great reviews all over the place for this game

hm... if i haven't played the first one, should I get the 2nd one?
We didn't cover every area in rapture on the first run through. I dont think there will be a problem with that.

The multiplayer portion covers pre-bioshock events. It'll have it's own storyline too apparently. The more i hear about the multiplayer portion, the more i think it'll be really good and not just some pathetic check mark in sequel development. But then even IF the multiplayer sucks, i'm 100% confident that solo play will be worth the price tag.

I'm actually kind of upset that i forgot to mail back my other gamefly game to get this on time. I wanted to play multiplayer and have fun before the fucking internet finds out how broken it is. But I'm so busy with school/work/Mass Effect 2 that who knows when I'd even have time to play it.

And Panda, play the first game immediately. You can download it on ek bok for like 20 bucks, I'm sure you can find similar prices for dat triple if you got that instead.
And Panda, play the first game immediately. You can download it on ek bok for like 20 bucks, I'm sure you can find similar prices for dat triple if you got that instead.

well on Steam client, if you pre-order BioShock 2... you get BioShock1 for Free.
and its 10% off for the game too ^_^
I played the first Bioshock, just never finished it.

Looking forward to this game...I'll have it for 360 and Steam(although, the PC version of Bioshock feels super fucking sensitive in the mouse department...and no where to edit that, either.)
I'm very excited about this game. Already got it paid and reserved but with the newborn thats just arrived, i'll have to be patient to squeeze time in for the game. Definitely wont be able to spend as much time on it as i'd like.
Currently waiting for it to finish D/Ling off Steam.

I can't get my Xbox copy. Missed midnight launch cause I was working, and leaving it in mom's hands to pick it up for me this afternoon...which means I won't see that $60 game cause, its snowing and nasty bullshit weather.

Sometimes, I really wonder why I bother with offline purchases...
I like...
Playing as the Big Daddy, I love the tools he has...but as for the PC version.

I HATE the mouse sensitivity and the inability to change my keys. Xbox version ftw on this run, and I got lucky. Heading out to go pick that up now.
I like...
Playing as the Big Daddy, I love the tools he has...but as for the PC version.

I HATE the mouse sensitivity and the inability to change my keys. Xbox version ftw on this run, and I got lucky. Heading out to go pick that up now.

There should always be a way to change the mouse sensitivity. did you look in options? O_O
Yeah Rek. I know you probably just hit the table until the controls would change like most cavemen- I mean, console users. But PC, unlike every other "game player machine" as we call them, has an options menu to change things.

And if not, mod it.