Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate

Kokoro has been weakened again. Somewhat minor changes (all her negatives on hit got worse -3 to -4) and the block stun on P+K being +1 is now -8.

Marie Rose got some pretty nice buffs and a quite a few new move strings. She's even safer now.

Tengu's 3KK is gone and replaced by a new 3KK. 66K has tracking now.

Momiji's 1P is now a mid. Probably the biggest change to her arsenal. She may be a lot harder to scrub with online now.

Helena's changes are... tricky. Safer, more damage on some strings, less damage and less advantage on other attacks.

Ayane has quite a few changes here. It looks like a few things got tweaked downwards and they improved her air-combo game as a result. So a tad weaker on the neutral game and stronger on combos.

Bass is straight up buffs.

Bayman has a bunch of improvements too.

Zack is even better now.

Lei Fang has a few minor buffs and a few things changed that may have been more frustrating to deal with.

Jann Lee got a few more buffs.

Tina got buffs. More or less. 4K seems better?

Hayabusa doesn't seem to have too many improvements, if any at all. Looks like mostly some system fixes here.

On a system whole fix, it looks like they addressed the issue with some OHs not working against certain 3Ps and/or other mids. They also addressed they incredibly wide window on CB follow-ups for several characters. Doesn't look like they fixed Kokoro's though.

That's about all I can translate.
As with any update, there are buffs and nerfs. Some make sense, others do not. The mind of a designer works differently than the mind of the player.

This is a rather positive update across the board however. About 80% of the changes are either tradeoffs or buffs.

Of course, this isn't going to stop people from focusing only on the 20% which were negative. End of the world, and all that.
Yeah, pretty much.

I'm sure everyone is going to complain about Christie or Ayane or Gen fu and the lack of tuning to make them less top tier, but eh, the don't really feel that difficult to deal with.
If your NAT is set to limited the netcode has issues currently.

Overall, there are some definite improvements to it. Won't win any awards, but definite improvements. And it seems like in general it is relying less on slowing down the frame-rate to help manage it.
you are literally the only person that's said this in 3 different community group/websites. so I think it's just you. everyone else said it's much better and has been said by multiple people in multiple scenarios.

Always the same with this guy...just ignore him....
Not having your luck. After another 3 hours of testing I'm finding the net code is still trash on PS3. So, yeah, no point continuing with it unless they dramatically improve it.
Online is actually really good, was expecting a slight improvement but this is significantly better.

PS4 I see a good number of people on every night EST.

But the challenge is finding the ones I'm not going to just scare away from the game. I am pleased with the PS4 interface letting me invade people on my friends list easier though.
Not having your luck. After another 3 hours of testing I'm finding the net code is still trash on PS3. So, yeah, no point continuing with it unless they dramatically improve it.
last time I'm commenting on this before I take Amanda's advice. but if you're having connection issues when EVERYONE else is saying it's better then you should check yourself. don't demand the netcode to be changed or say the game's netcode sucks because you are the only one with the issue. maybe change your internet/upgrade. the problem MAY actually lie with you. (gasp!)
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