First Haohmaru Gameplay Trailer from EVO Japan 2020

For a while now, we've been wondering what Haohmaru would look like in Soulcalibur. Mostly, we wanted to know how he would be different from Mitsurugi. Well at this weekend's EVO Japan 2020 tournament, they revealed the first gameplay trailer for Haohmaru.

Namco-Bandai has made it a point to mention that Haohmaru will not have a story mode in SOULCALIBUR VI. This trailer's story is just for the trailer and will not be further expanded upon in the game itself.

Jason Axelrod

Jason Axelrod

Owner and Operator of 8WAYRUN
Namco-Bandai has made it a point to mention that Haohmaru will not have a story mode in SOULCALIBUR VI. This trailer's story is just for the trailer and will not be further expanded upon in the game itself.
Are you fucking serious? Didn't they say before they would make story modes for all characters, including guests, like they did with Geralt and 2B? Haohmaru would be the easiest one to make a story for!

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