Fliptop makes slightly different people

Hi guys. Still got a bit of an eastern thing going on here. This time though, it's characters you might recognize: The four main characters from Journey to the West. Some creative liberties were taken.

Sun Wukong
wukong crit 19 small.png

wukong collage.png

Tang Sanzang
sanzang crit 16 small.png

sanzang collage.png

Zhu Bajie

Shoutout to @chobek and their Porkis character for the nose/ears combo. Saved my bacon...
pigsy crit 37 small.png

pigsy collage.png

pigsy feet.PNG

Sha Wujing

sandy crit 32 small.png

sandy collage 3.png
Thanks for your time!

*Edited to add Pigsy's feet and updated Sandy.
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I agree that the Pig is one for the history books. I think you could have highlighted your great work on his pigfeet a bit more in the screenshots though! I just noticed after looking at the pictures mesmerized many times and that is way too amazing a detail to be missed... :)
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Wowza! That Monkey King is radddddddd good! Nice stuff!


I'm not bias but Fliptop is still my fave.

Aw dude, thanks very much. I don't even have a witty retort for this...who's this "Bias" person, anyway? Never heard of him. Sounds unreliable.

Monkey King is very good, but the pig steal the show!
Bravo :CE:

I liked in particular how you used horns to get nose and ears done at same time with one slot, but also the pattern choice on the hat is very very nice

Thank you very much! As mentioned in the post, it was chobek who I saw do the nose/ear thing first, I just tweeked it a little. For the hat, I looked at a few of the interpretations of the character and a similar symbol appeared a couple of times (Sandy has a similar thing going on for his circlet). I was glad that the pattern lined up the way it did - it saved me a couple of sticker slots.

Sun Wukong and Pigsy are just absolutely insane, amazing, amazing stuff!

Thanks a lot!

I agree that the Pig is one for the history books. I think you could have highlighted your great work on his pigfeet a bit more in the screenshots though! I just noticed after looking at the pictures mesmerized many times and that is way too amazing a detail to be missed... :)

Good catch and good point. I switched the full body shot at the last minute (the post was made in a bit of a hurry!) and I didn't realise the feet weren't as clear. At the time I thought "It doesn't matter, I'll put it in the notes"....and then didn't make any notes. I have now added the trotters in all of their glory.

In addition to the feet, I've updated Sandy as well. Nothing huge, I just felt the blues of the robes and skin were a little too similar. Also removed the sticker from his upper robe because that shoulder smudge was annoying. Also gave him his prayer beads.

Thank you all for the kind words!
Hi guys. It's been a little while, I hope you're all well. Changing the tune here with something a little different - a quartet of musicians.


wilder crit 9 small.png

wilder collage.png


Annalise crit 8 small.png

Annalise collage.png


lionel crit 12 small.png

lionel collage.png


Gigi crit small.png

gigi collage.png

Word Vomit:
Wilder: The progenitor of this idea for me way back in SCV. I was going for a bard and ended up with a cowboy/ folk singer. Raph's style remains due to the cockiness.

Annalise: Changed the gimmick from "What instrument?" to show a little more personality. Her ornate shades put her on the fringes of believability. Ivy's style was used for it's personality and the whip doubles as some sort of improvised microphone...from a certain point of view lol.

Lionel: The classic bard with a flamboyant fashion sense. In my head this guy's actually a little unsure of himself outwith anyting musical/performance related. Amy's style was used because of the flowers, the musical notes and general theatrics. His design is supposed to contrast sharply with Wilder's.

Gigi: Went for more of a traveller/story teller vibe with her. The instrument is based off of the horsehead fiddle. Setsuka's style was used mainly because while I like the visual of an unassuming traveller, sometimes in the world of SC you need to be able to stab things.

Now get out, you're bard!

...I'll see myself out.

Thanks for your time!
they're all pretty good and with plenty of personality, Annalise imho takes the show

You had to sacrify the instrument but was worth it, specially when she got shades on, loved also the pumpkin hair.
Plus great pieces selection on rest of the body, picking items with lot of detail compensate well the fact that there are no more 3d items avaible. Bravo
Kinda late to the party, but you're one of the few og CAS artists that really get me pumped. Keep on sharing these fantastic presentations!