GGL's X-play SC4 finals results (televised)

everyone just chill lol. I have no excuses, Mamba came back and beat me no matter who I used, he just adjusted well. I never said anything different, I personally just wished I picked Tira less as my X seemed to do well, everyone always has some personal lamentation when they lose, it had no bearing on the results. All 4 players were solid, we all played well and have mad respect for each other.

What anyone else says, don't matter.

This was a great event for the community, and we can only HOPE they give us another chance where the community can really shine on TV and more quality players represent in it in the future.

cha cha
omg.. i wish i was there... no only would i of won the tourney..... i would of

won morgin webbbbbbbbb heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


omg.. i wish i was there...
won morgin webbbbbbbbb heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



dont think that would have happened with them constantly yelling out STD this STD that.... she might not feel to eager after that :p

on the other hand... I just got done watching the episode and gud shit guys.. although ... obviously the ref had no idea what he was talking about >.< which ... was aggrivating >.> but in anycase gj guys
congratz to all 4 that even made it on that show ... good stuff

that ref clown was more annoying than he will ever realize but still this is awesome for the SC4 community ... let's all remember we're all here for the same reason

anywho ... ya mamba i'm with oof ... wish u woulda used lizzy hehehe

on a lighter, more pointless note ... kowtow ... cervy iGDR has won my heart and i'm using cervy as an alt now =) yayyyyyyy
WTF was up with the ref? Not only does he not know the game but looked like a fool. Other than that, good shit guys. And the episode gave the game, the community and this site some more exposure.

And they would have had to pry me off of Olivia Munn. She is fine.
OMG Cha Cha is so tall. Guess Tidus and I have to rep Tira now.

Nice job Blackmamba. Even tho you never say anything to us in flashchat you seem like an alright guy.

I'm watchin out for CNP now. He may surprise us.

As always I'm all about that AlexJ. The greatest should never let nerves get to him but it is what it is. Keep beasting at those NorCal tourneys sir. Nobody can keep ma Asian brother down.
Ref: Voldo is showing his backside, that's weird.


Props to CNP, Chacha, Alex J., and Blackxxxmamba, looks like everyone had a great time.
I'll still play Tira Mikosu, just not main her and not pick her first in obvious detrimental situations. I think my character flow chart will now be X (main), Tira/Rock/Mina (secondary), Maxi/Mitsu (fun). I just need to main X so I can get a better handle on her frames and sidestep game which I am a bit weak on, so on and so forth, so X is now my main focus.

! Jeff: Thanks bro! ^_^ Glad you could watch!

Thanks everyone, I will post up pics and stuff soon. Keep the thread positive and visit to make sure they know we want MORE events like this.

cha cha
They used my HDD Jon, which is why all you see is MY customs :)


Christmas Tira!

cha cha
Congrats to all involved, and special props to Alex just for representing with my favorite gimp.

I echo the sentiments about that ref though. I can forgive terminology lapses, but one comment just left me completely baffled.

In the last round of the first match Mamba had Alex's soul gauge flashing and the judge goes

"Now Voldo's flashing, he should use his block meter soon so he doesn't waste it"

congrats mamba. Woulda thought a doa player would win a sc tournament. lol

One of the things about the SC4 scene that's surprised me the most is how many DOA players have gotten so good so fast. Ryujin, Tom Brady, Mamba, Offbeat Ninja, EscapingJail, NinjaCW...

Sure is making a good case that DOA wasn't as scrubby a game as we thought. =)