Hong Kong SC4 - Gameplay Highlight 2008


[09] Warrior
Hong Kong SC4 – Gameplay Highlight 2008


This is a collection of some of the most interest gameplay moment in Hong Kong. However, because there are over 1000 matches recorded on Chang’s friend youtube site, it isn’t possible for me to extract all the cool moments… I can only compile what I can find… but I hope you guys will still enjoy it.

BTW: My mitsu gameplay will not be included in this video, please check out my previous skill projects.
Cool vid, I regulary check all you guys matchs on youtube, great stuff, keep them coming :)
this is the collection of

"Why casual vids are more entertaining to watch compared to tourney vids"

great job KS :D

at least it's not another vid of us getting our ass kicked by you

nice vid :)

someone from hk needs to represent asta though, he can be plenty flashy with air grabs, tech traps and wall game :D
We do have a few very strong asty player in HK and nearby region. But I couldn't find any special moment that can say "Haha that's funny" or "Wow that's awesome!!", just lot's of asty kicking ass by doing what he normally do... so I didn't put them in this vid. Then again, I didn't review all the matches in CF youtube page, so maybe I did miss something cool... (Maybe I will add them in future projects)
I always watch you guys videos ;) LoL but I know for a fact that Chang FD's yoshi looks alot better than that ! :)
I always watch you guys videos ;) LoL but I know for a fact that Chang FD's yoshi looks alot better than that ! :)

LOL ya, I remember there was a match where CF's yoshi start a combo with a:B+K and end it with 4As jf. (Probably a 10 hit combo) That shit ring me out from the middle of the map!! But I can't seems to find it again...
LOL ya, I remember there was a match where CF's yoshi start a combo with a:B+K and end it with 4As jf. (Probably a 10 hit combo) That shit ring me out from the middle of the map!! But I can't seems to find it again...

Yep i'm pretty sure i remember that video! lol a:B+K, iMCF, 3AB, 44BB, 4A's jfs, a:B+K try but you were already rung out!... I just remember seeing his yoshi do alot better things then showed in that highlight video haha but it was still good... Dude who was the cervantes player? and the part where Sieg is dancing around is hiliarious... Shortly after seeing that I did the exact same thing to my offline friends with yoshi haha i was facing the other way stood on my sword canceled with B+K rolled away did it again, then again, then when they were close enough I hit B+K to get on my sword and i tapped 8 a bunch rotated that way then 2 lol it was just like the vid! Good stuff :) Def more fun to watch then tourney matches because people actually take risks to have fun! oh and I stole you guys 9G jumping techniques haha I do it all the time now...
The cervy player was Chang's friend, and the Seig that dance round is... yup you guess it... that's CF as well LOL.
Damn lol Changs FD is strong ! :) and yes that is the video I was talking about ;) lol love that combo... I do it to my friends on the regular... but dont always hit the recovery for the JF spins :(
Oh man, catching Yoshi out of Dragonfly is awesome, but I've never tried after a blocked DRG A!

Also, I need to use more 2A. Chipping away with that really helped.

LoL I'm pretty sure after blocked DRG A if you try to titan bomb yoshi can A+B and air throw you ;) something we may have to test out! would look awesome
Ooohhh, we do need to test that. That would be mindgame, after mindgame, after mindgame... lol. If there's any room tonight Viz, invite me. I'm still working on my Yoshi :)