If there was a Soul Calibur VI, prequel/sequel/reboot/retcon?

So what happens storywise after SC6?
You mean after SC4?

Because I can't tell you what happens in SCVI.
Someone's butthurt over the Grecians getting all the plot relevance in 5. STILL.
Ha, we should have had Zwei and Viola's love story instead. That would have been more interesting than the way the Greek's story turned out. If it wasn't for the fact that we see SC's evil side, I would reeeeeeallly hate this story.
Ha, we should have had Zwei and Viola's love story instead. That would have been more interesting than the way the Greek's story turned out. If it wasn't for the fact that we see SC's evil side, I would reeeeeeallly hate this story.
Nobody's story is worth taking up the entire focus of the mode especially how horribly written SCV's was. It can only have as much importance as the player's preference which is why tales of souls worked so much better. I'd be able to accept being forced to live as Patroklos if he was actually the hero of the story in an anti-heroic or tragic sense. But here, he's presented as the white knight meant to save the world from evil and yet the holy warrior can't distinguish between the innocent and his actual targets without making any effort of looking for a means to do so; He obediently follows the orders of a man whose not only holding Soul Edge himself and should've been sensed by Patroklos who was born with Soul Edge's influence in his body while never questioning how the guy's holding out on his promise; He disrespects most of the people he interacts with even when they've done nothing to earn. For instance, he disses Siegfried after the man gave him a free sword; Then when he finds his sister, there seems to be hope, but all of that hope is quickly dashed away when he threatens and abandons her after she just saved his life; Then he pretty much becomes Soul Calibur's obedient puppet and never once questions the spirit of the sword right up to where he murders his sister? What are the characters supposed to do now? Destroy both swords I guess. Oh wait, that will end the series.
What are the characters supposed to do now? Destroy both swords I guess.

That's pretty much what the case is right now. Kilik, Talim, and Ivy pretty much figured out ways to destroy the swords, while everyone else has their own means outside of going after the soul swords (i.e. Raphael looking for Amy, Mitsurugi looking to fight Algol, Asian fighters looking for Kilik, etc.). The only ones that are in the hunt for the Soul Swords are Tira, Pyrrha, Patroklos, Hilde, Siegfried, Nightmare, and for a lesser extent, Voldo.
That's pretty much what the case is right now. Kilik, Talim, and Ivy pretty much figured out ways to destroy the swords, while everyone else has their own means outside of going after the soul swords (i.e. Raphael looking for Amy, Mitsurugi looking to fight Algol, Asian fighters looking for Kilik, etc.). The only ones that are in the hunt for the Soul Swords are Tira, Pyrrha, Patroklos, Hilde, Siegfried, Nightmare, and for a lesser extent, Voldo.
They could use this to introduce more monsters or sub-plots created from the evil energies of the swords rather then just going after them directly and be done with it. I'd like Arabaki to play a role, maybe someday become a sub boss like Night Terror.
Not just Arahabaki but bring back Night Terror, Inferno, or how about a female Night Terror, Gel-O-Fury, or how about Maki and Barbaross from Soul Calibur Legends?
Not just Arahabaki but bring back Night Terror, Inferno, or how about a female Night Terror, Gel-O-Fury, or how about Maki and Barbaross from Soul Calibur Legends?
They should try to incoperate new forms of everyone that is still relevant. Night Terror isnt likely at this point but Angel boss Sophitia does. Inferno is long gone, I wouldn't want a story loop. Though the incorperation of SC legends characters would be nice but for some reason not likely either. I'd honestly would rather see what a reincarnated Aska would do over Algol who has no purpose anymore.
So what you're saying is Elysium should be the new boss. She should team up with Algol or a reincarnated Iska Farkas. Or how about Elysium creates her own cult devoted to her, and have "holy followers" fight those who are corrupted by Soul Edge but at the same time go about Elysium's plans of manipulating and controlling the masses, bringing forth her perfect world.
So what you're saying is Elysium should be the new boss. She should team up with Algol or a reincarnated Iska Farkas. Or how about Elysium creates her own cult devoted to her, and have "holy followers" fight those who are corrupted by Soul Edge but at the same time go about Elysium's plans of manipulating and controlling the masses, bringing forth her perfect world.
I want Elysium to take the place of night terror. Algol can leave and Aska can be brought back. Maybe she could even bring the old cast back in their youth if they say she has the power to do so, then pull a society of light thing where all the old cast is possessed by SC and are forced to fight the new gen in order to free them.

Patrolklo's destiny Battle - Cassandra
lexia - Xaunghua
I want Sophitia to take the place of night terror. Algol can leave and Aska can be brought back. Maybe she could even bring the old cast back in their youth if they say she has the power to do so, then pull a society of light thing where all the old cast is possessed by SC and are forced to fight the new gen in order to free them.

Patrolklo's destiny Battle - Cassandra
lexia - Xaunghua
I like that idea. Have Sophitia become a villain (if she isn't Elysium) and have the rest of the old cast become this society of light. I think maybe characters that have wielded Soul Calibur like Xianghua and Siegfried for example, should be higher ups in that society almost second in command to Sophitia.

And as for the destined battles:
Patroklos-Cassandra or Sophitia
Pyrrha-Sophitia or Cassandra
Leixia-Xianghua or Kilik
Xiba- Kilik or Xianghua
Natsu-Taki or Maxi
Hm. Not that those are bad ideas but I'd prefer it Elysium was the final boss and not Sophitia. I mean she is dead right? PS would have to give a pretty good reason why a corpse has risen from the dead. Besides, why would she be the villain? If she would return I could see her being more of a guide

although I do miss Sophitia.. :/ Maybe Hephy will finally freaking own up to his mistakes and resurrect Sophita?
Dark Elysium when she has 5 meters stored when she dies would be a good final boss.
I'd personally go for a prequel to V. I'm not saying that V was totally bad but I just would like to see from a story point of view all the events that lead up to where V is. This includes the relationship bertween Raphael and Amy that had her mysteriously vanish and how Raphael became the new Nightmare. Sophitia's fierce battle against Tira (I'm guessing she didn't go down without a fight), The whole Cassandra sent to Astral Chaos, Kilik and Xianghua's falling out, and how Cervantes became normal again.

The game felt like it had so many loose ends that just weren't explained enough so making VI a prequel to V would be pretty interesting to see how they answer and display these answers to the questions. Then after that, they can continue moving forward.