In-game definition of "Clean Hit"

Drake forgot to mention for Sieg the Clean hits are...
SCH B - chance B
iagA - chance A
agA - chance C
SCH kBE - chance B
SBH B - chance C
44 B/(B) - don't know the odds.
These are my guesses on the chance of getting clean hits with these moves. He might have more but these are the moves at the top of my head.
Drake forgot to mention for Sieg the Clean hits are...
SCH B - chance B
iagA - chance A
agA - chance C
SCH kBE - chance B
SBH B - chance C
44 B/(B) - don't know the odds.
These are my guesses on the chance of getting clean hits with these moves. He might have more but these are the moves at the top of my head.
regular aga has no CH properties afaik?
I remember his 22ka:2AA having a low chance for CH on the second hit
These are my guesses on the chance of getting clean hits with these moves. He might have more but these are the moves at the top of my head.
I looked, I couldn't find anything.

There's the "SHIT" property by 2KKKKK but that's all I could find.
I looked, I couldn't find anything.

There's the "SHIT" property by 2KKKKK but that's all I could find.
The moves I listed are just from in game experience. I don't own the guide. The 2KKKKK "SHIT" shows what Namco thinks of Sieg though. Lol
The 2KKKKK "SHIT" shows what Namco thinks of Sieg though. Lol
The guide was written by a group of European players who aren't affiliated with Namco.

Anyways, I added the clean hit ratings from the guide to Aeon and Algol's wikis.
Can you think of a reason Sieg likes to do the moonwalk?
Because why would you use 2KKKKK anyways instead of forcing a mixup on the opponent? It's always been a pretty shitty move. Good for overkill though.

It's not like Seigfreed is the only victim either. The guaranteed SW K followup after Aeon's 8B+K whiffs if it hits too close and leaves him open so long that the opponent has enough time to stand up and launch him.
But I just Deal With It and find alternatives.
Because why would you use 2KKKKK anyways instead of forcing a mixup on the opponent? It's always been a pretty shitty move. Good for overkill though.

Because getting 42 damage on sleepers and rollers + discouraging future sleeping and rolling is better than going into a stance that can't hit grounded.

Also amazing for overkill.
Because getting 42 damage on sleepers and rollers + discouraging future sleeping and rolling is better than going into a stance that can't hit grounded.

Also amazing for overkill.
This is true.

Look on the bright side. If you JG Seigefred/NM 44K you can punish with all 5 hits of 2K series.
All data within this thread added to the wiki.

Don't forget, they're trade secrets... Don't tell anyone about this.
SCH B - chance B
iagA - chance A
agA - chance C
SCH kBE - chance B
SBH B - chance C
44 B/(B) - don't know the odds.
These are my guesses on the chance of getting clean hits with these moves. He might have more but these are the moves at the top of my head.
To come back to this again. I just tested the values of iaga and SCH K BE and those ranks are definitely way off.

I did each move 200 times and this is what i got:

iaga: 13/200 (6%)
SCH K BE: exactly 50/200 (25%)

I'd say iaga has Rank C and SCH K BE has Rank A and again i've never seen regular aga clean hit ever. I and 11thdimension will test the other moves too.

Btw it would be really helpful if someone else could maybe test what the values for A, B and C correspond to for a char that we have the specific data for, say Patroklos. Right now i feel like C would be something like 5%, B maybe 10-15% and A 25%.
I did each move 200 times and this is what i got:
Something to keep in mind is that clean hits do stale in SCV. The more you use a clean hit move in a match, the less chance you have of getting a clean hit (I don't think LB+RB training reset resets this also, as it only resets the position of the characters and kind of counts as a "new round"; staling carries over rounds). The best way to test this would be to do the move once, quit, restart the match, do it again, etc. And get a larger sample size too, something along the lines of 1000. Don't worry, it'll only take a few dozen hours. Get to it, champ.
I did not know this, thx. Would be kind of interesting to know how the guys of the future guide measured their values.
Wow i got a quick response from the future press guys:
Clean Hit A: CH K BE
Clean Hit B: 66B / 44B / 44K / 66A+B / BH B
Clean Hit C: a: g :A / 1AA / b:4 / 22_88BB / CH B / SH AA

They got their values directly from namco so they don't have the exact numbers for each Rank, but its around this:
Clean Hit A: 30-40%, B: 15-20% C: 5-10%
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