Ivy Combos

Im just curious as to how you get the counter stun hit out of "a+b" with ivy in her coiled stance.

There is 2 variations of a+b.
-a+b,a+k (this one gives a stun even on normal hit. so do this one.)
CL A+BA+K. You MUST wait for the stance change cool down to end though. IF you switch to CL and immediately do CL A+BA+K, you will get CL A+BA~A+K. This does the normal string, failing the stun, then switches to whip. Rarely happens but it will clear up some inconsistency issues.

Ivy has a few tricks like this, all though none quite so obvious. Changes such as damage, SG damage, stun, launch height, etc... can happen when using a stance shift to input a string/move. WP 4B+K for example will do the first hit normal, then finish with CL 4Bs ending instead. Giving better damage, SG damage, and usually combo potential. We have these all listed in the forums.

And do read the stickies. knowing notation is very important since there's a lot of it.
Thanks a bunch to Davo 87 and IvyFanboy.. I really appreciate the info! I just dont understand why other ppl have to be rude when a simple question is asked lol

Thanks again.
Thanks a bunch to Davo 87 and IvyFanboy.. I really appreciate the info! I just dont understand why other ppl have to be rude when a simple question is asked lol

Thanks again.

Hate to say it's the internet. Oddly enough these people are usually pretty nice IRL...but before I met them at evo I thought they were all fuck asses...no offense everybody *angry pirate glare*.

But yeah, do yourself a favor and run the gauntlet of the stickies, you will NEED the knowledge to understand most anything here. I still go back to the terminology chart on some things.

NOW for a lil RO combo. Not a biggy.

We have:


Does longer RO than 66A+B but less damage. Not sure how often you'll use it since CL CH 4B (2nd ONLY) and those combos rarely see play...but yeah...it's there. It does a rather low RO so don't expect to hop any walls.
Hate to say it's the internet. Oddly enough these people are usually pretty nice IRL...but before I met them at evo I thought they were all fuck asses...no offense everybody *angry pirate glare*.

But yeah, do yourself a favor and run the gauntlet of the stickies, you will NEED the knowledge to understand most anything here. I still go back to the terminology chart on some things.

NOW for a lil RO combo. Not a biggy.

We have:


Does longer RO than 66A+B but less damage. Not sure how often you'll use it since CL CH 4B (2nd ONLY) and those combos rarely see play...but yeah...it's there. It does a rather low RO so don't expect to hop any walls.

Thanks for all the info and combos man. And yeah i understand bout ppl being dicks on here lol It always different when you meet someone up front.
OK confirmed (partially) CH WP FC 3B, RCC 1B+K, CL 4B, SW 214K is a combo. If you can't do CH WP FC 3B~A+B consistently, you should look into this one.
Edit: It needs to be tip range works best bcos they need to be aligned for WP 1B+K to hit. The RCC timing makes the combo launch to happen or not.

For tip range:
CH WP 3B> RCC 1B+K> CL 4B> SW 214K (66dmg) if delay SW 214K (94dmg)

Wheres WP 3 is gurranteed at close range or medium range(2B+K) due to the A+B launch positioning. At very tiprange, CH WP 3,A+B misses.

CH WP 3,A+B>1B+K>CL 4B> SW 214K (74dmg) if delay SW 214K (105dmg)
I was testing out Ivy’s ring out combo on a few characters and I noticed a few odd things. (maybe someone can test this to confirm)

CL A+B, A+K [A], Back Dash, 1B+K, 3B+K

This does not work on big characters. Specifically it doesn’t work on 3: Astaroth, Rock, Zasalamel.
What happens is, during the 3B+K hit, they fail half way, thus no ring out at all. Even if you use 2B+K it won’t ring them out cause the same problem. But if you use 3B+K, there is a way continue this combo and at least do some more damage to them. So after 3B+K they fall half way (make sure your holding A), then do 2B+K. 2B+K will pick them up into the air and then 8kB. The damage is about a 1/3 of the life bar.

But there is a better combo option against these 3 characters.
CL A+B, A+K, Back Dash, 1B+K, 2B+K, 66A+B

2B+K will cause a stun on them when it hits and they plop right at your feet. Then you can finish it with 66A+B. It does pretty hefty damage and the 66A+B is a tech trap, so when you use 66B+K transition all the way to sowrd. So after 66A+B connect (hold B+K for till sword) and then they tech, do 6B8. This combo does about half the life bar, and if the tech and you combo with 6B8 the damge is about 2/3 of the life bar. But remember this combo only work on those 3 character.

For every other character the ring out combo works. CL A+B, A+K [A], Back Dash, 1B+K, 3B+K.

Although Nightmare does give some problems, sometime it will ring out other time it wont. The success of ringing him out depends on how close you hit him first with CL A+B, A+K. if you hit very close the ring out will work. If you hit him at max with CL A+B, A+K, then the 3B+K will stun him and he falls half way. But you can do 2B+K and pick him up then 8bK him.
I was playing with CL A+B,A+K some time ago but I haven't found anything useful.

Combos involving WP 1B+K->3B+K after CL A+B,A+K are pretty inconsitent on all characters, not only the large ones. It depends on the angle and distance in which A+B,A+K hits. WP 3B+K will work on Asta when CL A+B, A+K hits from his left side (not sure about other characters)

Unfortunately, when WP 3B+K slams them to the ground halfway, you can't do much. They can block the 2B+K pickup if they hold [G] =/

CL A+B, A+K, Back Dash, 1B+K, 2B+K, 66A+B - 66A+B isn't guaranteed, it can be blocked.
I was messing on practice a little bit today, and found something interesting:


After WSB you switch to CL and immediately do iWS AA. Looks like some characters have terrible difficulties in air controlling WS AA, it might be guaranteed (approximately 70dmg) can anyone check this? I have no access to my PS3 at the moment.
tested with training mode AC and only the first hit of CL WS A is guranteed. The last hit is very easy to AC even for astaroth. backward AC would miss and even forward AC can fly behind u with Ivy ad disadvantage. The dmg varies btn (59-73), max dmg is hard to attain usually. Even at fullhit, she's at disadvantage. :(
Try this i got it to work about 5~6 times this morining

SW WR B[A+k] FC CL 4B 59 damage.

I found this kind of hard to do but it might just be because of my exection being off on top of it being kind of bad

When they land they are to far for the sitletto. You can follow up with 236 BB bringing the damage to 81~83.
Someone try it out see how well it works or if its even worth while. Also try it with CL 6A,A+k this shit is hard as hell. On the few times i got the CL 6A to land i either missed the A+k completly(i mean i didn't press the button soon enough) or got the kick instead of the whip. Im sorry i can't post a vid but i have no way of recording anything but hopefully one of yall can do it an post a vid to show everybody.

The FC may not be nessicary but every time i landed it that what i did.
SW WS B, CL 4B i believe is char dependent. Who did u test it on? CL236BB seems to have more trouble hitting the headside as opposed to the footside. Might just try it myself. Cos it looks capable of knocking the opponent over short walls.

SW WS B, CL 6AA+K's timing is strict. I havent been able to get A+K to comeout bcos of the stance cooldown. If on success it flies further than SW WS B, then it may be worth to try.
Thanks for checking that Davo. It's a shame, I thought it might be guaranteed. Oh well. Looks like SW WS B, 214K is still the best WS B combo at the moment.

CL B is very random after SW WS B, it requires a certain angle to work, and it is characer dependent.

One thing about CL 6AK - it gives a wall splat + DOS on airborne opponent (next to a wall of course). A few examples:

WP 22_88B, CL 6AK
SW WS B, CL 4B i believe is char dependent. Who did u test it on? CL236BB seems to have more trouble hitting the headside as opposed to the footside. Might just try it myself. Cos it looks capable of knocking the opponent over short walls.

SW WS B, CL 6AA+K's timing is strict. I havent been able to get A+K to comeout bcos of the stance cooldown. If on success it flies further than SW WS B, then it may be worth to try.

I did the combo on nightmare. On the times i did get it to land he usally landed with his feet in the air, the CL 236BB was neutral but try it with 236BB 4 or 6. I noticed a while back depending on which one you use it can keep the wiff rate pretty low. Ex. Wp FC 3B Ch CL 236 BB works better i believe if you do 4 but it might be 6 i cant test it right now for sure though(one of them does wiffs completely), but u get what i mean it might not wiff on headside if you use 4 or 6.

Oh maybe thats why i kep getting the kick i though i hit the buttons worng. I didnt even think of cooldown. I thought cooldown only went backwards not forwards.
why don't I see people doing SW/WP moves out of CL very often?

I've been using SW FC 3B out of CL alot lately, you can hardly see the animation and it's almost as if I was just doing it out of SW.

Other helpful moves I've been using from CL are WP 6B+K, WP 44A, and SW 22K