Maxi General Discussion

Sophie vs Maxi is fucking pain! I think that matchup is the worse in this iteration of the series.

Raph 4B is shakeable? I always get hit by the prep A after I eat that move. Is it kinda like Kilik 46B CH stun, where you can shake it but if they do something fast like 6AAA afterwards it's not humanly possible to shake in time?

My main question about Raph 4B is does it cause that stun on NH as well? Because if so, that's what they need to do with Maxi's BL A.
yeah 4B is shakeable on CH or NH
like I said its range specific on if you can shake it or not
if he has to use prep to get closer to you from being outside of point blank range you can shake it, that move definitely has some issues aside from being i20 linear and high.
if you are close 4B prep A isn't shakeable at all...but why would raph be that close? hes much better at long range

and no the worst match up in SC4 is raph vs kilik.....if kilik is at a tourney the raph player is better off staying home. That match up is the number 2 reason I quit raph
But it´s true that in SCIV, the Maxi VS Sophie match up is the worst in the wohle SC-history if you only look at those 2 chars. In SC(DC), SCII and SCIII Maxi could actually fight against Sophie... and win. Even in SCIII, when Sophie was uber-strong. But now... lmao
according to the match up chart...sophie and kilik are his worst match ups!!

I love JB's ideas on WS A, 6Ag, and AAg being safe on block. that would really change a whole lot for maxi!!

6Ag and AAg being safe on block is old news, they both used to be safe in previous versions of the game and I never understood why they changed it in SC4. WS A the way it is now being safe on guard would never happen though. It's funny, I use that move so much but I really never get punished for it being blocked. I blame it on opponents being ignorant of Maxi's frame data. It's why you have people who block the LI AA{B} guardcrush, which still has Maxi at negative frames, and yet still they GI after blocking it lol.

Edit: I fucking HATE the way everytime I try to write a 'hold' notation for B (which is a 'B' surrounded by []), it gives me bold writing instead of what I intended.
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I say fuck it. They screwed Maxi in SC4, and they are going to put in some TAS B tier shit in the next SC anyway. Give us a safe WR A, hell make it do more damage too. You know you'll love it.
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I say fuck it. They screwed Maxi in SC4, and they are going to put in some TAS B tier shit in the next SC anyway. Give us a safe WR A, hell make it do more damage too. You know you'll love it.

Maxi's return to top tier in SC5? I'm all for it, just give us back all the SC2 shit: safe WS K along with WS K having the same launch height as it did in previous SCs so we can connect 66B+K after hit, hell we might be able to connect 33bA, RC A if they did that lol. I actually liked the old WS A but if the one in this game were safe and did its same damage or more that would be awesome. Fuck it, we want top tier Maxi? Give us back 236B the way it was in SC2. Give us back 6A+B just like it was in SC2. Give us 2A+B US SC3 style. Bubbles you like SC4 FC 3AAA? Doesn't hold a candle to SC2 FC 3AAA, give us that one back with the near full tracking and if they get behind you it automatically lets you do BT 2A lol. Give us back 6bAA series from neutral, get rid of this new 3B and give us back our fucking normal B from the previous SCs. Fuck this new RO B, give us our old RO B that links directly into LO BK or give the new one the ability to link into LO B, not the current way it is. 3A doesn't need to go into stance, it needs to have frames like it used to. 3A going into stance is the dumbest thing ever. Give us back the ability to do 4A6bAA series. Only thing they improved Maxi on IMO is his LI transitions and cancels....they are WAY faster than they used to be. Now make the LI/RO option from LI B cancel more definitive and it'll be perfect.
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SC3 2A+B and BL B would be nice
and how about SC3 RC B

FC 3AAA is fine lol I like it how it is now but I love RO in general

[kingace]Bubbles spams FC 3AAA because hes a chump and doesn't know what else to do =)

EDIT: you guys have obviously not done algol vs talim or kilik vs raph
I agree with you guys. Maxi needs his cool SCII/SCIII stuff again.

Oh, and i want tiger pounce(SCII 66A) back, and not only from RC...
SC3 2A+B and BL B would be nice
and how about SC3 RC B

FC 3AAA is fine lol I like it how it is now but I love RO in general

[kingace]Bubbles spams FC 3AAA because hes a chump and doesn't know what else to do =)

EDIT: you guys have obviously not done algol vs talim or kilik vs raph

or mina vs sophie/raph
Maxi vs Algol is a joke though.
Krayzie......So up until this point I ruled out 22_88A as being a totally useless move and just never used it. Boy was I wrong! I love this fuckin move. how fuckin fabulous is that shit!! Its got bad ass range, is safe, got stun properties, I love it!! (but only the version that DOES NOT do into stance....88A on 1P side adn 22A on 2P side)

So hers the question. What do you follow it up with with. so far I got 66AA, and 33A to connection. But not much else. Id beinterested in thoughts and opinions cause Ima be throwin out 33A, 22A, 33K, 1B all fuckin day from now on!!

discuss pros vs cons please!!

Krayzie......So up until this point I ruled out 22_88A as being a totally useless move and just never used it. Boy was I wrong! I love this fuckin move. how fuckin fabulous is that shit!! Its got bad ass range, is safe, got stun properties, I love it!! (but only the version that DOES NOT do into stance....88A on 1P side adn 22A on 2P side)

So hers the question. What do you follow it up with with. so far I got 66AA, and 33A to connection. But not much else. Id beinterested in thoughts and opinions cause Ima be throwin out 33A, 22A, 33K, 1B all fuckin day from now on!!

discuss pros vs cons please!!


After 22A connects CH, you get 4BBK, 2B+K,B all guaranteed...I think that's the best combo. If it connects normal hit, they are backturned so watch out for those super fast BT moves that people like Asta and Sophie has. I use different moves depending on the range and how I think they'll react after getting hit with 22A NH. Most times I just follow with 4B into various shit, sometimes I'll use 33A if they're close just depends. I do love 22A/88A though (not the stance version). If you space it right, you can score CHs a good amount vs shorter range characters.

that shit isnt safe lol

As long as you don't use it at point blank range it generally is safe, the non stance version that is.

Edit: Don't we have any better frame data for Maxi besides the one thread with only the speed of some moves? I'd actually like to see how negative some moves are so I can be certain. I remember testing 22As safety when the game first came out and saw that it wasn't safe like it used to be in all the previous SCs but that's only at point blank range.
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8wr left A is around -13 or so. Fast AAs can punish it, that's about it. Krayzie, check the Maxi wiki, frame data is very reliable, i edited a lotta the data myself, so no Bubbles, it isn't wrong :)

I use almost all Maxi's safeish moves that leave him in neutral. That move was so much more win in the older SCs, 236K used to be guaranteed after heh, for like a million damage. I think it also was close to neutral on block.
HRD this is old news, where've you been :p it was like a day 1 move
after extensive testing last night on my offline close range I couldnt block mitsu's 3A. But he had to be in range to punsih me with it (of course) He couldnt touch me with anything else not even B6. But hes not the greatest mitsu, but I was really paying attention to what he used to punsih me with.

I love this shit. I love it when I find something new that I typically dont use and can now incorperate it in my game. From the few times you and I have played Krayzie, I pay really close attention to what you do, how you play and how you punish. It has opened up so much more shit for me, I love it!!!

I also hear your not reppin maxi in pasadena. Does that mean I dont get the maxi mirror I was hopin for? But I know ur gonna be right behind me coachin me the whole way....right.....bastard!!

@JB.....Maybe thats because I saw the -14 on block shit up there

8wr left A is around -13 or so. Fast AAs can punish it, that's about it. Krayzie, check the Maxi wiki, frame data is very reliable, i edited a lotta the data myself, so no Bubbles, it isn't wrong :)

I use almost all Maxi's safeish moves that leave him in neutral. That move was so much more win in the older SCs, 236K used to be guaranteed after heh, for like a million damage. I think it also was close to neutral on block.
HRD this is old news, where've you been :p it was like a day 1 move

Agreed, it used to be my favorite move in SC1,2, and 3. In SC3 it lead to an easy 97 damage combo and with B+KBBBA JF the combo damage was like 123 or something ridiculous like that.

And give HRD a break, he's been playing with those scrubby button mashing Maxi's and lag abusers on xboxlive for so long that he hadn't seen Maxi's actual good moves lol.

Also HRD, don't use it close enough to where something like Mitsu 3A can connect. Remember to try to hit it at tip range so that even if they block, they're nowhere near you. Even if you hit 44A at tip range, 4BBK will still connect most looks like it won't but it will. Like in this vid of me vs Koompbala in the first round:

I can think of a few things that could punish 88A regardless
umbrella,raph 6BB and 4K,sophie and cas 236B, amy 6BB, algol A(first hit has stupid long range)
I'm sure theres more but thats all I can think of off the top of my head
LMAO, I would love to give HRD a break, but I just....can't :) i love him too much. For not knowing about 8WR left A i now have to DEMOTE him to just DAVE all over again. What a troubled relationship we have, ces't la vie c'est la vie.

I noticed something recently that was shocking to me. Mitsu's 2A is like one of the fastest in the game.....faster than Sophie's! what the cuss.

post aK blocked, Sophie's 2A trades with LO B. poor child.
Mitsu's 2A interrupts! noooo :( i still like aK though.

Anyway for those who were wondering how to apply psl4_5 loops. Here a few situations it works well. No other is reliable imo.
Post aK blocked -> PSL to MAXI'S right, you will evade any retaliation that would've otherwise interrupted LO B, good in general. Escapes FC K too.
3B blocked closish range, is the same
RO B, escapes many punishment options
You must PSL to MAXI's right
I think FC 1AB is a good one too, but i hardly ever use that. It eats up the gauge though. Many might not know HOW to punish it though since it's so rare :/ dunno
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I can think of a few things that could punish 88A regardless
umbrella,raph 6BB and 4K,sophie and cas 236B, amy 6BB, algol A(first hit has stupid long range)
I'm sure theres more but thats all I can think of off the top of my head

Not so simple as that. the move is bs-13 -14, -13 at range, so Sophie's 236B doesn't punish, and therefore neither does umbrella unless they (buffered), and definitely not Cass, even at closer range she can't punish it with that iirc. The rest I guess can, but that's like a handful of characters