Mi-na Matchup Discussion

You know, I'm no pro either, but it's really apparent even at my level that she's terrible in high level play. Some really amazing people might be able to take her kinda far, but if you want to compete, I'd suggest a different character.

This is coming from a Mina fanboy of sorts.
Right now, I'm definitely not good enough for things like tiers to matter for me (or the people I play against), but if I decide to go to tournaments in the future, would Mina be able to compete at all? It seems the consensus is that she's a pretty bad character, and people are even saying she's the worst in the tier discussion thread. I play SSBM competitively, and hoping to avoid a repeat of what happened there (first main was a low tier, eventually deciding to switch to top/high after some tourneys). Really asking an honest question here, please no flames. Thanks.

She is pretty bad, but pay absolutely NO MIND AT ALL to that. Play this character cuz you love this character, and enjoy the game, and do your best. If all you want to do is win, she's not the way to go honestly, she requires a lot of work, but she's a lot of fun. And yes she can compete with any character as long as you know her well enough. Albeit you may have to know the opponent's character better than average.
In other words, you have to work harder and quite possibly play smarter (Depending on the opponent's character). That's the same with all low tier characters (And mid tier characters, to a smaller extent).... except for Yoda, who's just a little green pile of glitches and fail.
Thanks for the quick replies. I don't mind not winning, but it's just that in Melee certain characters will probably get you knocked out in 2 matches every time against decent players (unless you're amazing). As long as SC4 Mina isn't like that, I think I'll keep using her for a while.

On another note, does anyone know if Shen Yu used her at all in the Singapore tourney? He got 3rd, though the vids posted today were just of his Cass.
I was playing on auto-pilot for almost all the tourney. So I played a character who I could do that with. Auto-pilot with Mina against anyone decent will usually get you killed. Lol. I'll try play a bit of Talim and Mina next time.

There were a couple of Minas in the videos if you're interested. Though wouldn't take this batch of tourney videos as particularly good examples of high level play anyway.
Hay, winning tournies comes first..... Of course, winning a tourney against decent players with Mi-na (Not Mi-na exclusively, lol. She has some nasty matchups) would be nifty.
There were a couple of Minas in the videos if you're interested. Though wouldn't take this batch of tourney videos as particularly good examples of high level play anyway.

I'd definitely watch them even if they're not the best examples as you say. There seems to be a lack of vids with her on the net.
Haha, you should definitely disregard tiers. It's more fun that way.

In related news, I'm entering Wisconsin's regionals with Mi-Na. I don't have any secondary/tertiary characters. Wish me luck. -_-;
Disregard tiers, yes, but remember that Mina beats Taki for free. You may as well exploit her one and only good match-up.

Aside from that, I think that Mina in a tourney may not be so bad. I mean, she's bad, but I think she's better off in a tourney environment, if only because your opponent will probably make the mistake of not pitbulling all over you, and if you give Mina some space and time to work, she can win games. I also had some very tight (for me, and for Mina) matches with Vint's Sophie recently that made me think twice about Mina and how I was playing her. She can actually do the safe thing pretty well, and you have to play safe against against Vints. :/

Anyways, for matchups, to be on topic, I've been having a hell of a time with Cervy. With Mina and with Rock. I think it's just a terrible matchup, really. He can effectively punish so much of what Mina does, not for Sophie-damage, but at least as consistently, and his fast mids are a pain to deal with. Add to that his TJ options for moving in and you're forced to stop using 4A for spacing, which is a bad spot to be in. It also helps that the only 2 Cervy players I've played against are just much better than me right now, and that I don't know dick about him as a character past that I don't like him and franman gets 80% of his iGDRs out.
Mina vs Mitsurugi

I need a lot of help on how to not get destroyed by Mitsurugi. He has moves with fairly good range that are pretty fast, deal a good amount of damage, and are pretty safe. I don't have too much trouble with most other characters, other than Sophie and Ivy. But I just can't seem to get used to his low-high mix-ups and most Mitsu's I fight use no more than 3 different moves, but I end up getting pummeled anyways.
Not in her favour. But not really terrible either. Main problem is his ranged shit is easier to land than her ranged shit. That and he does way better than her at close range.
As I say, I'm sure it's mostly me ignorance. I just don't have much Cervy experience right now, besides a few matches with franman and kowtow a while back. I just know that at mid range my stuff was getting punished more than I'd experienced with any other character, though maybe that's just the people I play against. Next time I'll just ask more questions.

Anyways, I got vids from the last tourney. I won a couple matches with Mina, but I was doing way better with Rock. I spent half my time with her just dicking around with aGIs to see what would happen. I think I'm going to start using 4B+K more, for sure.

I did play a decent Asty player, and I've heard some people have problems with him. I found him pretty easy to deal with playing Mina, as long as you don't get to greedy with your FC3Bs at range, but even then, if you're far out he can't really 22B you. After blocking bullrush 4A will beat his 6K and any throw mixups he wants to do. Plus, his huge model makes landing pogo extra easy.
I need to find better Kiliks. The ones I have (Even when they know what they're doing) make it seem like a neutral matchup at the very least, lol.
Mina handles mitsu pretty well cuz Mitsu can't punish her well at all eg 6BA, 2A+B, 1BA. AT close range, a constant supply of 6AK, 4A, 9K coupled with smart autoGI use keeps him at bay.
He's one of the few characters that is somewhat easy to autoGI reflexively cuz of stuff like MST 6B, RLC B, 4KB and the sorts. Just look out for them.
Yeah. Spam 6BB and other moves you normally wouldn't be able to get away with since they're unsafe. Mitsu can't effectively punish. On the other hand. 4A doesn't work nearly as well against Mitsu since a good chunk of his moves have enough range to hit you out of it.
Don't know Mitsu in SC4, but I've noticed some things.

Mina has good options to beat out his stances, especially at range. You can use something like 44B or FC1B from far away not have to worry about getting mangled for it. You can punish 2KB with WRB, but it'll probably be too close to get you anything. WRK will probably whiff, maybe FC1KK might work well?

Also, if you're feeling really cocky, you can beat 4B with a well timed 6BB (the first hit will clash, the second will hit). I don't know how easy it would be to do consistently, but it's fun when it happens.

But, yeah, seems like it's probably in his favour. If Oof played his mitsu more I'd have a better idea about it, but he doesn't, so I don't. :/

I think I'm going to start using 11A more. Seems like it'll fill a lot of gaps for me right now.
11A is pretty good if used at tip range. It's not exactly easy to see coming either. That was one of the moves I used the most when I first started out with her.

A bit off topic here, but last night I was watching videos of Mi-na from SC3 for the first time. Man, she had some good moves taken away from her. That one Auto-GI ring out kick was totally boss. I wish she still had that. I would abuse that so much if she did.

What did it aGI?
Hmm, I suppose I should write about characters I have issues with:

Voldo - Jesus, his options, soul damage, and mix-ups are just...ridiculous. Honestly, I freeze up more often than not just waiting for Voldo to move so I "might" have an idea of what's going on. Any specific moves I should be using? Cha Cha told me if I was being seriously pressured that I should just B+K away, but I'm not sure if that's really enough.

Amy - Specifically a very bulldog-ish Amy. Lots of 6:6B, 66A, etc. It just seems like she gets crazy frame adv. off of really stupid crap. I haven't played him in a good while, and I've improved since then, but I'm still unsure as to how I'd fair. I suppose just stepping a lot would help?
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