Nightmare Web Theater.

So for people who like to stand-up post-A+G, it's (delay) grab and 3B/33B mixup, right? I remember playing one of the famous Korean players and he always stood up afterwards. I think I mashed grab too soon and I would whiff (overcompensation for playing with online lag), so I opted out for 2B+K, but he kept GI-ing that... orz
2A+B hits most characters even if they roll. Think of that as another mixup option. I should make a NM tutorial video with Shen Rii this year.
That Mitsu is crazy. But i think the NMs are playing a lot of the matchups wrongly. Wrong use of GS B on wakeup too. But thats my opinion. It sure is flashy though.
Check out the finish on this video. Never seen that before.

I'd like the record to show that my W/L record for those matches ended up being far better than how they started lol
An old video of me vs davo at BAM last year. This was an FT3 which i believe is much more indicative of how i normally play.

I only watched the first match - you weren't punishing him for a lot of borderline unsafes so I assumed the rest was similair - sry dude :S
What unsafes? Elaboration would be nice.

B+K punish for borderline unsafe? Huh? I don't get it. B+K sends you into Night side stance, i don't see how i can punish unsafes with that unless im baiting them and making them whiff.

Would like to see some of your videos so i can watch them half way and give you comments based on that too.
No, you misunderstand me - in the first match you were letting Ivy get away with -15s and 16s and I didn't see any NSS whiff punishment against SW pressure is all I meant - that said NMs quick punishers leave him at disadvantage anyway...
I figured you would play similarly throughout is all.