[Ohio] Class is now in session

I'm not sure if I should go to Console Combat Sept. 9 because of my fall semester classes at Miami. One pro is that my last class is on Thursdays. One con is that my first class starts Monday afternoon. However, when I returned from July's Console Combat, it was early Monday morning, so I'm feeling optimistic. I tried to assure RyuJin that I would come to September's Console Combat if I wasn't too busy with college. To be honest, I think he wants revenge on me. XD
we've been having trouble with the date, so console combat has actually been pushed back to sept 16th. same offer as last month sluch/ragnarok if you guys want to come in and stay for free. since it's on the 16th, tag2 will be out!

meleoffs: we (cleveland) just don't post on here often. the scene's actually fairly big. hit up console combat on the 16th. http://consolecombat.net/index.php?location=events&cur_date=2012-09-09&calid=67& (i know the date on there is wrong because it hasn't been updated as of today. it is on the 16th now) there's also season's beatings in independence on sept 28th-30th.

psn is also the worst thing ever to be invented on this planet. play offline
Ragnarok: Thanks for the heads up there Ryan. Hopefully I'll be able to go there on the 16th. I put in schedule preferences for my work schedule at work today to have Saturdays & Sundays off. Highly doubt I'll get those days off consistently, but here's to hoping though. Lol. If I do get that Sunday off, you best believe I'll be going up there & if you need a lift, I can spot ya again Ryan if need be.

Jansauer: Thanks for the heads up on the date change. I saw that on TZ on the Cleveland thread there when Trike posted up. I'll do my best to make it there. Also, this time around I think I'll take ya up on that offer for a place to stay there Eric. I greatly appreciate it bro.

Also, some good news from some recent bad news I had. Since my 80 gig PS3 died a few weeks ago (Yellow Lighted a 2nd time on me), I said "fuck it" & bought myself a new 160 gig slim PS3 today. Once I get my copy of SC5 out of my broke PS3, I'll be good to go again. I transferred my account data from my old PS3 to my new PS3, so I'm good to go there, but it's gonna suck since I won't have all my save data there anymore on my new PS3, so I won't be on Level 99 anymore & I"ll start out at newbie status. That's alright though, I guess I'll be surprising the shit outta everyone I play online in SC5 & be pissing some people off b/c they think they're gonna whoop up on some scrub, but instead they'll be getting their asses handed to them by a Level 1 player. Hahaha.
what's the next thing going on at al? i might be working two jobs atm, but i still usually have saturday and sunday off and would love to drive down there again
As of now Eric, there's not too much going on at AL in terms of SC5 these days for tournaments & what not. We barely have been getting any games in for SC5 at AL & or at house gatherings as well due to people loosing interest or playing other games. If anything comes up for SC5 at AL soon, I'll post up & let everyone know what's happening.
I'll try coming to AL Fight Night after my morning nursing class at the Greentree Academy near the Atrium Hospital. Haven't visited in a while.
That will be awesome if you can start going to Fight Nights again Ryan. If that's the case, we'll have to get some SC5 in for sure my good sir.
Great games in SC5 earlier tonight at Arcade Legacy with Ragnarok, Senzait, & Jesse. It was hella fun chilling with you guys as always & getting some good games in for sure.
Good games in SC5 to TiZ & Arkayne at Arcade Legacy earlier tonight. It was a lot of fun getting those matches in with ya guys.
Good games to Skeez (Adam) & Combot001 (Kam) at Kam's place last night in Soul Calibur 5. Fun times & good matches for sure.
console combat this coming sunday. you guys still planning on making the trip? i really wanna get some quality games in if you guys are gonna come in on saturday
I got Sunday off work this week, so I'll be there for sure Eric. I think I'm gonna binge on SC5, TTT2, & beer while I'm up in Cleveland. Lol.

I definitely plan on heading up there Saturday night. I hope I can get outta work at a decent time on Saturday so I can head up there in a reasonable hour that night to get games in. I'll give ya a text or call Eric to let you know what time I'm heading up there.
I got Sunday off work this week, so I'll be there for sure Eric. I think I'm gonna binge on SC5, TTT2, & beer while I'm up in Cleveland. Lol.

I definitely plan on heading up there Saturday night. I hope I can get outta work at a decent time on Saturday so I can head up there in a reasonable hour that night to get games in. I'll give ya a text or call Eric to let you know what time I'm heading up there.

Damn, I want some beer sand vidjya games. Gonna see if I like Tekken, so hopefully I can play with you all in the room the next time we all meet up!
I got Tekken Tag 2 today and I must say I'm VERY impressed, everything is so crisp! Jun is very awesome!
As for Console Combat, I highly doubt I'll make it because of all the studying for my Nursing classes. If I'm not mistaken, it's this weekend, correct?
LP: Drinking some beer & playing some fighting games is a great combination indeed. If you can add some fine ladies to the mix, it's the best combination in the world. TTT2 is pretty damn awesome. If you can make it to Console Combat or Season's Beatings, we'll have to chill for sure my good sir.

Ragnarok: TTT2 is indeed awesome & so is Jun. I tried her out a bit in the lab, & so far I like what she's got. A very awesome character indeed. As far as Console Combat is concerned, it is this Sunday actually. Sucks if you gotta get that studying in, but school does come first Ryan, so I don't blame ya my good sir. I'd say if ya can't make this, try to make Season's Beatings for sure at the end of this month. That shit is gonna be hype.
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Sluch if you're getting drunk gaming in at SB you gotta let me know where you'll be at, I'm not a Tekken guy but I'm def down for VF5 and iirc I haven't played you since that one old ranbat.